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1 day ago
Current too late i bought a spell that would bring me good luck in my pregnancy and in the courtroom to get my kids back
1 day ago
idk what going on but 13org is too unproblematic to be the issue so i'm with them
22 days ago
and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
24 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
24 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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Review in red
@Buddha whe z e, , ,, lies down this is he re now Me too

Accepted, put him in the character bin. I'm adding you to my character Sutemasu's team, and I'll edit 'collecting' your character from his home into my post. After that you can post whenever you have time.


“Saru mo ki kara ochiru. Even monkeys fall from trees.”

Sutemasu had awoken early, as she tended to do. She was a morning person after all, someone that could enjoy the sea of time that became available to her if she woke early. The fact that she lived in a peaceful area might have helped with becoming a morning person, perhaps. There was something about the singing of birds that seemed awfully enjoyable to Sutemasu. She spent her morning making breakfast and tea, enjoying said breakfast and tea, and then cleaning her house. It wasn't messy, it's just that sometimes you just need to relocate some items so that everything becomes slightly nicer to look at. She was interrupted, however, by her doorbell ringing, which could only mean one thing. Visitors! This early, though? Perhaps a neighbor needed help with something, she asked herself, before heading to the door. She was there within mere seconds, opening the door and being greeted by Otsumi, the assistant of the Raikage. “Aaa.. Otsumi, can I help you?” The exchange of information was rather awkward, more so for Otsumi than Sutemasu. Once it was completed, however, Sutemasu realized that today was actually the day that the new teams would be formed. An exciting day fore veryone involved, she guessed, since she didn't quite know any of the involved chunin.

As far as the jonin went, she only knew that Hageshi and Minaru were involved. Hageshi she knew decently, having worked with him once or twice on the odd mission. She wasn't sure how she ranked up against him - or anyone, for that matter. She didn't have a very high self esteem and she even had the faint idea that one of the chunins might even be able to beat her. But there was no sense beating herself up over it. What they didn't have and she did have was experience. That was worth something. Minaru on the other hand she knew by name - he was quite the character she'd heard. He was a prodigy of sorts, reaching the rank of jonin at an age where others were still busy doing genin stuff. It was impressive, but she wondered how it'd affect him personality wise.

She got dressed a few minutes after Otsumi left, putting on her long sleeved black shirt, and then putting her flak-vest on. Once she was finished with getting dressed she left the house, making sure to lock the house behind her. Wouldn't want anyone breaking in. The walk to the raikages office was not too long, somewhere between ten minutes and fifteen minutes. It was a relaxing walk, never the less, since nobody was around at this time except some shop owners who were getting their shops ready to open up for the day. She greeted some of them, mostly those whom she knew.

She entered the office and noticed she was the first. “Oh.. excuse me mrs. A. I didn't realize I was.. too early. I'm sorry, I'll wait outside.” The raikage waved her concern away and beckoned her towards the chairs that were stood in front of the coffeetable, so Sutemasu simply smiled in gratitude and sat down, crossing her legs over eachother and waiting patiently for Minaru and Hageshi to arrive. Once they did, she simply attended the meeting in full and then left once they were expected to.

When they walked outside, Sutemasu turned to the two jonin that were with her. “Hageshi-san, Minaru-kun, I am going to fetch my team now. Let's meet at the entrance to Kumogakure once we are done and ready to head out. I'll see you there!” She waved politely and then headed out, leaving the two behind them.

First on her list was Uchiha Kota. She knew where he lived, because the team lists were supplied with a short note with them that stated some basic info on the chunin, like their name, age and address. And surely at this time of the day, he'd still be home? She walked over, not rushing to get there or anything. Once there, she knocked on the door politely and waited for him to open the door. “Good morning Kota-kun. I'm Kowareta Sutemasu, and I'm your new sensei. Please follow me, while we go collect the other two chunin.” She smiled at him briefly before turning around and leaving immediately. She headed to Kasumi's house, which wasn't too far away. Barely a block or so, she estimated.

Once she arrived there she followed the same procedure. Knock on the door, wait for them to open it, and then greet them. Easy enough. “Kasumi-chan? I'm Kowareta Sutemasu. I'm going to be your new sensei starting today. Please, do follow me. We are on the way to find your third and then the final team mate, Abukara Reiji, and Amehime Oukami.” The girl reminded her of a teammate she used to have, whom had passed on to the afterlife some time ago. She could only hope the same fate would not befall this young girl. She didn't let on to her thoughts, however, and proceeded to Abukara Reiji's house. They simply walked, since Sutemasu wasn't content to waste energy right before a mission.

Knock knock. Some time had passed ever since she left and Sutemasu wondered if she'd be on time for the rest of the jonins. She'd hate to be late, and cause the mission to start later. But, well, they only had to leave at 12AM.. so there was a lot of time. Enough time for the chunins to get dressed, if they hadn't already. “Reiji-kun? I'm sorry for being so early, but I am Kowareta Sutemasu. I'm going to be your new sensei from today on. Please get ready to head out.”

