Avatar of Dion


Recent Statuses

19 hrs ago
Current too late i bought a spell that would bring me good luck in my pregnancy and in the courtroom to get my kids back
19 hrs ago
idk what going on but 13org is too unproblematic to be the issue so i'm with them
22 days ago
and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
24 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
24 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts

In Mahz's Dev Journal 8 yrs ago Forum: News
@Mahz see, that sounds really weird. Has something changed with the server host (assuming that you are not hosting privately on your own PC's)?
In Mahz's Dev Journal 8 yrs ago Forum: News
Sounds a bit strange that it's suddenly, for no cause at all, using up CPU for no reason. Something must've changed for it to act that way, right.


“Saru mo ki kara ochiru. Even monkeys fall from trees.”

Sutemasu had glanced briefly at her team, and noticed that they were handling themselves, though it was the question how well they were handling themselves. Before being able to intervene, she was already facing her opponent again. The man charged her with drawn kunai, swiping at her three times. Sutemasu dodged underneath the first one but for some reason allowed the second and third swipe to hit her -- there wasn't even a dodge attempt. The kunai hit her on unimportant places, opening up a hole in her pants, cutting her thigh, the other kunai grazing across her upper arm. Blood came from the wound but Sutemasu seemed unbothered, grabbing the man by his arm and skillfully executing a hold on the arm. She locked his arm so that he couldn't use it, and with one hard knock on his elbow from below, broke the arm in two. The man wailed with pain, releasing a hard and shrieking AAH! that could be heard throughout the compound and far outside. Sound seemed to carry far between the Kirigakure cliffs and open waters. Now that he was partially disabled, she pulled her free hand back and delivered three rapid punches on the mans solar plexus -- the core of his body, which was unprotected by muscle or bone. The man gasped for air then, unable to automatically breathe due to his nerves being hit, which made him focus very hard on, well.. not dying.

One of the shinobi that hadn't been engaged by Sutemasu's team, namely the one closest to her, reacted to the scream by attempting to rush her, forming seals while he approached. His footsteps gave away his position however and Sutemasu turned around, swinging the man she held by the broken arm and throwing him at the shinobi that came for her. The man tumbled into the other man, throwing the entire attack that was being planned into disarray before they ended up in a clump on the ground.

Sutemasu considered them defeated, not wishing to kill them without a reason, as they were merely doing their jobs just like she was. However that left the four other shinobi to deal with. She glanced at the team, who all seemed to have fallen back to their original location after exchanging blows with the enemy. It seemed the fight was going well enough. Could've been better she mused, but there was no time to really think too much about it. As the chunin with her didn't know about her self-created kekkei genkai, that was in truth more like a hiden, she decided it would be a good time to show them.

The Kirigakure nin were standing next to each other, forming a front against the Kumogakure nin. Clever, and textbook, but it wasn't going to help them in this case. Sutemasu jumped into the air and landed in front of the four shinobi, looking back over her shoulder towards the chunin under her command. “We can't win this, guys. We need to retreat. Go now, I'll buy you time!” .. well, that wasn't true at all. If anyone of the chunins were attentive enough they would likely notice the slight hint of a wink in Sutemasu's left eye, before she turned towards the Kirigakure shinobi. “”

“Just take me, but let them go!” Sutemasu bargained with the shinobi, before setting a step forwards with her hands raised. The Kirigakure shinobi didn't seem to catch on and let her get closer, before one stepped forwards. “I'd rather see you dead, Kumo scum!” The other then joined him and rushed towards Sutemasu, trying to circle her. Sutemasu merely grinned, flashing her teeth at the shinobi -- a sign that even Sutemasu, otherwise sweet and gentle, could have a bit of battle enthusiasm in her.

When the one facing her stepped forwards to stab her, she once again did not move to dodge it. His kunai penetrated her flak vest, reaching into her stomach. Strangely she did not flinch at all. Her hand reached for the shinobi's arm and pulled him closer, which only pushed the kunai in deeper. “You've messed up. Never attack someone like this if you don't know what they can do..” she whispered to him, and she watched him closely when his eyes became larger upon realizing that he had made a mistake.

Her hand let go of the arm and rapidly slapped together with the other hand, forming a tiger seal. She hunched over slightly, gathering chakra in her body, before yelling out what she was doing. “Sutemasu Sutairu: Chakurabāsuto!” All of the gathered chakra expelled from her body, producing a rather harsh and powerful shockwave that sent the shinobi flying. Two went to her front -- away from Reiji, Kota, Kasumi and Amehime -- while the other two were flung towards the four shinobi, since they had tried to encircle Sutemasu.

They'd be easy pickings for the shinobi. Now that the shinobi were, more or less, dealt with for now until the team of chunin neutralized them, Sutemasu pulled the kunai out of her stomach, where it'd been lodged rather deep. It was rather strange, after all, to leave it sitting there. Again she didn't flinch - nor did she squint her eyes in pain, nor did she squirm, nor did she give any signs of pain.

Sutemasu Sutairu. The definition of what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.


“Baka wa shinanakya naoranai. Unless an idiot dies, he won't be cured.”
Chi 氣

Toraburu followed Hageshi closely, landing slightly behind him, to his left. “Su-su-su.. Could you be any more loud..” he uttered under his breath to those that dropped down behind him, even if they didn't produce a sound. He just liked to complain about people. He stood straight again, after having leaned forwards slightly to ease his fall onto the water.

