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21 hrs ago
Current too late i bought a spell that would bring me good luck in my pregnancy and in the courtroom to get my kids back
22 hrs ago
idk what going on but 13org is too unproblematic to be the issue so i'm with them
22 days ago
and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
24 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
24 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts

@Hillan @Joestar You can set up a combat scenario for your team in the same way I did mine. You can let people control the shinobi they're fighting (fuck, if you want, let them fight civilians who want to whack them with coal shovels).

Everyone else: the fight will continue after this but I'll be controlling the NPC's once we've ''cleared'' the compound. Gotta make shit interesting.


“Saru mo ki kara ochiru. Even monkeys fall from trees.”

Sutemasu glanced over her team, smiling over the companionship that had rapidly formed between Kota and Kasumi -- or at least, the companionship had probably always been there, but Sutemasu didn't know that -- while she glanced at Amehime and Reiji. When she saw Hageshi and his team approach, she quickly raised a hand at all her team members, calling them to order. “Guys, get ready, Hageshi-sensei is here too. Let's pretend we're actually excited to work with him!” She said it loud enough for Hageshi to hear, though that was intentional. She was far too nice to actually mean those kind of jokes, and she made sure to make it at least somewhat obvious that she was merely sarcastically being like that.

“Hageshi-sensei, you've got an.. interesting team. Is that.. Toraburu? And Midori-chan? Ooh, and that's Yoyai and Saborama. I recognize them now! They've grown so much.” She tried to push away the biting idea that they were going to enter a real combat mission, fearful of what might overcome these kids. “Well, I'm sure we'll make this mission a success, isn't that so Hageshi-kun?” The last one to arrive would be Minaru, for which he'd receive a scolding glance from Sutemasu, though it was nothing serious and she wasn't actually angry with him.

“Minaru-chan,” she said teasingly, referring to him as a girl, “please be on time next time. A sensei needs to give the right impression, you know that!”

Now that everyone was there they could brief them shortly before moving out. “Listen up!” Sutemasu said loudly, making herself heard over the talking of the chunin. “We're tasked to take down a metal refinery. It is possible that we'll engage with enemy combatants, since we're taking down a refinery belonging to Kirigakure. It shouldn't be anything too serious, however, so don't worry!” She looked left and right, to both the senseis that were also present alongside her, before turning around. “Let's go.”

The traveling time would be quite limited, as the refinery was located on an island off the coast of Kumogakure -- precisely, it was a small island that was barely noteworthy at all if it weren't for the refinery. Likely the place was constructed there due to the high amount of minerals present in Kumogakure -- allowing the Kirigakure shinobi to thief and steal their way into Kumogakure supplies and refine it without too much of a hassle. There'd be an end to that, now, however.

When the teams came to a standstill, the only thing they could see that separated them from themselves and their objective was a thick, heavy layer of mist. It laid over a deep ocean, but there was no way you could see that, and the only way to know it was there was, well, knowing it ahead of time. Sutemasu glanced back at her team as they stood atop a cliffside. Left of them, approximately 20 meters further, was team Minaru, and then behind that was team Hageshi. They had traveled in a rather loose formation for some time to avoid detection, but now that they reached the destination they had stopped for a moment. “Reiji, Kota, Kasumi, Amehime, once we're in there we'll probably be on our own. I think that the Raikage didn't foresee the mist being this thick.”

She glanced forwards towards the buildings, which was a large compound with thick high metal walls. There was some movement in there, but it was uncertain whether they were shinobi or just workers. Maybe they were both. It wouldn't be past Kirigakure to have people with lava-release or something working there.. thinking about that caused a shiver to run down Sutemasu's spine. She pushed her finger up to her ear, pressing on a machine that was lodged inside her ear. “Hageshi, Minaru, I just realized that the visibility will be low inside the compound. Just.. keep that in mind when you are slinging jutsu's at everything. I don't want my chunin to get hurt by friendly fire.” With that message sent she lowered her arm again and stepped forwards, into the nothingness that was below.

