Avatar of Dion


Recent Statuses

17 hrs ago
Current too late i bought a spell that would bring me good luck in my pregnancy and in the courtroom to get my kids back
18 hrs ago
idk what going on but 13org is too unproblematic to be the issue so i'm with them
22 days ago
and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
24 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
24 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts

In Mahz's Dev Journal 8 yrs ago Forum: News
@NuttsnBolts Are you really expecting me to expose my sick and twisted VM's?!?! Fine!

Disregarding the idiotic context, the 'wow is that japanese' comment should've been under my Russian comment, obviously.

Another example.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 8 yrs ago Forum: News
@Mahz Hey man,

VM's have a tendency to.. like.. not go in order. Not sure what causes it but it's kinda weird and annoying to read. Not high priority but should be an easy fix I guess.
Still here, busy weekend. My mother just graduated from college, so we had the ceremony and parties and such, very hectic. I should be able to get a post up soon.

Congrats man.

Yeah, I forgot to post today. Been busy packing and getting ready for my trip tomorrow. Will post in the afternoon before I head out.

@Angel Eyes it's simple my son. Those who do not reply in a timely fashion die.
@Redrum Alright, thanks for letting me know.

Kirigakure no Sato

Reverse Situation

As the battle raged on, ultimately it was only a matter of time before the teams were able to subdue or neutralize any threats. With the boats sunk, the production of metal was already crippled in this facility. Since team Sutemasu was freed up, they were able to move outside of the compound to support team Minaru and team Hageshi with ease, providing the necessary back up to quickly deal with the threats and thus, ending the fights quickly.

When the coast was clear, the teams met up in front of the compound. The heat of fire jutsu had cleared off some of the mist, allowing them to at least be able to see each others faces for the first time since entering the mist. The next step was to decide on how to take down the plant. It would be easy to place some explosive tags around, but that might not fully destroy the facility and ultimately make it easy to rebuild, merely providing an obstacle and not providing the Kumogakure nin with a long lasting solution. If we merely blow it up, we'll be back here next year to repeat this mission. The teams would stand around for a while, no longer than five minutes, discussing the whole ordeal in front of them.

Sutemasu spoke to the other jonin, and by extent to the chunin, proposing a new plan to deal with the threat. Of course, the mission statement provided they had to destroy the refinery, but what other solution was there. “Perhaps we can just let them keep the refinery, but make sure they don't steal minerals again? That way, we are dealing with the cause, not the symptom. I think that might be a better solu-” The flash of a blade, right in front of the eyes of the three jonin, interrupted whatever Sutemasu was trying to say. Without a moment to even react, the Kumogakure nin were all blasted away by a rather large explosion, which erupted from right under the feet of the three jonin. A loud, booming voice would then speak up when the kicked up water from the explosion settled down and the Kumogakure nin had gotten back on their feet. “I think that's a very bad solution, Kumogakure trash.” it said, the sound coming from a figure standing where the blast had erupted. The man was of average build, with flashy white hair, reminiscent of perhaps someone like Kakashi. Of course, the idea that they were somehow related was rather.. far fetched. His teeth were cut, sawed into triangles to give off the appearance of a shark of sorts.

Standing there like he was, he took a deep bow before the shinobi, and when he rose up to stand straight again, he raised his blade up to his shoulder. Shibuki.. The Kumogakure jonin would surely recognise the blade, and if the Chunin were smart enough, so would they. The man lifted the gigantic sword like it was nothing, indicating that he knew very well how to use the blade, and use it to great effect. Sutemasu blinked, before looking at both Minaru and Hageshi. “There's one of him, and there's a lot of us. Maybe we can-” A loud laugh interrupted her once more, coming from the man that was wielding the Shibuki sword. “You didn't bring a sensor? In the mist? Oh, Kami-sama, you Kumogakure nin are something else.” Sutemasu squinted her eyes, looking around carefully. There was more?

“Perhaps you should go home. Now you have the chance. But time is ticking and my friends aren't very patient. Tick, tack.. The only reason you're not dead yet, is because I convinced them that you were within your right to stop us from stealing your minerals. It's just a shame you didn't bring someone more strong. Nobody you have here can beat the swordsmen of the mist, let alone three of them. Oh.. hear that?”

The crashing sound of waves could be heard now, slowly fading into hearing distance, becoming louder quite quickly. From the mist a dark figure approached, and like the sound he produced, his visage became apparent quite quickly. It was a young boy, no older than 20, with similar sharpened teeth as the man that wielded the Shibuki. He was dragging a massive sword behind him through the water, seemingly ignoring the drag it created on his movement speed, simply powering through it. “I guess your time is up.” Did they really bring out the Shibuki, and the Kubikiribōchō?

The young boy swung the sword with remarkable ease, despite his rather lanky appearance. He opened his mouth slightly, showcasing his sharpened teeth. It was clear, very very clear, that they weren't here to play around. The sword swung in a wide arc, far enough to hit all the Kumogakure nin in one swipe if they didn't move out of the way in time.

As if that wasn't overkill enough, a shadow appeared in the water below the Kumogakure nin, swimming closer and closer to the surface before surfacing in the middle of the group. An older man, with a long white beard, erupted from the surface of the water with the Samehada in his hands. A wise and smart look played on his face, his lips curled down slightly and his forehead rid with wrinkles. It was almost as if he did his best to hide his true intentions and feelings.

But he couldn't hide the intense killing intent that emitted from him, so strong that even someone not versed in the art of detecting killing intent could feel it, that burning pressure on their body. It was most uneasy.

And true to the killing intent, when he surfaced, he dropped on one knee instantly and pushed himself off in a clockwise direction, extending the Samehada in the same motion to try and cut everyone that didn't move down.

In Mahz's Dev Journal 8 yrs ago Forum: News
So, I'm not sure if this is because of anything to do with the server move, but I am noticing slightly faster responses when I click a button. Maybe load times have improved, but that could just be my internet or something.
Yes, me too. This way I can avoid the entire PM-exchange with people who abandoned the RP, and just kill em.
Advancing plot tomorrow. Please let me know what's up if you haven't posted yet and otherwise face character extermination. Sincerely, the asshole GM.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 8 yrs ago Forum: News
Welp, enjoy the wild goose chase where you go to look for where the problem is.
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