I've been out all day. Lol so I would have volunteered. I mean considering he had his own little lair most likely with a computer and he's smart himself, Jonathan probably would have fair know how of computers.
Anyway, I don't mind that really though. Still, he might begin tinkering with the stuff and suits later on. Especially his own. I'll also be adding thoughts on characters sometime tomorrow/today since it's almost two and it's been a long day full of good and bad.
I'll also post when I'll be in the piratepad. Just so it might be easier to discuss some stuff about relationships and what not. If we're still gonna do that I mean.
@Prince of SeraphsI'm thinking a lot about how I want the Blüdhaven of the Beyond world to be. Obviously, before I start describing it, I gotta do a bit of research and look over some things, but if @Member 00492 allows it I'll try to give a good idea of how it's supposed to be. Assuming he has no plans for it.
Still, hmmm who was Red as their potential bestie? XD
@ProProi think it's more about the discussion of what our characters know about each other. I mean I agree with @Prince of Seraphs in we should get some of these things laid out. Especially since we have some time to do it before the ic post goes up.
Like, Jonathan is definitely in high school. He's most active in hero duty during the night. He doesn't live at the HQ. he lives at Diggle in Blüdhaven, though he does have a family home in Star City that he hasn't visited in about 6-7 years now. He went back often during his short run wth depression. Not like that really just goes away but he copes much better now.
He probably wouldn't have told anybody his identity. He wouldn't have lied he probably would have just said he wasn't ready to give that information yet. He likes tinkering now and probably would have helped in fixing up the HQ if he was allowed.
He'd probably answer any simple questions that don't allude to his identity. His if it was how he got up to the hero games he'd tell some story about looking up to heroes of the past like Green Arrow and Arsenal and deciding to follow in their footsteps.
He would tell them he lives in Blüdhaven but not where to avoid them piecing together who he lives with and who he is. He might ask questions, no interrogation, but like out of general curiosity and genuine care for his now and future teammates. Chalk his mistrust and misinformation up to lessons learned from his dearly departed mother.
Kinda nice having a newbie around lol Don't worry though bud, that was me for a long time. We're here for ya if you ever have questions. Anywho, honestly, batman beyond had some pretty awesome villains and storylines. But one of my favorites, at least too three, is probably Shriek. One of my favorite episodes after all was "Babel" which featured Shriek. I thought it was great overall.
Let's go ahead and get this thrown up here for now. Can't wait. So psyched.
Name: Jonathan Oliver Queen Alias: Red Arrow Experience: 37 days and counting Hometown: Blüdhaven (formerly Star City) Age: 16 Powers: Jonathan acquired the meta gene from his father, who received it from Jon’s grandmother, though he did not acquire the famous Canary Cry. Rather, he developed the following powers:
Enhanced Vision – Jonathan can see with amazing clarity/detail, distance, and color. Up to this point he has displayed instances of telescopic and microscopic vision and almost perfect vision in even the darkest or brightest environments. His eyes seem to adjust as needed, though it is not instantaneous.
Enhanced Hearing – Jon’s ears are enhanced to hear with amazing clarity, distance, and possibly even on frequencies outside of the normal range. In theory, his ears can pick up every single sound, can decipher layer upon layer of differing sounds/conversations, locate the source of noise or pick up a sound from a mile away in a busy city. Of course, due to his rookie hero status and his lack of control he cannot hope to come close to such amazing feats.
Enhanced Smell – He can detect specific persons, objects, substances or even places, locate their origin and track targets with nothing but his nose. However, due to his inexperience he cannot hope to do this with complete accuracy. Still, with time and training he may even be able to detect lying, sicknesses, or tumors by which hormones/smells a target excretes.
Weaknesses: Being a human Jonathan is susceptible to just about all the same manners of injury and death as any other ordinary person. However, there are a few special weaknesses that if used against him could prove crippling to him in battle. Such weaknesses include:
Inexperience – First and foremost, Jonathan is new to the hero game. Through training with his father before his passing, and his private sessions to try and at least keep up with what he had already learned, the young man is proficient with the use of his trusty bow and arrows. He is also skilled in hand-to-hand combat and has some control over his powers, but he stil has quite a ways to go. He is somewhat naïve, runs his mouth and in competition with even normal athletes who have more training than him, let alone villains and the like, he has quite a ways to go.
