Avatar of Daxam


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2 mos ago
Current Just saw Sonic 3. Looking forward to the next one, already lol
2 mos ago
I found out that Peter Cullen, the voice of Eeyore and Optimus Prime, himself, also provided the vocalizations for the Predator in the first movie. What can't that man do?
2 mos ago
I'm more excited for six days off of work than I am for the birthday I have that week
3 mos ago
Chime just told me my balance has seen better days. Yeah, I get it, I'm poor
3 mos ago
Just finished the last three episodes of Arcane. It was a good finale, but I think I'll need to sleep on it to really figure out how I feel about it


Welcome to Hell (AKA, the mind of an idiot)

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<Snipped quote by Daxam>

Or he pushes it down a slope and it ends up flipping end-over-end before completely missing her and ending up in a pond.

Or it just veers off to the side
@lovely complex Actually it was a brief homage to her present fame and the likelihood of crazy fans... fans with cars that Vern does not have at present. Although... he could probably borrow a shopping cart somewhere and try running her over that way.

That's an amusing image. I can just see him pushing a cart at her and it just kinda nudges her a bit XD
I wanna post. I have it all written up in another tab and everything XD
@DaxamIt was pretty even not too long ago until the US Dollar made a come back xD But it seems like its always been fairly close though.

Even nowadays, I just assume the conversion rate is a hundred yen for every dollar. I'm usually never too far off XD

Ah, Spongebob. How you're considered a children's show with how graphic you can be, I'll never know XD
@Daxam 11,810 Yen to be precise xD
It's not even really his money. It's the money his mom gave him. >.>
The broke life.

I was only off by 1810 yen. That's not that bad XD
@lovely complex

Aye-aye, capitan!
@Daxam approach. Unless, Rek has other plans. I gave an opening with Amity saying her name xDD

Which is why I'm wondering if now's a good time. Having Zac come up seems a bit wedged in XD
Al has maybe like... $100 on him xD But that's before dinner, after dinner he will probably have nothing xD SHIZUKA IS BREAKING HIS BANK. THERE IS NOTHING TO STEAL.

That's, what, 10,000 yen, thereabouts?

Also, @Rekaigan and @lovely complex, is now a good time to have Zac approach? Or should I wait?
<Snipped quote by Daxam>

@Haeo Steal 3x the amount, that way you'll cover the expense of getting there, the expense of getting back and still have the money you intended to get in the first place.

See? There's way too much math involved for a simply snatch-and-grab! Not worth it
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