Fel looked up as Jet entered the flight deck, His large frame filling much of the available space in the doorway. He nodded at the appraisal of their current situation, patting the blinking navacomp. Everywhere aboard the 'UA' there were wear marks, in some cases places on the duralumin floor grating that had been worn smooth from a hundred years of use. "Same same..." he concurred. "She'll be fine. Plenty to trade where we're going." Which brought him back around to Aellyn. His reply was neither hostile, nor dismissive. It merely was. "No, you're right. I don't recall mentioning Lotho when you approached us about passage offworld. But then, I seem to recall you were either desperate enough, or determined to keep a low enough profile that you chose this ship out of the Underworld, instead of some lux transport from the spires. You are the detour, Aellyn. Lotho was always the destination." He let that sink in for a moment, before continuing. He was glad Jet was in the doorway, because the look Aellyn gave him said she might have rather left the bridge, had his mechanic not been blocking her path. "I've got a job on Lotho. Worth good creds." He paused, regarding her, deep in thought, also shot a glance up at his mech. "Jet and I can do it ourselves, but you've been an asset so far, and those charts and codes are worth well more than passage offworld. If you're interested, I'd mebbe cut you in a share." he shrugged, noncommittal. "...give you some spending coin once you get where you're going. And... you help us with this job, you pick your destination. No extra charge."
It was -- he believed -- a fair offer. But the choice was Aellyn's. Some would want no part of what Fel was going to say. (most, truth go on ahead and be told.) And depending on her allegiances, she might decide it was too risky. But she'd be flying blind, because there was no way in the three suns he'd be telling her the plan before she opted in, or out. Looking back at Jet, Fel gave the most miniscule jerk of his head, letting the much larger man know he should move aside. If she wanted out, now was the time. He looked back to Aellyn, her face unreadable, and then to Wrench, raising an eyebrow. The little droid warbled mournfully.