Avatar of Daxam


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current Just saw Sonic 3. Looking forward to the next one, already lol
2 mos ago
I found out that Peter Cullen, the voice of Eeyore and Optimus Prime, himself, also provided the vocalizations for the Predator in the first movie. What can't that man do?
2 mos ago
I'm more excited for six days off of work than I am for the birthday I have that week
3 mos ago
Chime just told me my balance has seen better days. Yeah, I get it, I'm poor
3 mos ago
Just finished the last three episodes of Arcane. It was a good finale, but I think I'll need to sleep on it to really figure out how I feel about it


Welcome to Hell (AKA, the mind of an idiot)

Most Recent Posts

@Daxam I wonder how he knows she works at the casi-

Oh, right, he's a magician!

Or Ryoki mentioned she had a shift at the casino when they were hanging out XD
@Delta44 since editing the tags in doesn't seem to work. Zac texted Ryoki
After parting ways with Ryoki, Zac had noticed the time and made a mad dash back to the Shining Kettle. While he returned after Shizuka had left, he had still made it back just in time to avoid being counted late. The barista then showed Zac his share of the tip left behind by one of the customers, a tip he felt he didn't deserve for being gone so long. However, he resolved to spend the rest of his shift earning the tip, doing his best to entertain and please whatever customer had come in.

Due to this, his shift felt like it would never end, thanks to how hard he was working, but he still had a blast regardless. When the end of his shift did roll around that evening, Zac was happy to take his earnings and return home, where he changed into a more comfortable t-shirt, jacket, and jeans. After dressing, he pulls out his phone and checks the time.

For a moment, the idea to call Ryoki flits through his mind, but is immediately pushed aside when he realizes that if she wasn't working when they met, then she was probably working now. After a moment of deliberation, he pulls up Ryoki's number. Instead of calling her, however, he sends her a brief text, simply letting her know to text him should she find herself in possession of some free time.@Delta44

"So," he mutters to himself. "What to do, next?" Thanks to the money he made during his shift, he didn't have to worry about about bills and food, anymore, and even had a little spending money. I don't feel like going to the club again, he thinks, and I'm sure everywhere else is closed, right now. He checks his phone again. 9:30. Yep. Definitely closed. Suppose I could just go for a walk, then. After weighing his options (those being 'sleep' and 'take a walk'), he figures it was still too early to sleep. Slipping his phone into his pocket, he steps through the door and heads back out onto the sidewalk once more.
Gonna take a bit of a nap. When I wake back up, I'll get my post up. Think I'll just have Zac wander and if anyone wants to interact with him after I post, feel free :)

Never mind. Can't sleep. I'll post now :T
I need someone to become Zac's partner in magic so we can have something like a Penn and Teller act :3
@Cirrus I don't know what @Delta44's talking about. I need, like, four more like buttons XD
Huh...I'm not giving up by any means, but it's starting to look to me like Zac has just as much luck with girls as I do in real life...

Since I am uninteresting and in the mood for more 1x1's, I am bumping this although nothing has changed! If anyone has any ideas for RP's or if they want to make something out of what is mentioned in the first post (I'm still up for that Crisis Core-inspired one), please don't hesitate to let me know!

(._.) ƪ(‘-‘ ƪ)(ʃ ‘-‘)ʃ (/._.)/
@Takashi I'll check it out, thanks ^^
The stream I was watching is down due to ISP issues, I'm downloading a game right now, so I can't play any, YouTube doesn't interest me, right now, all my RP partners are asleep, no anime streaming sites work when I'm downloading, I'm not tired, and no one's on the Chatzy.

This is the most bored I've ever felt :|

I shall be on the Chatzy if any wishes to speak with me!
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