Useful when you got a bone to pick with someone. Also good in case a canine needs a bone to keep their canines sharper. Also yeah, having that one extra medic in training could possibly be helpful.
I didn't go into that part when I wrote up the powers on how it could affect others, but rest assured that I wouldn't do anything weird with said power without consulting another player if involved. So in case my character grows on you, maybe that doesn't necessarily means literally. I imagine the starting level of his power would be closing minor wounds with his regenerative power, turning pain receivers off, or attempts to mess with his brain or body completely off. Bone weaponry would likely be a harder (no pun intended) technique than mending flesh I'd imagine, but could still be used for fun things. Like blocking a doorway by creating a bone spear to jam into the handles, or when that one roommate decides to cross the border in the double bed and there's still room on the wall for creative decorations. :P
Useful when you got a bone to pick with someone. Also good in case a canine needs a bone to keep their canines sharper. Also yeah, having that one extra medic in training could possibly be helpful.
I didn't go into that part when I wrote up the powers on how it could affect others, but rest assured that I wouldn't do anything weird with said power without consulting another player if involved. So in case my character grows on you, maybe that doesn't necessarily means literally. I imagine the starting level of his power would be closing minor wounds with his regenerative power, turning pain receivers off, or attempts to mess with his brain or body completely off. Bone weaponry would likely be a harder (no pun intended) technique than mending flesh I'd imagine, but could still be used for fun things. Like blocking a doorway by creating a bone spear to jam into the handles, or when that one roommate decides to cross the border in the double bed and there's still room on the wall for creative decorations. :P