Name: Johnathan LaBeau
Nickname(s): Johnny Disaster
Alias: Phantom
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Parents: Gambit and Rogue (don't argue the whole she'd kill him...let's just say that she found a way to control that power so that it would not kill him)
Powers: Kinetic charge (father)
Flight (mother/Mrs. Marvel (look up the story from the 90's x-men...rogue stole Ms. Marvels abilities))
Super Strength (mother)
Years attended: Two
Position: Student/Member of X-men
Skills: Trained in using a staff (collapsible) by his father as well as card throwing.
He is quite skilled in slight of hand.
He is a powerful fighter as well at hand to hand combat.
A great piano player.
Weapons: He prefers using his staff and playing cards, but he is a killer shot with a gun and will turn anything he can get his hands on into a time bomb with his kinetic ability.
Weaknesses: Beautiful women (just like his father), limited invisibility and cannot charge kinetic energy while invisible.
Personality: Johnny is a huge flirt just like his father. He loves to play practical jokes on people through use of his powers, but is able to keep himself from destroying everything in the meantime. He is still a kid at heart, but has seen enough violence in his life as well as done some jail time, so he understands that he needs to grow up.
Bio: His parents raised him well and taught him how to control his powers. His mother died when he was young in a raid by mutant haters. Little else is known about his past other than the fact that his father had trained him to be able to join either the thieves guild or the x-men, and after many years with the guild he chose to go to the x-men in a hope to be able to help as well as having a hope to get revenge on those who killed his mother.
Appearance and outfit.