Emotional – Playing into his inexperience, Jonathan (though usually trying to keep things light and under some modicum of control) has a tendency to make decisions based on what he feels is right or necessary which doesn’t always turn out for the best.
Sensory Overload – Because of his heightened senses Jon is constantly at risk of being brought down by any number of factors. Extreme odors, loud noises, sudden bursts of light are all possible in and out of the field. Though he is typically aware and concentrates on keeping his abilities in check he is not without flaw.
Claustrophobia – Jonathan suffers from a severe case of claustrophobia that in some cases can be crippling cause him to either break or shut down and be essentially useless.
Reason for joining Robin?: Jonathan hadn’t begun his venture into the hero world all that long after Matt McGinnis began his. He wanted to help protect people and carry on the legacy of the Arrow Family in the name of his father and his grandfather before him. He figured if he could do that and make a few friends along the way he was all for it. What did he have to lose? Appearance: Jonathan stands at about 5’8” tall with a fair skin complexion and is in pretty great shape for a young man his age. Weighing in at about 163lbs, he is fairly muscular, though more lean then bulky. He’s got short blonde hair that is typically left rather unkempt. His eyes, uniquely, are a shade of orange inherited from his mother, though you wouldn’t be able to tell if he were in costume. He designed his suit with help from his guardian, John Diggle Sr., and files that used to belong to his mother and father. It is made to protect him, but also not hinder his movements or abilities.
1) I know he looks more adult than teen, but I liked the artist (Phil Cho) and the character is meant to be 18. Not far off. 2) I’m using this picture so you have an idea of the full body, although this is not his suit. I would credit this artist, but I don’t know who they are.
3) This one will give you an idea of the actual suit with a bit more armor and better protection for his eyes and ears as they are typically more likely to be attacked than his sense of smile. 4) Like I said, I like the artist. It was a good faceclaim and this gives a good view of him with the hood on, which is his typical look while in the field, though obviously wind, a fight, etc. can knock it off.
Personality: Jonathan is extremely intelligent, but you probably wouldn't guess it at a first glance. He has a tendency to act in a more outgoing manner and he's never one to shy away from social interaction without reason. However, all the same he keeps a certain air of mystery about him. He refuses to disclose personal information often giving different answers to the same question or simply avoiding it altogether. He jokes giving the explanation, "It more mysterious that way. And way more fun." Still, the real reason is likely to avoid putting his guardian, and father figure, John Diggle or anybody else close to him in danger. Regardless, despite his sometimes goofy nature, Jonathan can often be seen as curious and inquisitive. He wants to help, to fix things and make them better for himself and those around him. He can sometimes get caught up in tinkering, inventing or other aspects of the scientific and interesting and no matter how he acts or what you think of him he always gets serious about his training and his goals. BRIEF Bio: Jonathan is the son of Robert Queen and Nyssa Sahmin (no relation to Nyssa Raatko) as well as the grandson of Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance-Queen. He did not inherit the meta-human canary cry, but he did develop a small series of enhanced senses. He got a little bit of training from his mother and father to help him protect himself and keep those senses under wraps when they began to awaken. He was kidnapped around the age of seven and locked in a trunk. He was scared and powerless as his parents fought to free him. They won, but were fatally wounded. He was left in the care of long time family friend John Diggle and wouldn’t continue the life he’d began for many years later. He got some stuff, John helped and even tapped into the inheritance, he met Matt. And here we are.
Oliver Queen took in a number of children and developed his own crime fighting force very much like his old friend Bruce Wayne. They fought crime, helped each other through good and bad times, faced tragedies, and grew with time. And, just as Bruce’s did, Oliver’s family would eventually branch out. Members moved on to different things or simply retired. Unlike Bruce though, Oliver knew when it was time to lay his mask to rest and leave things to the next generation.
