Avatar of Daxam


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current Just saw Sonic 3. Looking forward to the next one, already lol
2 mos ago
I found out that Peter Cullen, the voice of Eeyore and Optimus Prime, himself, also provided the vocalizations for the Predator in the first movie. What can't that man do?
2 mos ago
I'm more excited for six days off of work than I am for the birthday I have that week
3 mos ago
Chime just told me my balance has seen better days. Yeah, I get it, I'm poor
3 mos ago
Just finished the last three episodes of Arcane. It was a good finale, but I think I'll need to sleep on it to really figure out how I feel about it


Welcome to Hell (AKA, the mind of an idiot)

Most Recent Posts

Hey, all, just wanted to let you guys know that I'll get started on making a character but I probably won't be able to finish it until later tonight, as I have to work in about an hour! Really looking forward into jumping into this!
At least an understanding of the setting, so long as you dont do anything crazy. I would prefer if people would have minimum watched the anime, but if that is not possible, then the wikia is a good source imo~.

That being said, I am still accepting.

In that case, I may go ahead and hold off on applying for a spot, at least until I can watch a few episodes of the anime to get an idea of what it's like. This is actually a good opportunity because I've been meaning to watch it for ages, haha
How familiar do I need to be with either series to be part of this? Could I look up a wiki and reference that or should I watch the shows before throwing my hat into this ring? Assuming you're still accepting, of course!
Hey, still looking? Been a while since I was last part of a group RP, but I'd love to get back into it!

Also, wanted to say that if Monster Hunter isn't your forte, but you have an idea for a story you really wanna do, send me a message!
So, over the last week or so, I've been playing World...a lot. Recently beat the story and I'm eventually gonna get around to some investigations and side hunts, but probably after the deviljho update drops, so I don't kill my enthusiasm for the game.

Anyway, onto what you're reading this for: the RP. I was hoping to find someone to brainstorm with, as I don't have much of an idea past this being more open than the games, being more of a journey than just a series of hunts. Our characters could have just met, been friends, or even in a relationship, for a while, etc.

I also want there to be an end goal. Are they trying to find something? Someone? Are they going after some elusive and insanely dangerous monster? Who knows? (Well, we will, obviously).

Couple of things to touch on regarding my partners and OOC: I highly encourage OOC chatter. I feel that if we want this RP to work, we have to keep up a dialogue between ourselves as well as our characters. And it doesn't always have to be about the RP, either!

As for partners, I'd prefer a female character for possible romance.

So, if this sounds fun to you, send me a message! Looking forward to getting this going!
Ooh, awesome! Glad to see the concept hasn't died!

I'll go ahead and get to working on a CS later today!
These words have fascinated me for a long time. The idea of a hero who had spent his or her life protecting those they care for eventually either going insane or going to such extreme lengths to protect people, that they eventually become viewed as a villain or at worst, a monster. They lose their way.

I wanna do an RP exploring this kind of plot. I'd prefer if we start off from the very beginning, where we have our hero going on a quest to stop a villain, then we go on. While this is tagged as 1x1, I'm open to the possibility of making a small group.

PM me if interested :)
If anyone knows how to say 'bump' in another language, post now!
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