Finally Amehime's turn was there. They arrived at the home, which kind of gave Sutemasu a strange feeling. When she knocked on the door, an older woman opened the door. “Excuse me, is Amehime home? I'm his new sensei. We'll be heading on a mission later today, so I am here to collect him.”

Once Amehime was ready to join them they would head out. Now that the team was together, Sutemasu led them to a bench not too far from there. “Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I'm sorry, but we're going to have to do the introductions rather quickly since the Raikage wants us to head out on a mission with some other teams. I'm Kowareta Sutemasu, I'm 28 years old and I live near the village edge. If you ever need anything, feel free to contact me!” She tilted her head slightly and smiled at the three chunin, her eyes squeezing together slightly with enjoyment. It was clear she was a cheerful, friendly sort of person. Perhaps that gave them the idea that she was weak, but they were free to think that. “Reiji-kun, Amehime-kun, Kota-kun, Kasumi-chan, please introduce yourself, tell us your age and something about yourself, and then we'll head out!”

With the introductions completed rapidly, they headed out at a more rapid tempo. Sutemasu made sure to arrive at the village gates early, to make sure they'd not be late. But it seemed that once again she was early to the party, and stood at the village gate all alone with her team. “Oh.. I guess we were a bit too fast with the introductions. Well.. It's fine. Let's just take a few minutes to relax before we go on the mission.” Now would be a good time to relax with their teammates, and have a conversation or something while they waited for the rest. Of course.. they were under no obligation to do that, as long as they stayed in the area.
@Redrum I'm sorry for putting you in the all-boys team, where Midori is probably the prime candidate for harassment.

I'd sue myself if I was social justice inclined, but I don't care enough, so please accept my apologies.
R A I K A G E ' S O F F I C E

Welcome to my office! Don't mind the training equipment.


A couple of weeks had been granted as vacation to the new chunins, who had just completed their exams. The exams were notoriously tough this year, and that was in part because A, the Raikage, had created the exams this year. As known, all the exams were different and most of the time the difficulty was dependent on the curator and manager. So, it made sense that, when a kage of all people creates the exams, the exams were going to be difficult. Perhaps that was a foreshadowing of the events that were going to unfold in the progress of the career of these chunin. It was not a secret, after all, that relationships between the villages had been on edge. They had been on edge ever since the Kumo-Konohagakure Alliance crumbled to nothing more than a piece of paper in a file cabinet somewhere. It didn't help, either, that A was extremely xenophobic of other villages, and would rather not work with them. For that reason it had been over ten years since a kage summit was held - there had been little reason to hold one, and it seemed that all the other kages shared the views of A, and were not interested in working together.

It seemed also that skirmishes were beginning to get more frequent - there were numerous reports of Kumogakure shinobi clashing with Kirigakure and Iwagakure shinobi from time to time, and Sunagakure had more than once encroached on Kumogakure territory, stealing valuable resources from right under their nose. That was not to say that Kumogakure never instigated violence and conflict, but that was rather left unsaid, and treated with careful wording to make sure it was understood that Kumogakure was always justified to take these steps.

However, now the vacation for the fresh chunin was over, and that meant they'd be called into service again. The jonins that were supposed to lead the new teams of chunins had been alerted to it a long time ago, before the chunin exams even took place - and as such it came as no surprise that day that they were called into the office. What A had to tell them, however, was a different story. A was famous in Kumogakure, and not just for her prowess in battle, but also her short temper and furious talking.


Shoot the messenger!

Early in the morning, A's assistant had been sent out. She was a traditionally dressed woman who was hired more for her organizational skills and her relatively calm personality when compared to the Raikage, A. She left as early as 8AM, a time where the Raikage and her staff would regularly not even be in the office yet. Her first visit would be to Minaru Gazo, who was somewhat of a name within Kumogakure. His position as a youthful jonin not only made him known, it also made him a prime target for the Raikage, to show Minaru that he wasn't a big shot like he thought just because he was young. Never the less, he was strong, but in the Raikage's eyes, that's not what constituted a good jonin. And she was sure to remind him of that, every chance she got.

The assistant, named Otsumi, knocked on his door twice, waiting for a brief moment before knocking once more. “Good morning Minaru!” she said, her sharp voice surely reaching inside his house. Without waiting for him to open the door - waiting for stuff like that would surely lower her efficiency - she opened the door for him and barged inside. “Your time to shine has arrived, mister Gold.” She walked up to his living room and folded her hands over each other in front of her body, looking around with a judging look. For what it was worth, she was sure she could tidy up his house a fair share more than he did.. seemed to do.. did he do anything at all to this place? Jack shit, it looked like. “To-to-to-to..” she said to herself, a tic she had whenever she was waiting, wasting time. “Well, whatever. Minaru, you're expected at the office in thirty minutes. I'll go get the other two jonin now! Until then!” And with all that said and done she turned around and left the house again, heading for her next target. A's son, Hageshī Nakamura.

