Maan de Steenwinkel | #E59866
“I've got no roots, but my home was never on the ground.”___Alice Merton ➵ | NAME |Ember Sterre Lief (pronounces like leaf, means sweet)
Leaf, Amberleigh (because Ember Leigh is sometimes hard to pronounce for Americans)
➵ | DATE OF BIRTH |May, 4th (Zodiac)
➵ | AGE |24
➵ | GENDER |Female
➵ | SEXUALITY |Bisexual
➵ | RELATIONSHIP STATUS |Single and ready to mingle
➵ | PLACE OF BIRTH |The Hague, The Netherlands
WEIGHT: 165lb
HAIR: Dirty blonde, long and wavy
EYES: Greyblue
SKIN TONE: Light, sunkissed, freckly
CLOTHING STYLE: Casual, Parisian, Bohemian, Comfy
OTHER: Piercings: Left ear: 2x forward helix, 1 normal helix piercings, 3x lobe earrings. Right ear: 3x lobe earrings. Tattoo's: A small
tattoo behind her ear with a moon and stars, a tattoo her sister Luna also has, due to their names. (Luna = Moon. Ember's second name is Sterre = stars).
| PERSONALITY |Ember is a cheerful individual. She is often described as sunny, comforting and a little bit wacky. This especially comes into play with her job at the daycare, where the kids love her playful personality. That does not mean she doesn't have a different side. She struggles with insecurities because of her situation, being in a different country and away from what she knows. Cultural differences hit her hard sometimes, and this is often noticeable by others who may perceive Ember as too blunt, or too forward, as beating around the bush is not something Ember does. This sometimes causes communication issues, and the thought that people may dislike her weighs heavy on her. She is in limbo on whether to remain here in LA or to go back home to the Netherlands. Which results in anxiety about life choices and small choices, such as the break up with her ex.
The people in Ember's life are important to her, and thus she'll often ensure they feel that way, through small acts of kindness, remembering things and random professions of love and caring.
| LIKES |- Anything caramel flavoured
- Cooking for others (Feeding is a love language)
- Playing video games
- Coffee
- Social activities, having friends around
- Her cat, Sky
- Funky printed socks
- Anything with watermelon print on it
- Going to the gym
- Plants, massive amounts of plants
| DISLIKES |- Anything with cilantro in it
- Gambling (and people who gamble)
- Immature people
- Getting flowers
- Guns
| HABITS |- She tends to talk to her plants like she talks to the children at the daycare
- Checks her phone a lot for messages from people who will not be messaging her anyways
- Likes going on bike rides (Yes, in Los Angeles.. it's in her Dutch blood okay?)
- Has no issues with going to restaurants and cafe's on her own for dinner or coffee
| FEARS |- The ocean (thalassaphibia)
- Cabs
- Flying (especially over water)
- LA at night
| BACKGROUND |Ember grew up in the Netherlands, in a quaint village together with her mom, dad and sister Luna. She led an average life without real ups or downs. While in university to become a teacher, she spend her spare time either gaming online or hanging out with friends in town. Due to a housing crisis in her country, she kept living at home while at college. This was okay though, as she liked spending time with her sister, especially during the growing unease her parents were having with each other. While in the midst of a divorce, Ember fled more and more to online gaming and eventually met a boy. I know, cliché right? That cliché didn't occur to Ember though, who fell head over heels for this American boy who lived in the City of Angels. Soon, they became long-distance boyfriend and girlfriend. Escaping her life in the Netherlands became more and more of a fairytale, an ideal dream to live in America, with her boyfriend, Jack. To experience Los Angeles, America, hell, even a Walmart was exciting for Ember. She dropped her education, job and friends as she braved her fear of flying and the ocean to take that plane, fly to him. Everything suddenly seemed perfect, a real dream come true.
But it wasn't like that. Jack spends a lot of time working & being away with friends, leaving Ember to fend for herself a lot of time. The city became increasingly scarier to her, especially at night. It didn't take long before she became isolated in Jack's apartment, alone and scared, and her "American Dream" came crashing down on her. She felt stuck between a rock and a hard place, feeling unable to live or work. Going back didn't feel like an option, as she had dropped everything and everyone back home.
While grabbing some mail in Jack's apartment building's lobby, she ran into a friendly neighbour called Mia. Mia was her age and they took a liking to each other right away. She and her boyfriend, Ryan, invited Ember on outings, movies, and restaurants end explained the city to her. Slowly, Ember got her trust and confidence back. Mia worked at a local daycare centre, and with some creative administration, luck and charm, they hired Ember and arranged a working VISA for her. This independence and the gaining of self-worth caused her to finally jump Jack, whom she found out was also cheating on her with someone else.
Due to her job, Ember found an apartment of her own and started socialising with the people on her floor and in her building. She is becoming more and more like her sunny self.