Avatar of Dezuel


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2 yrs ago
Current Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
2 yrs ago
Prepare for oblivion...
2 yrs ago
36yo today, one step closer to oblivion.
4 yrs ago
Let the roleplaying shenanigans ensue! Fun times!
4 yrs ago
Nationbuilding buisness is underway!


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In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Terneus Andros

The elven governor had located himself upon a fancy looking chair with pillowgs at the side of the large hall, these chairs were reserved for the higher-up's of the city and nobles allied with Aklenroth. From his seat he could see the fairy queen.. or was it a princess, dancing with what in the ever graceful Lord Andros could be regarded as an even lower form of life. A faun.

"Ugh. Their ilk brings back terrible recent memories..." He said and swallowed his entire glass of wine in one sweep, putting it down on some servant's tray as they were going past with refreshments.

"What ilk milord?" Commander Feldrin asked, having not payed too much attention to what his lord was saying but looking for security risks.

"Nevermind, you keep watch and make certain to inform me if there is any breach in the security. You are dismissed." The light elf said in a low tone to Feldrin's ear, but far away from it so he wouldn't have to smell it, before he got to his feet and set his eyes on the fairy princess again. To him it looked like there was no arrests going on, and he figured that if he was to dance with her not only would he become the envy and gossip for a long time to come, but also he could personally apprehend her if the guards would approach. It was just perfect. It filled his mind with more fodder, as if silky smooth hands were caressing his brain.

On his way down to the dancing area, there were countless of women approaching him and asking for a dance.

"No, I have enough horses in my stable." He said as he saw a centaur woman who asked him for a dance, soon to follow were a feline looking demi-human girl.

"I'm terribly allergic to cats. Especially filthy ones. Away with you." He motioned her to the side so that he could continue along his way just to encounter an elven woman. "Pardon? No, I would never wish to dance with someone dressed like a pauper." Then came something that caused the elf to stop in his tracks. An orc woman as wide as she was tall. The elven governor decided to slip behind another elven man long enough so that the monstrocity could pass by without any risk of his attire being stained by it's presence.

Finally the light elf found a gap in the middle of the crowd of people where he could see the dancers up close, now he just had to get in there. The ever so cunning, Lord Andros decided to resort to crafty trickery to fool the less mentally gifted. It was one of the things he truly found enjoyment in, it further established the superiority of the elven race. Terneus strode out unto the dancefloor into vicinity of the dancing faun and fairy princess. Then he did his most humble, and most peasant-like impression he could.

"Sir, your friend has fallen ill near the food table. Your aid is required." Terneus said as he got even closer, trying to put a hand on Ilan's shoulder while lowering his voice. "I'll take over from here." His blue eyes shining through the mask on his face, Ilan would certainly recognize who this was. "Begone or I will make you wish you were dead." The elf said, realizing he had momentarily tainted his glove by having it so close to a faun! The light elf felt however almost like blushing at his own performance, how he had managed to sound exactly like Commander Feldrin or any other less important person. And surely deceived the onlookers and now he only needed this inferior and filthy sub-beast to get out of his radiance.

Lecture hall

Mandi had awoken early that morning and prepared for the first day of the new class, having the clothes straightened and without wrinkles the day prior alongside the bag with necessary books, ink, pens and ofcourse the dinner neatly packed into a box (Consisting of some spicy sauce with chicken bits in it. The box also contained rice, sausages, cucumber and a few biscuits. There were also two apples neatly packed into the backpack into a smaller cloth bag. It was after all important to make a good first impression, and only with proper attire, manners and a good meal to keep your mind alert, could the first day in class Camellia be overcome without any larger setbacks the young mage figured.

But Mandi was not alone in wishing to be there early, plenty of others had gotten there already. Amongst them were Seagull, a girl whose name was Sophiel. This girl was going to be Mandi's roommate for the near future, alongside another girl named Yvaine. Mandi only knew about Sophiel, as she was known as a very orderly and polite girl. Even whilst she had not interacted with Mandi before, that girl was somewhat often found in the spotlight. For what Mandi concered, Sophiel wouldn't be much of a problem. At least not for this particular young mage. Hopefully.

When Mandi first entered the lecture hall, the hydromancer was quick to approach the professor's desk, placing one of the two apples from the backpack upon it. A neatly polished and red apple. With a slightly dramatic turn the young mage made it past several of the already seated students, finding a seat in the middle of the hall.

After that came some time of waiting, which didn't come as much of a bother to Mandi, as it gave the mage some time to glance to the others in the room, giving a soft smile to those which might happen to make eyecontact. Upon hearing Ty entering and appologizing for being late, it caused Mandi to snicker with a fist before the mouth, almost as if one would when coughing. Then the left entrace door was swung open and storming in came someone covered by some mystical darkness. Mandi closely inspected the young man which had now entered, he didn't seem that much older than those gathered in the hall. Was he the professor? Someone that young?