It still felt a bit strange to repeat his surname to herself, since she was used to calling the Raikage 'A' and not by her real name. Oh well. Otsumi reached the house after a little bit of travel time. Luckily he didn't live too far from the office, unlike Sutemasu. She contemplated knocking on the door, but saw an open window above the door and decided that'd be far more efficient than knocking and waiting for him to answer. And given her closeness to his mother, she thought it'd probably be okay if she just barged in like that. Not that she cared when she barged into Minaru's home. “Wake up!” she said loudly when she jumped up into the window, standing in the window-sill of his room, apparently. She nonchalantly leaned against the wooden frame of the window while she stood there, giving off the air that she totally was in control of what she did. “Your mom wants to see you, so get your ass up and dressed. Make sure to wear something nice! She's the raikage after all. To-to-to-to-to, cya!” Another target down. It felt like this was a breeze, after all! She jumped backwards and landed on the streets below, casually continuing on her way after disrespecting yet another person's privacy.

The last target on the list was Sutemasu - a woman that Otsumi didn't know much about given Sutemasu was not a very important figure, nor a big name for most of the Kumogakure shinobi. Never the less, she was a jonin and was pointed out to lead a team, so who was Otsumi to question that. Sutemasu lived further away than the other two shinobi, so it was a bit of a chore to get her. After ten minutes of walking she finally arrived at the free-standing house complete with garden and low stone walls. “Ooh. Looks nice.” she mumbled to herself when she walked up to the door, ringing the doorbell.

Within two seconds, Sutemasu already opened the door. She caught Otsumi looking around like a child, since she seemed to not be expecting Sutemasu to answer so quickly. “Aaa.. Otsumi? Can I help you?” Otsumi reacted with a quick jerk of the head, trying to hide that she was gawking at the house. “Oh! Sutemasu! I was just.. looking at the birds. Yes, the birds. Nice day today, isn't it? A wants you to come see her! It's um, about the teams. Yes, the teams. That's why I was here. I'll go see to the meeting now, I'll see you in thirty minutes!” She turned around and hurried away, leaving Sutemasu wondering what was up with this woman. “U-uh, okay Otsumi! See you there!” she said with her typical lightweight girlish voice as she waved Otsumi off. It seemed to largely go unnoticed.

Thirty minutes later, the three jonin had been assembled within the raikages' office. Overlooking the village, it had a nice view if anything. A, the raikage, was sitting on the rather comfy couch that A, the previous raikage, had brought in. A coffeetable was sat in front of it where three envelopes laid. The raikage simply sat there looking at the three jonin for a minute, trying to intimidate them a bit before she stared the meeting. Finally she sat up a bit more, leaning forward and exposing her rather large bosom.

“A, the Raikage, famed for her prowess in battle and stunning looks.”

“YO! Thanks for showing up!” She immediately bursted out with her rather powerful, imposing voice. Like her kekkei genkai, it seemed that if she yelled loud enough she could crack walls - and bones - with merely her voice. “Today you're getting your teams! But.. you already knew that. Yes, so, I have other news too! You'll be going on a mission immediately. Together! With all your teams. Isn't that exciting!?” She leaned forwards a bit and shoved the envelopes forwards, having marked them with the names of the jonin. “Here's your teams. Enjoy!” She prompted the jonin to grab their respective envelopes and open them, revealing a card with the names of their teams.

Once they were done reading the team lists, she'd make sure to instruct them on the mission. “YO! Now that you're done reading all that, I'll explain the mission. You'll be destructing a metal refinery in Kirigakure. It's on one of their smaller islands, and they've been using it to refine metals for their weaponry.” She coughed, and covered her mouth with a fist, closing her eyes slightly. To the left of her, the jonin would notice the assistant, Otsumi, flinch in preparation for what was about to come.

“METAL THEY STOLE FROM KUMOGAKURE!” She burst out suddenly and smashed her hand against the wooden coffeetable in front of her, breaking it in two, and then proceeding to crack the ground under the table with sheer force of a simple fist-stomp. The entire building shook momentarily before it calmed again, and A slowly retracted her arm from the table. She coughed again and then looked up at the three jonin. “Sorry about that. Just make sure the entire plant is nothing more than ashes once you're done. And don't leave any traces that can lead back to Kumogakure!”

She clapped her hands, indicating that the meeting would be over, not even giving the jonins a chance to ask questions. They were to leave the room and then do as they pleased, though they were expected to leave before 12AM. It would be wise to gather the teams and meet up later before heading out given they'd all be attending the same mission.

@Buddha Pretty sure I'm all finished up with the boi here, but I'll let you be the judge. Yeah no real comments. Feel free to put in character bin.

I finishshed it.

Take a look at my comments, clarify the jutsu's and change what is needed, and then feel free to put it in CS bin.

I'm angel and I'm hella annoying


Accepted. Look at my comments, make some edits where needed, put it in CS bin, ezpz.
That non-transparent background is appalling.
@Hillan harder than your mom gets my dique




@RyoRyoRyoken Alright fam. The chat is lit right now. *fire emoji*
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