Elthrael Vol'Kerno
He had allowed himself to slip away from the group the past evening, going into the forest on his own. To most people such an action may seem suicidal, to walk into the dark unknown depths of a forest, where all manner of creatures could dwell. Yet to Elthrael, this was just another night like any other. Most of his life had been spent in the forests after all, he could identify the various scents with ease. To what plants, animals, people or monsters they belonged to. While many fairies possessed the ability to understand and converse with animals of various kinds, the darkwinged fairy shared none of those things. After all, what purpose was there in speaking to ones dinner? Like how it were with people, the better you would know someone the harder it would be to kill them.
The mothwinged fairy had created several hut looking structures in the forest, and surrounded them with various poisonous thorned vines. The fairy even made certain to create a few pitfalls by moving roots underground would some creature attempt to sneak up on him at night. Would something had been so foolish. Yet his night went by uneventful as he found some time to rest up in a tree, where he had masked his presence by altering the top part of the tree, adding protective bark around him and vines covered with ferns to cover his presence.
As another day dawned, the fairy simply allowed the vines to part way and he began to fly back in the direction of where he had last seen the group. Would they had left without him it wouldn't had been the end of his world, and once he arrived to the scene he saw that indeed this was the case.
'It seems you won't be able to hear the beginning of the story. No matter. You may still come to know of the ending, unless your folly kills you first.' He thought momentarily, and simply walked past where the camp had been last night. His eyes scanning the surrounding foilage, his ears on high alert for any signs of trouble. The forest was after all a dangerous place, even if he was someone very used to it. There was no use in trying to tail the four which had seemingly left him alone, they were certainly far away by the time he arrived. The darkwinged fairy was not upset however, as it allowed him yet another glimse into their very person, what kind of people they were. After all, it wasn't he who abandoned Elsea but the other way around. She chose to go with Risa and Kyran. And as a result Risa was now most likely captured, Kyran became a beast, Dionaea and Jean had died... and Elsea was amidst new strangers. But who knew how long that would last.
'How much different could it had been, if you would have followed me? But it is like my mentor once said, a path not chosen is a path that never existed to begin with. To dwell upon it serves no use, for what is, simply is.' He thought as he wandered through the wilderness, his ears picking up the sounds of various animal sounds, and his eyes wandering over the vegitation.
His travel through the wilderness came at relative peace, until he heard a plea for help which made him stop in his tracks, his ears twitching to determine where it came from and he made a slight detour to inspect from a safe distance. And once he had observed what had caused the sound he merely chuckled and approached. Before him, lodged inbetween two trees was a spiderweb and within the web a small creature was stuck helplessly, looking at him with pleading eyes. The mothwinged fairy recognized what this creature was, it was a mischevious kind of creature, whose kind was known to enjoy trickery and deception.
"Hey! Thank the dustmother! I knew some big oaf would hear me!" A small but very stingy voice could be heard, as Elthrael's eyes wandered over the unlucky creature which found itself stuck.
"A pixie... My my, it seems you are in quite the sticky situation." Elthrael said in an amusing manner, there was something highly amusing in seeing one of the michevious and slightly annoying creatures having gotten stuck.
"Help me! Cut me loose! I can show you a treasure! Pixie promise!" The female pixie nodded as much as she could with her tiny head at the demonic looking fairy in front of her.
"A treasure hm? You think a silvertongue will be effective on a fairy such as I? You are just trying to save yourself from being someone elses dinner." Elthrael said calmly, looking around momentarily for what spider had made the web or anything else lying in wait.
"Okay, okay! There's no treasure in the material sense, but I swear on my pixie pride that I will repay you! Just help me out of this!" The small pixie struggled and began trying to bite the web to save herself.
"You have nothing that I desire. But I shall free you from your suffering..." The darkwinged fairy's eyes narrowed slightly as he drew his blade from it's sheathe and prepared to make a swing ahead.
"No! Wait! I don't want to d-" The pixie's words were cut short as the blade cut into... the web. She was now free. The pixie began to quickly struggle on the ground to rid itself of the remaining web still latching unto it. Meanwhile Elthrael sheathed his blade again after wiping some web away from it. He then proceeded to walk slowly from the scene, stepping over to avoid stepping on the pixie.
