Avatar of Diabolicalrhapsody
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    1. Diabolicalrhapsody 10 yrs ago


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[A Day Before]

*crackle* ~bzzt~ "Any officers on standby?" ~bzzt~ [static]

The radio in the car came alive with a beautiful voice of a woman. Gaston who was lounging in his seat quickly grabbed the reciever ahead of Saunders and spoke in.

~bzzt~ "This is Gaston and Saunders at the 55th avenue. Go on control!"

The radio was silent for a moment before the voice spoke again.

~bzzt~ "There's a 10-27 on the 42nd and Jack. All officers are requested to go on the double. Backup has been dispatched and will be joining you on the scene in 10." ~bzzt~

"What the... this early in the day." Gaston said to no one in partcular and Saunders fired up the car and began moving. The crime scene was just a block away from them, so they maybe the first reponse unit on the scene.

~bzzt~ "Anything we should know, control?" ~bzzt~ Gaston asked into the speaker.

~bzzt~ "The suspect is a teenaged red-head girl. It seems to be a case of powers out of control. Approach with caution. It has been rated a Red Alpha!, I repeat, A Red Alpha!, Approach with caution." ~bzzt~

"Damn...always like this. It seems we'll be needing you all the more today, Andy." Gaston smiled at his friend and colleague whose expression had darkened upon hearing the details. Andrew Saunders, grew up an orphan. Not an ordinary one though, no. He had a power, extreme resilience to physical damage and because of this life on the streets had been a literal hell before the Benefactor showed up one day. He made him another man and for that he was thankful.

Six years in the orphanage and he was a changed man, he then enrolled in the police to change the views of the regular folk. To make them understand that though people like him were born differently, they weren't different. That they would like to be treated as fellow humans and not as freakshows. He had atleast managed to pull Gaston to that view. He felt lucky that the girl in question would be having his team as first response because he couldn't guarantee her life had it been others.

As they reached the scene, he saw a bloodbath. Center of it sat the suspect. 8 bodies littered around her, seemingly ripped apart or blown by cannons. The girl just sat with her head down, her beautiful red hair covered with dried blood while clothes and body were drenched in it. The tatters she was wearing were signal of her early life, probably an street urchin like him.

"Please! we are here to help. Do not respond with hostility. We are here to protect you." Gaston said in a speaker as Saunders approached her. As he reached her and placed a hand on her shoulder, she looked up. Eyes drenched with tears and snot formed in her nostrils. She was shaking wildly and it seemed that she had lost her speech from shock.

"Are you hurt somewhere, kiddo?" Saunders asked politely as he crouched next to her. She gently shook her head to deny it.

"Come let's get you outta here." he said as he helped the girl up and gently supported her while they walked back to the car. Gaston looked with pitiful eyes at the poor girl and back at his friend and just shook his head. Back at the police station she was changed into a better set of clothes and kept in a guarded room as the investigators got about their work.

The eight dead were all members of an expansive beggar's network and called the shots. Each had a history of misconduct and a few cases of human trafficking pending against them. So it was not like they were saints but their deaths had caused an uproar and staunch supporters of muzzle groups were active again.

Saunders and Gaston sat across Chief Henry Charlton and discussed the proceedings of this case.

"I suggest I call in a favor and get her enrolled in my orphanage, I am sure she can taught to be a decent human being." Saunders said.

"You know the gravity of the situation, right?" Charlton said. "Who says, she'll be sae there? They'll be out for her blood."

"I can ensure you that won't be the case. This isn't the first time and probably won't be the last." Saunders said defnsively.

"You know what Super-power watch rated her, right? A goddamned Red Alpha! and she's not even a major yet. Whose to say that we don't have a supervillain on our hands." Charlton refuted.

"So, you'll just punish a child for a crime done to her. I know, chief, that you think you make perfect sense. But look it from my view, she didn't oppose arrest, didn't turn hostile. Heck, I think she didn't even register us. In the last 8 hours she hasn't spoken nor eaten anything and yet seems perfectly fine. She cooperated with the lady officers to allow them to wash her. She has just remained cooped in a corner of her room and crying half the time. You still think she is that evil." Saunders said.

"I see your point, son but I can't just let her waltz out of here after commiting 8 homicides. In broad daylight, in my town."

"I am not saying you let her go free, just keep her under observation at the orphanage. If she can't be corrected, we'll throw her in Iron Hell. I am fine with that. But, I want her to have a chance just like me."

"Okay!, call the benefactor. Tell him that he may have a devil under his nose soon."

"Thank you, chief!" Saunders got up and left the room. Gaston just gave Charlton the look and left behind his friend.



Brigit sat in the back of the police car, staring blankly at the passing scenery. The mood was very tense, both Saunders and Gaston didn't talk much. Their usual banter subdued.

"So what's your name, young lady." Gaston asked, ever the cheerful.

