Avatar of Deadlyrose9641


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2 yrs ago
Current To all my partners, Father’s Day plans today so no replies till tomorrow or Monday thanks for the patience
4 yrs ago
To all partners waiting on replies, I have come me down with something , so I won’t be posting rn. I’ll keep you updated and in the loop
4 yrs ago
Welp I’m back. Sorry for leaving without warning to all my partners
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4 yrs ago
Guild seems quiet today
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4 yrs ago
My roommates dog has broken two glass tables now... Pitbulls
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I recently have put together a game of 5e Dnd for some friends and the idea is based around using fire emblem

Some mechanics we’ve decided on, all humans for race no stat benefit however, with a stat array of 16,16,14,12,10,8

Swords get an extra d8 damage against axe weilders, axes get an extra d8 against lance users, and lance user get an extra d8 towards swords users

All official 5e classes plus you will pick your fire emblem class and at each asi you will gain a feat related towards your fe class,

Bows get adv. plus 2d8 extra damage to flying mounted people,

My question is this, I’m struggling to write this campaign for them a bit, and was wondering if anyone wanted to help me write it ?
Ok weird idea here , it will involve mostly smut and I need a male for this , if your interested in possibly doing this idea with me please pm me :)

We can discuss details there
Ok so basically I want to write smut for the night I’m open to most things only catch is I want to play a female regardless of MxF or FxF

If interested pm me your idea or pairing or preference
I’ll make this brief, I am currently looking for a long term Naruto RP

Details- I will be playing a female, and I’m fine with both a male and female partner opposite me.
18+ only since things could get sexual or dark or whatever and this will allow us to RP without avoid things that come up
I want the world of Naruto but a bit harsher tone, not so shonen.

If interested in discussing details and ideas please pm me
Was wondering if anyone wanted to commit to a couple posts of a paragraph or longer of a mostly smut plot for the night.

I will be playing a female, that being said I enjoy my opposite as male female or Futa , and plot doesn’t matter that much to me
Added a new plot and some other stuff
Hi, My name's Rose and I have recently returned from a few month hiatus due to school, and work. I am back now (thankfully) and more then ready to jump right back into the swing of things. I prefer to play females, but a great plot may inspire otherwise, i also enjoy my opposite (that's you) to be what they prefer aswell, pretty much what ever they prefer as well, as long as it works with in the plot. I do have a few rules however,
1. Must be 18+ to RP with me, even if there isnt smut, i just feel more comfortable that way
2. RP's may contain smut, but they should never devolve into only that
3. Decent post size, i can do 1 paragraph up to 3-4, anything less, and i lose interest, anything more, and my post work might slip
4. Through PM's Only
5. Don't control my character, and i won't control yours(surprising that i have to put that, but its happen to often.)

Ok now that being strict is out of the way, why don't we get to the only part your going to actually read first, plot ideas, and fandoms. I'll keep it short, but know if you have something, in the anime/slice, or a D&D esque, feel free to PM me with those idea's as well.

League of Legends


A Magical Connection: The two of us will be students at an academy for mages, set in present day. This would be a romance and a fnatasy adventure, while we figure out our magic, the world around us, and our feelings for eachother. I have a few ideas concerning this plot, if interest i cn answer questions via PM

Life of a Gamer YC and MC are both gamers on the same semi pro team, we struggle with the pressures of the pro gaming scene along with the highs and lows that comes with doing something you love day in and day out.

A sort list of games I would know well enough would be:
1. League of Legends
3. Smite( I think I’m the only one at this point lol)

Work in progress will add more

My prefered role will be second

Student X Student, preferably highschool
Vampire X Human
Kiba X Hinata
Sasuke X Ino
Ino X Hinata
Prince/Princess X Concubine

Please PM me with your ideas, or any interest in the ones above
I'll be honest I think my delayed response has you guys held up a bit so I'm sorry for that
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