Before this though, he’d had another child. Robert Queen was raised by Oliver and his wife Dinah Lance, the Black Canary. He’d inherited the legendary Canary Cry as a meta-human, and was trained extensively by his father. In time he would be the one to take over the mantle of Green Arrow, his adoptive elder brother Roy Harper opting to keep the alias Arsenal, and he would have a child of his own with a former member of the League of Shadows, who he’d met on a mission during the period of time in which there was no Batman.
The two fell in love and she left behind the life of a villain after Robert helped her negotiate with her master. There were those who were indeed skeptical of the union but that didn't stop Robert. He married the former assassin and the two had a child. Robert knew that this double life would be next to impossible; as it had been with him and his own father. So he decided that once Jonathan, named after a close friend of his father’s (John Diggle, though Robert hated the name John on its own), was old enough he would allow the boy to make a chance.
Jonathan chose the life his father, grandfather and so many before him had led. He officially began training when he turned six. It proved quit necessary because of the awakening of his metahuman powers. Jonathan had been walking down the street with his mother, Nyssa, when he heard a police siren. Though he'd heard it so many times before, on this day the screech of the machine was unbearable. The smells of the street, garbage cans, dumpsters, water and alcohol in the streets seemed to have been amplified 100 fold. Suddenly he was seeing faces and things blocks away.
Jonathan was terrified. All of a sudden three out of his five senses had gone haywire. Nyssa brought him home immediately. She and Robert took him to their secret hideout and began to run tests and check to see what was wrong. After they came to the realization that their son was indeed a metahuman, the two decided he would need to learn control. And if he learned that, perhaps it would be best to teach him a little discipline and defense.
The boy was a fast learned, surprising his parents with how quickly he adapted to the regimen they had devised for him with his age and build in mind. He was picking up the basics quite naturally, even when it came to the use of a bow. He was truly his father's son.
But these happy days wouldn't last. A small group of members of the League of Shadows had taken it upon themselves to deliver punishment on who they believed to be a traitor to their cause. To carry out their revenge on Nyssa and the man who'd taken her, they kidnapped Jonathan. After all, what easier way was there to get to the two? A challenge was issued. The two would fight for there now seven year old son's life.
Jonathan was locked in a trunk. Devoid of air holes he struggled inside. He wanted nothing more than to get out. To escape the sounds of violence that surrounded him. It was dark, cramped, and cold. He was still young, only just beginning to learn to fight and train. He couldn't have been ready for this. He’d only learned the basics of the basics. Try as he might, he couldn’t free himself. He was scared. Terrified for his parents life and his own. It’s very likely that this situation is what led to his claustrophobia.
The battle ended and for a moment it was silent. His small frame shook uncontrollably. He still didn't have complete control over his abilities but as his heart raced faster he heard footsteps approach. He heard heavy breathing. Then, the trunk shook. He whimpered as it was forced open. In the dim light of the darkened room stood his parents; covered in blood, but victorious. They smiled as they hoisted him up out of the box.
That’s probably what he remembers most. Although that is partially because he's tried hard to block out the more unpleasant aspects of the memory, though largely to no avail. He also remembers them taking him home. He remembers them struggling. Much more than usual. It wasn't until later that he would realize how gravely injured they truly were. He was young and naïve, but he was sure they would be okay at the time. And so when they put him to bed he peacefully slept.
The next morning he awoke not to his mother or father, but to his “uncle” John. John Diggle Sr. had arrived after receiving a call from Robert. Oliver had past some time ago, old age taking him and the Canary. The other members of the family all had their own lives. John's son, Junior, wouldn’t be up to raising a child. He just wasn’t there yet. So, it was him. Robert’s will left everything to Jonathan, though he could only have access to his full inheritance after his 18th birthday and at john’s discretion. John was allowed to move money around and dip into certain things at his discretion should he need it. Robert had taken many things into consideration after all.
The next 9 years were tough. He was mourning the loss of his parents while simultaneously trying to adapt his new home in Blüdhaven. John had thought it best to get him away from Star City and the family owned corporation.