The free fall off the cliff was doable, approximately 50 meters if even that, which would be an easy drop for any shinobi that had practiced some chakra control to cushion their fall. The splashes of her landing on the water would've betrayed their location, but the many sounds coming from the refinery made sure to hide their position quite well. When the other chunin had landed next to her they proceeded forwards, expecting team Minaru and Hageshi to do the same. How they got into the compound was up to them, and the destruction of the refinery would come when they were done clearing the refinery. Civilian casualties were allowed, but to be kept to a minimum. If it was up to Sutemasu, they wouldn't be allowed, but it seemed impossible to forgo all civilian deaths.

Team Sutemasu would approach the walls and then come to a standstill. Inside Sutemasu's brain the gears were spinning, trying to come up with a way to get inside. “Hmm. We could blast ourselves in.. but.. maybe that's too loud. It'd be very surprising if we did, though. Hm. No, let's just jump over. Follow me, Kota, Kasumi, Amehime, Reiji!”

She bent through her knees and in one rapid movement disappeared from their -- due to the mist, already lousy -- vision. She landed on the other side with a soft thud, finding vision slightly more bearable. The figures moving around that she could see now were primarily workers, which eased her fear. However it was certain there were shinobi present. The voices that were shouting out the jutsu they were using echoed through the compound, some people using fire release jutsu, and some breaking the monotonous voices with lava release jutsu. “Okay, follow me.” Sutemasu said, whispering to her team. She was unsure how and when the other two teams would breach the compound, so she hoped that they'd opt for a.. similarily stealthy approach. With Hageshi, and especially Minaru, that wouldn't be so sure however.

They headed for a large warehouse building, and entered through a large door. Inside, there was a large pile of unrefined metal -- iron ore, silver ores, even some gold. Next to that was a larger pile of charcoal, which was used to fuel the furnaces. As far as Sutemasu could see there were only six people inside, all shinobi. But they all had their backs turned on the shinobi that were entering. Sutemasu gestured towards the shinobi, indicating that they were going to take them down. She then raised a finger to her mouth, indicating that they should try and be quiet.

She would take the furthest away shinobi, who was using his lava release to melt iron ores into a liquid state. It was chakra intensive, but really efficient, given there wasn't much fuel required to do it this way. It was also a lot quicker, Sutemasu imagined. She approached him with rapid steps, sprinting towards him. It wasn't quiet, but it was quiet enough to mask her presence to anyone that wasn't inside the compound. This left the other 5 targets for the four chunin -- who would likely be able to take them down on their own, or at least busy long enough to let Sutemasu interfere if she needed to. Her task as a jonin was to more or less keep an eye on them at all times, though, so even while she sprinted towards them, she made sure to keep an eye on her four chunin.

When the lava release user noticed the footsteps approaching him and turned around, it was already too late. Sutemasu heaved her arm back and swung her fist forwards following that, punching the man in the face with a large amount of momentum, sending him staggering back, barely holding himself upright against the metal encasing of the machine he was working with.

“I-INTRUDE- BWAGH! Before he could finish his sentence he received another hook in the face, knocking him to the right into the wall with his face. This gave Sutemasu enough time to glance backwards over her shoulder to look at her team, before looking back. She readied herself for the attack that the man would no doubt send her way, but her mind was uneasy knowing that the chunin that were in her team were outnumbered.
Y'all hella slow with posting. I'm gonna have to kick off this mission if y'all don't post tonight.
Don't join. Keep your virginity.

@Redrum Also if you still wanted to join the skype chat; feel free to add me (yes the invite still stands.)

@Redrum You better make it the god damn best thing ever.
@Jin Of Mana Same problem here. + GMing is a time drain, you either spend too little time on it, or too much. And just when you think you're done GMing for the day, something comes up, etc. etc.

I have to say that for a rather loose application of pagan lore you do have some things in here that match the saga's rather closely.
@Jin Of Mana Being pagan myself I find it incredibly awesome that someone has taken the time to create an RP inspired by it. I'm not sure if I can commit to this RP yet but I will mill it over. Just posting here to express that I find your thread awesome.

Hail Óðinn bróðir.
That'd be too rude for most characters.
@Sagittarius and all those that suffer that problem: 'After Hanare introduced herself, ___ continued to introduce himself.'
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