He remained still for a moment, raising his noise in the air, before his ears twitched slightly. Something was souring through the sky.. hmm.. sounded like.. “What the f..” Just as Toraburu was about to warn the rest about a projectile with a piece of paper hanging behind it, judging from the sound, the kunai passed them and hit the cliff behind them. The explosion was large enough to send the cliff crashing into the water, producing a small wave of sorts. Toraburu maintained his balance while he bobbed up and down, adjusting himself to the front again where he heard footsteps approaching on the water. His ears kept twitching, adjusting to the sound constantly. “There's more coming, baka-sensei.” he warned, walking up closer to Hageshi.

When the figures appeared, Ikaruga seemed to be ready for battle, charging in headlong without any orders really. “MROW! BAKA! You're gonna get killed like that.. kami-sama, why do you mock me so? Making me work with these fools! MROW!” His hairs stood up on his neck as he got agitated, not only with his team, the mission, or Ikaruga's recklessness, no, he was prepared for battle. He picked his target ahead of time, seeing that Ikaruga was busy with two at the same time.

After the two got up from being smashed about by his spear, one of them drew a sword and went after Ikaruga. Toraburu's instincts were telling him to go for the other guy, just to make sure that he wouldn't be a pain for Ikaruga later on. “Prrrrrrr.. get ready, son of a bitch! Your mother is a whore! Your sister is a harlot, your father is a coward and your brother brings nothing but dishonor to your family! HERE I COME, BAKA!”

He ran towards the man that Ikaruga had left alone, forming handseals rapidly with great flexibility and agility, before leaning back slightly with his head. Anyone that had seen the attack on their sensei, would know what Toraburu was about to do. But, alas for the Kirigakure nin, he hadn't seen it, and thus he was met with a full frontal blast. “Suidan no Jutsu!” he yelled before a jet of water spewed from his mouth, hitting the man square in the face.

The blast wasn't strong enough to do anything other than force the man to throw his guard up, which blocked his vision. When the jet of water had stopped, Toraburu was suddenly gone from sight. “NANDA? Where!?” the man yelled, before he noticed a shadow being cast on the water below him. When he looked up, a dark figure appeared through the mist. “MREOW!” Toraburu let out as a slip of the tongue, before crashing his fist into the man. Or at least that was the intent, but the man had simply slid back and was grinning at the cat's failed attack. “I'm not that stupid, fucking neko idiot.” Toraburu looked up and stood there, somewhat confused but at the same time angered by the mans audacity. “I don't know about that.. AND I'M NOT A NEKO, SHUT YOUR MOUTH YOU IMBECILE.”
I'll try to post with Sutemasu and Tora, if the guild stops shitting itself every 3 secs.
I'll try to post with Sutemasu and Tora, if the guild stops shitting itself every 3 secs.
>boss we need to get to the med evac on that hill
>im sorry we can't do it
>why not? if we don't then our comrades will die


“Baka wa shinanakya naoranai. Unless an idiot dies, he won't be cured.”
Chi 氣

Toraburu was caught off guard by the sensei's words, who apparently dodged his jutsu. But with his words, he made the same mistake that the feisty chunin called Trouble made. He gave away his position, and that indicated to Toraburu that something was going on. Turning around swiftly he noticed a gale of wind approaching, and his ears twitched from hypocrisy of his sensei saying some dumb shit about not yelling a jutsu name, but at the same time yelling out a warning for no reason if he was going to surprise him. Being a bit of a scrappy kid he simply pushed his feet into the ground, augmenting chakra at his feet to keep himself steadied. He crossed his arms right in front of him and braced for the impact -- granted that it was heavier than he expected -- and felt himself being pushed back slightly. Some unremarkable cuts appeared on his arm from the wind cutting his skin but it wasn't anything serious.

“Su-su-suuu.. baka! If you're gonna complain about me yelling my jutsu out, you should think before yelling at me about some random nonsense before you use yours! Who even made you a jonin.. I bet your mom did. ... I mean.. she's the raikage.. of course she did..”

Once the gale of wind had passed him -- leaving numerous cuts all over his body -- he lowered his arms from in front of him, and looked at Hageshi with a challenging glare. He then turned back to his team, namely Midori, Kaguya and Saborama. “Damn right it's a lot more serious. It's so serious that they needed four of us to babysit that big weenie they call a jonin. Su-su-su.. and they didn't even give me a capable team.”

During the travels to Kirigakure, Toraburu made sure to stay relatively close to Hageshi. There was no saying when this moron needed saving, after all. At least that's what he told himself. He kept his ears peeled and they were constantly twitching around, listening for sounds. It made it so that, unintentionally, he heard Sutemasu's message through the intercom without even wearing one. He smirked when she said something about friendly fire, since from what Hageshi had shown so far it seemed to be near impossible for him to actually do anything without blasting off a huge wave of air and therefore, it seemed unlikely that friendly fire would not happen at all.

While team Sutemasu and team Minaru already headed off, Toraburu waited behind Hageshi, looking over the edge of the cliff at the misty compound. “Prrrrrrr..” A soft purr escaped his mouth -- something he hated, because it made him sound more like a cat than he wanted to let on to. He already had enough crazy people calling him a neko, and it seemed like nobody seemed to understand that he was genuinely a catperson. His ears twitched slightly, listening closely to the footsteps of both the teams ahead of them, before he turned to face Hageshi. “What are we waiting for you idiot? Let's go!” And with that said, Toraburu, or rather 'Trouble', set it upon himself to throw whatever authority Hageshi had in question. Oh, Hageshi would be very very sorry for dragging him along like some animal.
@Angel Eyes You're so fucking bored aren't you.
@Redrum Could do the latter.
@Redrum It seems you missed the 2-3 posts above, but I feel like you can add it on later since you already made a gigantic post.
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