Sorry to everyone I'm in 1x1's with! I'm going to try to marathon post in all of my 1x1's this weekend since I'll be trapped in my apartment all weekend anyway!
9 yrs ago
Sorry to everyone I'm in 1x1's with! I'm going to try to marathon post in all of my 1x1's this weekend since I'll be trapped in my apartment all weekend anyway!
9 yrs ago
Wisdom teeth's only function is to make you want to rip your mouth out ugh
9 yrs ago
Why did George Jetson name his son Elroy? Who hates their son enough that they would do that?
9 yrs ago
After beating someone in a Pokemon battle, they asked if I could have their children and I don't know how to respond to that.
9 yrs ago
Do you believe in magic in a young girl's heart-- OH GOD, I DIDN'T MEAN FOR YOU TO REALLY RIP HER HEART OUT, PUT IT BACK
Name: Rafael "Rafe" Guttierez Age: 25 Gender: Male Race/Ethnicity: Latino. Puerto Rican. Sexuality: Pansexual Appearance:
Personality: Rafe is a generally relaxed and easygoing individual, which usually means more active personalities easily rope him into doing what they want or taking advantage of his chill nature. While he can be seen as relatively loyal, he has an extremely dry-humored and sarcastic personality trait that can come across as the one outlet he has from his usually relaxed nature.
Outside of his friend group and in his professional life, he is a lot more serious, as he is a rookie prosecuting attorney in Chicago. While he's seen as just that, a rookie, he's seen as pretty mature among his peers in the law career, which comes across from his more serious slant on his usual chill personality. He's a social drinker and can often be seen at night hanging out at a pub for fun either with friends, his co-workers, or even just to meet new people.
While he's intelligent enough to recently graduate from Law School, he is a bit book dumb outside of Law (which he has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of), especially when it comes to math or science. He also seems to be a few steps behind every one else when it comes to material possessions, still owning a silver flip-phone instead of a smartphone. He has an expired driver's license that he never remembers to renew, as he usually just uses the bus system or taxis in Chicago.
History: Rafe is the only child of a family of artists, both his mother and father being artists themselves (his mother being classically trained herself). Coming from a lower-middle class Puerto Rican family in an economy that was already starting to fail, during eighth grade, Rafe and the rest of the Guttierez family moved to Chicago, Illinois, where Rafe spent his last year of middle school, as well as his high school years, college years, and years in Law School.
Like his parents, Rafe originally wanted to be an artist. However, when he joined the football team during his freshman year of highschool, he ended up breaking his right wrist on the field, something that would keep him from becoming an artist like his parents and would keep him from becoming a football player either. Because of this, Rafe wasn't sure what he really wanted to do in life for a while. Going to college just to get his basics for the first two years, he started dating a college student and future law student, Tara. Upon looking into her career choice (although she wished to go into court as a defense lawyer), Rafe made the decision to look into law, quickly becoming hooked upon the idea of it and becoming almost obsessed with learning more and deciding to become a prosecutor (and hopefully judge later in life).
Rafe and Tara eventually broke it off sometime prior to them entering law school, due to Tara moving to New York, the two still texting each other pretty often and keeping up their friendship. Having graduated from law school, Rafe is currently working for the state of Illinois as a prosecutor, although due to his age and low-rung, he has only gotten very small things to work with outside of paperwork.
Other: He has an extreme fear of heights, which is usually the most unchill you'll find him outside of work or if he's upset with someone.
@Fabricant451 There should be! Worse comes to worse, I could open up a couple more slots. So yeah, go for it! c: And hopefully this one will get off the ground
@Sherlolly Alrighty! Can't wait to see what you come up with!
No longer accepting characters outside of the two reserved slots!
So no one told you life was gonna be this way Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's D O A It's like you're always stuck in second gear When it hasn't been your day, your week Your month or even your year
~ Most groups of friends die out once they graduate college. Now that they're adults, people go their separate ways. They change, they make new friends. That's how it works for most groups of friends. However, this is not one of those stories.
This is the story of a group of friends who live in Chicago. Now graduated from college, they're still extremely close (even if some of them have incredibly different interests, lifestyles, and might even pick at each other a lot of the time). It was a stretch and could have been something that would have been along the lines of disastrous, but the group of friends are moving into an apartment complex together, sharing apartments in groups of two.
Their adult life, their friendships, and everything in-between will change, that's for sure. After all, it's a group of incredibly different ethnicities, sexualities, lifestyles, and personalities. Will their so-called unbreakable bonds survive? Will romance blossom between any of them? Will they survive each other and the entire stress of being thrown out into the adult world?
Well, time will tell.
Rules and such:
1. The minimum characters I'm looking for in this RP is six, just like Friends itself. There currently isn't a maximum, but over twelve and it might feel cramped. We'll see how this works out. 2. Stay committed. I'm not going to exactly enforce a minimum reply schedule for now, but if you disappear for like a week or two without giving proper warning, I'll most likely PM you asking if you still want part of this and give you the option to have your character move out of the apartments and/or out of Chicago. 3. I'd like a simple one paragraph minimum per post. No maximum, so you don't have to worry too much. 4. Please wait for two other people to post after your last post before you post again. I wouldn't want everyone to feel like two of the friends are kinda taking over. It's an ensemble RP after all! 5. Keep it PG-13. Swearing can stay the same as regular Friends/adult sitcom fare. Anything regarding sexual intimacy fades out or goes to PM's, if you would. 6. A lot of things done in this RP will be decided through us all brainstorming up plots together as time passes in the apartment complex. So a lot of OOC interaction will be necessary. 7. Drama's fine IC. Let's be civil OOC. I'll give two warnings on OOC drama. If I have to give a third one, I'm afraid that I'll have to write your character out of the story politely (them moving away from the others). 8. Do not post the relationship sheet until all characters are accepted. However, you may work on it as more characters are accepted. After all, you'll most likely be writing it 5-7 times! 9. Feel free to start establishing each characters's bonds in the OOC. This will make filling out the relationship sheets and figuring out how each character feels about the others in the best way possible. 10. Have fun! Not really a rule, but this is meant to be definitely a fun time. If you have any questions, always feel free to ask.
Name: Age: (22-26, AKA either college grads or graduate school grads): Gender: (Male? Female? Nonbinary?) Race/Ethnicity: Sexuality: (Heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, etc.) Appearance: (I'd prefer real life pictures/face claims or description for this.) Personality: (Describe what they are like. Minimum three sentences.) History: (What is their backstory like? Minimum three sentences.) Other: (Anything else you feel like adding can go here.)
Name of other person: Relationship towards them: (Best friend, friend, roommate, secretly hates them, not so secretly hates them, crush, significant other, etc. If need be, you can list more than one of these, of course.) How does your character personally feel about this person?: