Avatar of Dinh AaronMk


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9 mos ago
Current Never spaghetti; Boston strong
11 mos ago
The last post below me is a lie
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12 mos ago
1 yr ago
Was that supposed to be an anime reference
1 yr ago
I live in America, but the m, e, r , i, c are silent


Harry Potter is not a world view, read another book or I will piss on the moon with my super laser piss.

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@Dinh AaronMkI love that.
Simply a dot can help allot and maybe if needed a grid on toposcopic terrain where one can have [x,y]
Maybe I can along with mile lines examples there can be sample ones for general movement based on player type where one could use a ruler too

I wouldn't get that titled since doing x,y stuff and drawing straight lines for trajectory is some like, early naval combat and radar stuff. But using a map you can either make a point on your position and draw some healthy assumptions from post details and like, how fast a person moves while walking and how much time should have elapsed between posts, give or take. You shouldn't have to ever give specific metrics unless the whole point of the post is you're doing Highfleet the Roleplay.

(And even then in a "lost in the wilderness" situation people are probably moving slower than they normally would even because they may be bushwhacking)

But as general use then maybe x,y is useful for OOC chatter and it's mostly left out of IC posting because it would be purely dead weight on narrative flow.
Get a map where positions can be noted with a dot. Anyone with a computer has or can get an image editing program. Something as simple as MS Paint will allow people to put a dot down anywhere on the map.

The level of sophistication of the map can vary depending on where you get it or how you yourself make it. It can feature terrain elevation, a grid system that breaks the map down in a regular pattern of every X meter or kilometer, and the map can of course contain geographic features.

It's easily the simplest way to convey the most detail possible. Even in non-NRP RPs I'd consider it honestly a good investment if not a flat requirement.
I think I've shown interest or joined at least 4 RPs at this point. The excruciating part is waiting for any single one of them to start.

Horror, Powers, Fantasy... Heck, I might even consider Sci-Fi if it meant that one would just get going instead of hovering in limbo

Replying to this late because sort of scanning backwards in hopes of poaching people, but if what you want is RPs that are on right now then I can direct you to NRP where I have one going right now if you're so desperate; Ghosts of Napoleon.
So it seems

Unless your GM comes back and the two of you can soldier through: I don't think so. You're probably better off looking for an RP that wasn't necro'd from the depths.
<Snipped quote by Dinh AaronMk>

Yeah, it's unintentional; I didn't mean anything ill.

Hmm, want to help me brainstorm ideas for what I can write about instead?

That a non-negligible number of people in Egypt were cutting off their hands, fingers, or blinding themselves by dripping rat poison into their eyes to escape enlistment in Muhammad Ali's army or corvee work system, or emigrating from the country all together, and that by and large you control the lands that Muhammad Ali controls now, who would be inhabited by people not at all happy with the fact that now all their shit can be confiscated as the centralized property of the state, his state.
<Snipped quote by Dinh AaronMk>

The French are planning to grow cotton elsewhere as a long-term solution; I got that. I just thought they'd buy from Egypt in the short-to-medium term (which granted, might have been wishful thinking on my part).

Edit: That said, my thought processes have been getting erratic (again) lately. Sorry for the inconvinience.

Bee, you're god modding with posts like the one you keep trying to put out.
<Snipped quote by Dinh AaronMk>

3.) Read it. So the French will only buy cotton from Egypt if Egypt lowers its rates to below what the English give?

You again prove you did not read it, or read it very well. Neither did you understand it, if you did.
<Snipped quote by Dinh AaronMk>

1.) For the War with Russia, with Egypt selling for lower prices but at greater bulk.

2.) Oh, my god; I forgot about that. Damn myself. Perhaps he could have been allowed to lease out the land from the state? Or I can retcon him into being a state official?

1) you didn't actually read it

2) no, he would have to be an agent of the state. The regime of Muhammad Ali wouldn't have the power it has without forcing people to do shit for it.
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