Avatar of Dion


Recent Statuses

23 hrs ago
Current too late i bought a spell that would bring me good luck in my pregnancy and in the courtroom to get my kids back
24 hrs ago
idk what going on but 13org is too unproblematic to be the issue so i'm with them
22 days ago
and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
24 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
24 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts

Hello new(ish). Welcome to RPG again.

Yes, that was a dad-joke.
So whoever is on team Minaru, I'd appreciate if you guys managed to get the fuck goin and arrive at the team meetup. <3
@Jay Kalton

<Snipped quote by Jay Kalton>

Just to be clear - he meant one post from you every 1-2 days.

^ this.
@Jay Kalton

Before I grade this I need to know two things:

1. You are aware you can have more than 3 jutsu?
2. Since you posted in the int check approximately 7 days ago and only made a sheet right now, I feel the need to ask you if you can commit to this RP? We're gonna be moving at a relatively high pace (casual pace) of about 1 post every 1-2 days.


“Baka wa shinanakya naoranai. Unless an idiot dies, he won't be cured.”
How you like me now?

Toraburu had been enjoying a rather lazy morning, laying on his bed with a long crossed over his other, dangling his foot around while he laid back casually. His hands were folded behind his head as he laid back his head onto the pillow. Through a window the sun shone through, that typical Kumogakure sun that he had come to enjoy so much. Every day he would lay in the sun during his free moments - much like a real cat would - and enjoy the heat that came from the sun. Unlike other people in Kumogakure, he wasn't really a morning person, so he just laid back and waited for something to happen. He'd completely forgotten that today was the last day of his vacation, and he was beginning to expect that he was done with the shinobi life now that he hadn't done anything in so long.

Of course, some random jonin came to disprove that theory.

“Su-su-su... what fool would be up at this time.. and then come bother me? he sighed as he got up from his bed, rubbing his eyes with his two fists as he approached the door and opened it. Living alone was a blessing, he found, since nobody else had gotten up to open the door and do some annoying small talk with this jonin. “Su-su-su.. who's that.. who are you, some nameless nobody? Hey, what are you- why are you dragging me along?! Let go of me you fuckface!” He gripped onto Hageshi's arm, digging his nails into the mans arm while he was rudely dragged along. He didn't even get time to close his door behind him.

The entire way Toraburu would be insulting Hageshi, as he made it unclear as to why precisely Toraburu was being dragged along. It wasn't until they arrived at this girl called Midori's house that he introduced himself as their sensei. “Su-su-su... you couldn't have said something earlier, you ignorant asshole?” Toraburu hissed as he rubbed his arm, which was sore from Hageshi holding onto him there.

Toraburu's cat-ears on his head tweaked around, seemingly scanning for sound, though he was just moving them around out of interest to see if anything was being said nearby that sounded cool. Cooler than this Hageshi-sensei figure. “Oi, dipshit, your mom is the raikage right?” His voice was high-pitched, but without sounding like a girl. It was strange - like a cat's meow in pitch, but with a human undertone. And, well, his choice of words was not as graceful as one would come to expect from a creature as 'graceful' as a cat. “If she's your mom, just ask for a fucking transfer, because I'm not working with a retard like you. Su-su-su..” Toraburu crossed his arms as he looked at Hageshi, completely ignoring Midori's presence.

It seemed a pointless affair to protest to this sensei, as he was dragged along once more. “SU-SU-HEY! Stop doing that you asshole!!” he protested, being dragged off towards Saborama's house, and then Ikaruga's house. When the entire troubling affair was done, Toraburu was finally released by Hageshi. “Su-su-su-su.. you dipshit..” Toraburu sighed while he peeked at Saborama and then Ikaruga. They looked like assholes, just like Hageshi. And Midori.. she looked weird. And useless. What a fucking shit team he had this time around.

“TAKE THIS!” Toraburu suddenly yelled, forming handseals with a cat-like agility that made him perform them faster than most chunins. He held on to the rat-seal, before leaning in forwards towards Hageshi. He opened his mouth and spewed forwards a large stream of water towards Hageshi, enough to throw him off balance and fling him back a few meters if he hit.

Once he had shown his fury at the mistreatment of the jonin, Toraburu crossed his arms and looked at his three teammates. “And stop being useless! Kami, kami, why do you torment me! You!” he yelled in the middle of Ikaruga's introduction, rudely interrupting him without a care being given to it by Toraburu. He pointed at Ikaruga, too, also not seeming to give too much of a shit towards how the boy might feel about being pointed at. “Please tell me that you know what the hell is going on, because nobody told me I would be in a team with..” He glanced at Hageshi shortly, his ears tweaking around and adjusting their location slightly, before continuing. “.. you losers!”

Well, it was already clear that Toraburu didn't give too much of a shit, but he also seemed oblivious to the fact that Sutemasu's team was nearby and could likely overhear the entire conversation.
@Redrum Take the time. I think. Just get something out some times.
@Angel Eyes No hanare.

This one.
@Angel Eyes Implying I didn't make my own already.

Hey Zach!

Welcome to RPG. If you are looking for (only) tabletop RPG's styled roleplays, here's where you should look. Tabletop roleplay. I'm not an expert on tabletop (I'm not an expert at anything) but I'm sure you could find what you need there.

Otherwise, you should probably look around the boards a bit, find something that suits you both in the subject matter as well as post length and such, and find something you might like. I can guarantee that most GM's don't care if you are new to the guild, since writing is something dictated by skill and motivation and not post counts.

I wish you the best of luck and for any questions feel free to PM me (or any of the others that offered in this thread!)
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