The day after the cultist trouble and the kidnapping attempt.Darkness, then came the blurred vision. The half-demon opened his eyes as he was lying on a combination of a chair and sofa, looking down at his legs, bone sticking out of them. He felt ill, and felt pain as he tried to lean up. His two dolls, Fegin and Giselle were in the room with him, Fegin holding unto a bottle of wine and Giselle was trying to swap his wounds with some clean cloth.
"Ahh! Fu- Gi-give me that!" The half-demon stretched out his hand and took the bottle from Fegin, downing more than he could swallow, causing him to spill some on his legs, causing stinging pain.
"Ahh! Shit!" He proclaimed, biting his teeth together before taking a few swigs from the wine.
"Get me something stronger! Fegin! Don't just stand there you idiot!" He barked at Fegin, but it seemed more like begging than ordering. The jesterlike doll dashed off towards the dining room to find a strong drink for his demanding creator.
"Galbrek.. you need to visit a doctor, I have stopped the bleeding but I cannot help you with these broken bones..." Giselle said with a sigh of hopelessness, whilst she clearly did not like the half-demon she felt nontheless like she had to ease his pain.
"It's master Galbrek! Are you fucking daft? I can't go out like -this-! If I go out there they are going to fucking jail me, and that would make that bastard Ascot happy and that in turn would make me very fucking unhappy!" He barked and leaned forwards, causing strain on his legs so he'd fell back against the soft chair.
"Ahh damn it! How dare he do this to me? After all I've done! Grrr! Why must my life be so damn hard? And who was that idiot talking inside my head, bah who gives a flying-" He stopped mid-sentence as Giselle poured some disinfectant on his wound.
"Aww fuu- Warn me before you do that!" He panted heavily and then exhaled deeply, looking over his broken legs, shaking his head in despair and hopelessness, if only for a moment.
"Tch! I'll never give up! I'll have their heads for this! Where is my fucking drink?! Fegin!" He screamed, as the jesterlike doll quickly made his way into the room with a strong unknown brandy which the half-demon grabbed, bit unto the cork and spit it into Fegin's face before taking a deep swig, which caused him to cough.
"W-we are going to have to stay hidden... and we're going to burn the entire fucking city, and we are going to make Ascot do it... heh... a doll resembling him. Yes... that' heh...heh..." Galbrek began to chuckle and murmur, then getting a slight hic-up. *hic* He took another swig from his brandy, wiping his mouth on Giselle's shirt which was conviniently nearby.
"Get the cam'ra.. Fegin! Rightsh now.. I needsh to speak to my fellow..sshh.. dark warlordsh... understand?" Galbrek did a half-wave with his non-hurting arm, motioning to Fegin to hurry and get a videocamera.
"Master Galbrek, are you sure you are in a good condition to-" Fegin began to speak but was abruptly interupted by his master.
"Shtart the recording, I am in condition peak... fuck Ascot and his two shoes. And that idiot knight." The half-demon began to play abit with his hair, waiting for Fegin to start the camera, then addressing what he imagined would be a big crowd.
"Shit.. shitizens... this is Lord Gal- *hic* Galbrek Ravenovich... there hash been... an attempt at my life.. which has left me crippled... hnff fucking as-. But my spirits never been *hic* stronger... What hash this city become? When not law abiding nobles can notsh go out without being subject to ass... assination attempts... they also slander my family's good name and brings chaos to the shit- shitty.. these schools... St.Laurel... St.Lucifer... are a threat to us all and they should be destroyed... the teachers train these foolish younglings into killing... much... mashines and then send them to try kill people of influence and wealth.. like myshelf... I found out the secret plot.. and nowsh... they are trying to kill me. Take up arms brave citizens..." Galbrek gave a semi-drunk salute and then motioned for Fegin to cut the recording.
"Thatsh gonna be all for now... now get lost, make copies... and deliver the fucking disks to the media.. I needsh to shleep..." The half-demon allowed his head to fall against the pillowed chair.