Brigit just looked at him with an empty stare. The small smile on his face died down and he turned serious again. Looking over to Saunders, all he saw was a disappointed nod. The investigators had done a good job last night. They certainly had her name, it was no surprise that she was an orphan. The men and women she managed to off were critical members of the underground trafficking nexus, surely they'll be following her.

But, the fact remained that her powers still remained highly unknown. No one had seen her in action, the few bystanders iterate that the scene turned bloody in mere seconds. Reports suggested extreme blunt force trauma so the police was quite perplexed to accurately identify her threat. Though, Saunders had convinced the chief there were still quite a few who disliked this development.

Saunders pulled the car into the driveway of a huge mansion. The sheer size of the estate was awe-inspiring. Gaston's jaw literally hit the floor as he took in the view.

"This was my home once." Saunders stated it in a matter-of-fact tone, a smirk pasted on his face.

"Dayum!" was Gaston could say before Saunders turned and said to Brigit.

"Okay, young lady. On my personal request the Chief has allowed you a second chance. Please be safe." he got out as he said that and opened the door for her. She slowly got out, red tassles falling and hiding her face. There were a few more at the door.

All young like her. Saunders ever the charming gentleman escorted Brigit up the stairs and knocked on the door. Turning towards the others and give a slight smile and a greeting.

"Hello!, young ladies. Hope you have a good stay here." Brigit meanwhile, stood blankly next to him, her face like glass, expressionless.
@KatherinWinterThanks Sweetie. :D

@YamiCuoreLaroux I'm alright, I can say. My Legs seem to working fine at the moment. Currently able to walk around frequently now and rehab is going good as well. Good Luck with the Finals.
Hey, Rhapsody! Nice to see you again.

Same here, bro. o/ How are you? I still feel Kyo is the cutest character of them all.
For Katherin's consideration.

Looks like it's a party again. :D
Alexei Dragunov: Auditorium

Few people followed up behind him to put their names on the roster. The announcement had been a surprise for many but they were eager to impress the prez it seemed. Alexei stood by the side as a graceful man approached him for some banter. He had remembered his audition, it had been impressive to say the least, so to learn that his primary interest was in something else made Alexei a bit curious.

There were quite a few talented individuals in the mix but he found that the guy was no less talented than anybody else.

"Alexei Dragunov." he said with a curt bow before replying to his query.

"Frankly, I believe you are quite a talented one but I am interested to know what your true calling is?" he asked curiously, waiting little for the reply before he finished his view on his chances.

"As for me, the villain always interests me so I just went with my gut. Though, I don't have any hopes for my chances. Probably I'll be a tree or rock in the background. Drama isn't my true calling either, it justs helps me remain curious." he replied with a wry smile. The tobacco still hung on his person. The guy interested him with his non-chalance. There was a serenity in his expression, like someone who had all the time in the world.
@Sen: Hopefully, you can work something now. I have posted.
Alexei Dragunov: Tuesday, 21st April 2015: Warakuma High - After School
Alexei meandered to the roof as the bell signalled the end of the dily business. The past week had been weighing on him, the sudden disappearance of Matt and Noboru before that had kept him on the edge. A bit concerned about his sister, news of the mysterious cult was spreading and slowly with all the rumors circulating about the place, it was enough to make him a bit jittery.

He took out a Lucky from the pack, it has always calmed him down. An anchor amidst the storm, he felt that he could brave any storm once the grey wisps entered his system and gave him focus. The tiny embers symbol of his persevering spirit, he could be down but he wold never be out, atleast he could find a good house for Elena and his mum was taken care off.

Ever since that incident that changed their lives forever, he had always had this feeling of dread, of unfulfilled promises it was during those dark years that he found support in the wad. Each puff that he drew, carried with itself a cure for his situation. He had always held that faint hope, it is what made him trudge through life.

He gazed at the evening sky, birds tweeting and zipping around the place as a constant puff of smoke emanated from him, he looked at the distant horizon, towards the sun that was on its way around the sky. His grim visage remained unchanged as he almost mechanically finished three sticks. Today was drama, with a heavy sigh he pushed out the remaining smoke and walked inside, shutting the door behind him and making his way to the auditorium.



He came in time for Leiko's announcement. He wasn't that far from the aforementioned wall where the forms were. He casually walked towards it without noticing others, tobacco hung heavily around him as he took out his fountain pen and wrote his name on the form.

Alexei Dragunov

Preferred Role: Antagonist

With his work done, he turned towards Hamada again and waited for the president to drop another instruction or directive.
<Snipped quote by Diabolicalrhapsody>
True. I need to actually do something in the IC rather than just formulate stuff. It's a drama day, so want to remedy the lack of interaction between the two?

Sure. You have anything in mind. I'll wait for you to post to try and work upon a situation. I'm bad at random encounters.
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