For about 2 of those 9 years he seemed hollow. He went threw the motions of day to day living; acting normal. He acted like he was fine, but he wasn't. John helped him every step of the way until he decided he wasn't going to waste the life his parents had fought for. He began physical training. He was already smart, but that wasn't enough. Inventing, tinkering, science and all that would only get him so far. He needed to reach levels similar to his mother and father. Or at least one of the young heroes of the past. John tapped into the inheritance to help the child begin to build his "lair". A subbasement beneath their home, apparently nothing new in Blüdhaven.
Starting at the age of 13, Jonathan was back to training fully. Under John's watchful eye he began a spartan regime utilizing training bots and simulations to help him. John knew he couldn't stop the boy, but he could at least make sure he was ready for what was out there.
When Jonathan was 16, the two finally felt ready. With his new suit and a little added software he was ready. At least as ready as he could be without proper experience. So, he went out into the night. And not long after he'd decided to begin his heroic journey, Jonathan met Matt. And the rest, as they say, is history.
Jonathan has a habit of taunting and joking around while in the field. Not really smart when you're as inexperienced as he is.
He could be described as a class clown, although some wonder if this is his an act because of how smart he can be when he gets down to business.
John doesn't flirt, but sometimes the way he talks or acts can be misconstrued as such because he does compliment and speak casually around women. However, under any semblance of actual romance he is about as awkward as could be. He could get girls. Doesn't mean he does. A ladies man he is not.
He actually really likes science and engineering, often tinkering with new possible arrow heads to add to his trick arrow arsenal.
He will give all genres of music a try, even country, but his favorite songs typically range along the lines of rock or hiphop. most of all though you are likely to find him listening to dubstep remixes of popular songs. Any remixes really.
He has a dog named Sparkplug.
His favorite food is fried chicken.
His Red Arrow alter ego has a social media page that he typically posts random or stupid thoughts from. Currently at about half a million subscribers.
| Terrence "Terry" McGinnis | Batman |
| Mentor | Relationship Status |
"No doubt the dude is becoming a legend. He took the mantle, the legacy, and he's made it his own. Being trained by him is awesome. Pops is pretty awesome in his own right, but he's definitely not in any condition to train me like this, or how he wants. Wonder if I can get some more one on one time."
| Mathew "Matt" McGinnis | Robin |
| Leader | Deceased |
"I didn't know Matt too long. He was cool and the idea of building a team was great. But I don't know, part of me feels like his mind wasn't in the right place. At least when he started. Batman may be in charge, but me an him were close in age. Call it naive, or optimistic or even stupid. I felt like we could really change things if we stuck together. Not just me and him. All of us. Wonder if I give people the same feeing..."
| Jeremy "J" Winston | Animal/Wonder Twin #1 |
| Teammate | Relationship Status |
"Two words. Hot. Head. Honestly, J's a little intimidating, but once you get past the whole animal thing, he's an utter badass. Definitely the kind of guy you want on your side."
| Zack "Z" Winston | Taiga/Wonder Twin #2 |
| Teammate | Relationship Status |
"Z's got a mind like a steel trap. Nobody's really lacking in the brain department, but sometimes I just wanna buckle down and see which one of us would really take the cake in a battle of the minds. Not that I give any reason to expect a challenge from me."
"Most of the time Katty's distant at best. Can't say I blame her. Probably doesn't help that I keep my identity a secret either. Guess a guy with issues opening up shouldn't really talk about the openness, or lack there of, of his teammates."
| Carmelita Garcia | Accel |
| Teammate | Relationship Status |
"What is there to say really? She's awesome. I just wish I could fix the little problem she's got with her powers. It's gotta be hell. Maybe if I create a head piece or something to take audio and visual and speed it up for her... Hmmm... I don't know. Definitely worth looking into."
| Calvin Lennard | G-Man |
| Teammate | Relationship Status |
"I can't say I really know G all that well. He's cool I guess. No reason to dislike him, far as I know. I can't say I'm at a point where I'd trust him with the Secret ID though."
You see, with my bio if I took the time could be very long. However, I took the important stuff. A bullet per sentence and said "here. TL;DR" so it was just like 1 paragraph even though it started off longer and would have gone on for several pages if I could take the time to flesh out the narrative of him and his family lol