Igam had been one of the first on the pod, right behind the interrogator and the ogryn. He nodded a curt greeting to the pair, and strapped in, clutching his staff for comfort. Igam trembled in fear and apprehension. He had felt a ripple in the warp, and almost immediately the ship started to go down. Soon others came running into the pod, each one ignored by Igam, who was lost in his prayers to the Emperor for strength and guidance. Suddenly, he felt something change, he couldn't tell what at first, but as the sensation grew, he realized with horror that his connection to the warp was being severed. It felt like losing an extra limb. A soldier, female, dressed in red flew into the life pod, and Igam knew immediately that she was the source of the separation. He couldn't stand it, and wanted to flee, but as he went for his buckle, the pod launched, trapping him in the life pod with the horrifying presence of the soldier. All Igam could do is pray and tremble as the pod made its way to the planets surface.
By the time the pod hit the surface, Igam was ready to put his las-pistol in his mouth and pull the trigger, but the choice was abruptly taken from him by a painful blow to the head, which knocked Igam out.