"H-hey! Wait up! I am talking to you! Heeeey!" The pixie kicked off the remainder of the web, and gave it a glare before taking flight up into the air, hovering near the much larger fairy. "Thanks for saving me! I won't forget this! I can help you through the forest! Nothing beats pixie perception!" The pixie said with a broad smile and cheery manner, while she was making the fairy's left shoulder into it's landing pad.
Elthrael momentarily stopped while he noticed the dimunitive girl having landed on his shoulder, his golden eyes darted to the side to glance at her. Then he reached his right hand up to his shoulder, and flicked the pixie off his shoulder with the use of a single finger, sending her hurling through the air and into the vegetation.
"Aouw!" The pixie rubbed it's rear and peeked out from two leaves. "That was mean! You are a mean and weird fairy! But you rescued me, maybe you just need a good councious helping you to the right path!" The pixie took a deep breath and pressed out her chest before darting through the air again, hovering next to the fairy's ear.
"Listen! I am coming with you. It's the duty of the pixie patrol anyways to help lost travellers and you look pretty lost to me!" She chirped and placed both her hands at her waist defiantly.
"They didn't exaggerate the annoyance of your kind at all it seems. Fine. Follow but do ward your tongue, there are more things afoot here than spiders." The fairy explained as he thought he momentarily picked up the scent of... ogres.
"I'll be pixie perfect for your adventure. What's your name? Are you going to ask me about my name?" The pixie said and landed yet again on the fairy's shoulder, this time not being flung or swatted.
"My name is Elthrael, and no I will not ask for your name." The fairy replied shortly and walked onwards.
"Elthrael? You are a really weird fairy aren't you? I'm Pixette Silverwing Purpleheartsy Stealalltheshinies of the dusty forest pixie patrol. I also once defeated a goblin once, but it was in a dream." The pixie exclaimed cheerfully and clapping it's hands together while bowing it's head.
"I feel so very very emotional right now that I know not how to contain it. Maybe if I can find a jar with a lid..." The fairy muttered as he kept moving. Then after a day of wandering and listening to the overly talkative pixie, he finally laid his eyes on the port town. 'Now.. let us see if the chaos of Roshmi shall be sung anew...' The fairy smirked as he made it out of the forest and approached the entrance of the port. The pixie still sitting on his shoulder.
"Hold it! Who goes there? State your buisness!" A guardsman yelled out as the moth fairy approached the main gates.
"Ahh... nothing like blind guards to lighten the mood. My name is Elthrael, my buisness is..." He started and then paused.
"Your buisness?" The guard repeated impatiently.
"...is not your buisness. That's for certain. Because you have the awfully important work to watch over a doorway, just a step up from being a doormat." Elthrael said amusingly.
"Are you mocking me? We want no troublemakers here!" The guard barked out.
"Mock you? Oh I wouldn't dream of doing that..." He allowed himself to smirk amusingly as the pixie gave him a glare, as it sat perched on his shoulder looking at the interaction.
"Whatever... you can enter but you better not be causing any problems or you will have to answer to me." The guardsman explained and motioned to his friends to let the odd-looking fairy to enter.
"Oh... you are most merciful and kind, I shall make certain to keep this in mind for later..." Elthrael mused as he passed them by, his smirk allowing his cornerteeth to become briefly visible. If there was a way to unsettle the guardsmen, it had to happen.
'Good grief. What a waste of brainmatter.' He thought as he slipped into the port town.
"You know. You could try be abit more kind, it's not that hard." The pixie said in a hushed tone to his ear.
"Kind? I was kind just now. Any other day I might have considered relieving him of his guard duty. A little whack at the back of his head could only improve his thinking capabilities at this point." The mothwinged fairy explained as he walked through the port, throwing glances about and sniffing the air.
'It reeks of fish and unwashed people. Despite being so near the water that is quite the achievement.' He mused in his head before he took a leap and landed on a nearby roof to give him a better overview of the port. "I have never been this close to places like this before. It's so different from the forests." The pixie stated and held out a hand above her eyes, scouting the area.
"Yes, most unpleasing but sometimes one must tread into the mud in order to find the key which has been dropped. Providing ofcourse there is such a key..." The fairy chuckled in an amused manner, placing one of his hands resting at the pommel of his sheathed sword and the other by his waist. The pixie blinked it's eyes at him, not understanding what he was talking about.