Reverio Galand
Reverio shook his head quickly to Ken, his nickname as the prince of peasants were one he disliked with a passion. Although he seldom allowed his disdain for it be shown, but then again most titles were a thing of the past.
"That's right. Ahh... Rev works." He said with a slight smile, and were just about to ask for the other young man's name and shake his hand, but he were interupted by the doctor who had by then shown up calling the other young man up. Parting his name to Reverio, neither had the chance to introduce themselves. Back in Vaquelin this would had been an outrage at court, even amidst the servantfolk. But he wasn't in Vaquelin anymore, Rhea had it differences, and to be completely fair had many things going in it's favor.
The peasant prince offered a polite nod to Ken as he was called forth, and another to the doctor. Had he really been that fast at getting to the clinic? Perhaps the streets were shorter than they appeared. Reverio blew some air through his nose and leaned back into his seat, throwing a glance at the ceiling and overall decoration of the room, then came his own turn to be called by the doctor.
"Yes." The blonde young man replied to the doctor's beckon to follow him, there was no reason not to, after all he had been called to this place and come willingly to find out. Why? Upon entering the room labeled as number five, it made him wonder just how many worked in this clinic for there to be at least five rooms. Pondering aside, his eyes scanned the room, which didn't seem anything extraordinary. There were a chessboard in one of the corners of the room, close to one of the covered windows.
"I hope you don't mind if I stand for awhile doctor, I sat plenty in the reception room. There's something about being able to think more clearly while you are standing upright or wandering compared to sitting down. I am fine with using firstnames, does that mean you shall part yours in return?" The blonde young man offered a soft upturn at the corner of his mouth, as his hand softly caressed the side of the chessboard.
"You are correct, my past has been written and spoken of by many during these years, even prior to coming here to Rhea. That is why I didn't think it would be anything odd in being called in this manner, after all your work is to help people right? At least that's what I have understood. When it concerns my past, I have come to terms with it, three years have passed since. There's not much use in dwelling on the past, as you cannot ever change it, and even if you had the power to do so, what's to say you would succeed in your goals? The people of Vaquelin have no desire to go chase off a cast-away prince of peasants after all. Their anger were towards the king and the queen to be." Reverio blew some air through his nose, as he looked towards doctor Nightman, before throwing a glance to the chessboard.
"You play chess?" He asked in a curious tone and a slight smile, before reaching out to the pieces on the board. "A few of the pieces here are in the wrong place though, perhaps a former game? Disarray can be a common thing after going through various experiences as I am certain you are well aware of. In every person's life." Reverio reached out with his gloved white hand, gently taking hold of one of the white bishops, which stood on the king's spot on the board, and then moved the pieces back to their original places.
"But I understand, you didn't call me here to play chess, I just think life is very much like chess, in that we all take turn to make our moves. In the hopes of winning the game. In real life that could be respect, power, wealth, love and many other things, but most could be summerized as success. The white pieces fight the black, and vice versa, each hoping to win by inflicting a checkmate on the king. But that's where things differ. Outside of chess, the defeat of a king doesn't mean ultimate success. But perhaps that is because we have a much more advanced set of rules which we abide by. Life would have been so much simpler had it been akin to chess, but would it had been as enjoyable, doctor?" The blonde young man shook his head softly from side to side, causing his hair to slightly bounce.
"You became a therapist in order to find an answer to a problem of your own didn't you? I know that isn't my buisness, but I think most people have their problems, some smaller, some greater. But personally I don't see a reason to talk about a past that is just that. The past. I would rather talk of the future." Reverio straightened himself up, walking over towards the bookcase, looking over the various books stored in it. Then the young man turned around towards the doctor, his eyes momentarily closing as he smiled.
'But even so, the past events shape your path towards the future no matter how hard you try to deny it. For us all. An unforgetable thing.' The young man thought to himself, he didn't believe this doctor would hold anything he desired. But what harm would there be?
@Letter Bee@KillamriX88@Lewascan2