The voice of Ty snapped Mandi out of the thoughts, as he seemed to find liking to this kind of entrance. Mandi tilted on the head slightly and gave Ty a glance, then looking to the young man by the blackboard. Then by means of magic a name took shape at the board behind him, this answered all questions the young mage had at the time.

'Nyx Yuria. Second seat of the miracle seven. 106th generation. Powerful.' Mandi thought and memorized the important bits, then he had asked for them to hold up their hands and introduce themselves. The hydromancer knew that the most memorable of introductions were the kinds which involved alot of fancy words, was said first, in a special tone of voice or last. Mandi decided it was best to do the introduction somewhere in the middle. But for now the hydromancer watched and listened to others.

'Sophiel Sargute. Seagull. Polite, courteous and orderly. Willingness to learn.' Mandi nodded softly and made mental notes, the more that one could remember of ones fellow students the better. Soon after her was the boy which had previously appologized for being late and verbally applauding their professor's way of arrival.

'Ty Varen. Overconfident. Braggart. Cheery.' Mandi simply shook on the head softly, this boy was going to be alot of trouble if he couldn't heed the simple request by the professor. After him came the girl, Kiara Bastion. There was not much that the hydromancer could add in regards to that one, other than her being a straight to the point kind of person. That and her nickname which was known to Mandi. The Gray Star. Follow suit came what Mandi regarded as another troublemaker. Alberta. She was known as the Queen of pricks to alot of other students, as few seemed to evade that girl's condemnation.

'Alberta von Blumenthal. Held back by her own ego. Blames others for her shortcomings. Quick to make enemies and earn dislike.' The hydromancer considered, waiting patiently for the next person to stand up.

Next up were Sekhandur Khain. 'A royal?' This young man surely were in the right place for certain as far as Mandi was concerned.

Following him came a student which was unknown by name to Mandi. Kress Alstein. 'Kress Alstein. Eager. Lively. Might be able to work together with.' Mandi nodded and glanced about, but before the young mage could stand up and begin the introduction, another slipped past. This one introduced herself much like Kiara, with a single raised hand and provided her name. This girl was a good listener too.

Then up went Mandi's both hands. "Mandi El-Alzaru." The young hydromancer smiled and glanced about before sitting back down soon after. Nyx had told them to raise not a hand, but -hands- and introduce themselves. Thus it came to be.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Baraian Paladice

The paper which the dark elf had earlier took had turned into a magical butterfly and was now travelling across the room, the dark elf followed it with Heavy steps, avoiding to bumping into others along the way until it stopped by another butterfly of the same magic kind.

The dark elf looked below the butterfly, trying to figure out who the other piece of magical paper had come from. In the direction of from where the other butterfly had come from stood a... something? The dark elf stopped in his tracks, as if there had been a calculated error someplace and he had to back up and think it through again. 'What is this?' He pondered as he took a slight step forwards, then another one, glancing at Myra. The dark elf hated dancing, but he had to pull through on this one. For without this part, it would prove harder to find other rebels. But this… thing.. whatever it was… was his dance partner.

"Looks like we are the ones supposed to dance miss..." He said in a monotone manner of voice, no hint of joy in his voice one bit. He just thought on how he could best endure the dance, maybe if he started to talk with her time would go faster...
I'll post as soon as I am home approx 5-6 hours from now

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

The small figure tilted his head to Sakura, before he snatched the napkin from her, wiped off his face and hands with it, before blowing his nose in it. He soon after made a childlike effort to hide it under a nearby plate, before handing Sakura her drink. He felt å warm feeling inside of himself, it was joy. The same kind of joys cats would get from catching a mouse. He hoped the woman would snooze somewhere later, but for now there were dances going about. The short figure had nicked one of said papers from the food table, left behind there by what looked like an overly fancy elf. Suddenly the paper became a butterfly, which made Zelginn instinctively try to grab it, he followed it along its path, even sliding his way under some womans dress to keep a decently straight line. Then it stopped to hover over some woman, the small figure realized this must be his dance partner. Dancing. He generally did that by himself, sround people, on tables or in mocking ways. This was something different. Maybe some fun hossip could come his way, and the more he thought about it, if he danced he would grow more hungry soon and be able to eat even more. "Heya, I guess we are goibg to dance, tall lady!"

((Typing from phone, will add Baraian later))
<Snipped quote by Dezuel>

Trick question. Mandi makes their own hot spring with hydromancy.

Hehe, maybe so :P
A hot spring incident would be interesting. Which side of the bamboo wall would Mandi pick? I wonder...
Looks like it. Now it's canon!
<Snipped quote by Blu>

oh, these poor boys are gonna be given hell all right

May you rest in peace...
Of that's right... we only got info who we share room with not the amount of beds.

Also that's a cruel way to remind the professor of his loneliness. Give him a two-person bed!
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