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5 hrs ago
Current too late i bought a spell that would bring me good luck in my pregnancy and in the courtroom to get my kids back
5 hrs ago
idk what going on but 13org is too unproblematic to be the issue so i'm with them
21 days ago
and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
23 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
23 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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i am basically a real life meme at this point innit

@Hillan get out of here keemstar
I'm just chilling.
Well so far I am enjoying it. But then again we basically just started, I wouldn't worry about it.
@aeuternus I go to college too and I have to say I don't sleep at 12 PM because that's when my classes generally start. Not that I ever go to class, but I typically wake up around 10 AM. So..

And I think people are having a busy saturday/being lazy. It happens.
@aeuternus It's like 12 PM over there, jesus christ.
@aeuternus Well, I'm clueless. For the RP's sake it might be easier to just say people signed up ahead of time. Maybe there were orientation days before the actual school start (like an open day where clubs promoted their club.)?
@aeuternus I mean, that'd mean the school has to provide a list with all clubs or possibly a website where every club has a page. Otherwise how can you get oriented on what is there? Maybe a large fair in the first few days of school where clubs have booths and shit? So like, Jae wouldn't have to bother signing up for martial arts since he's a returning member (or he would've done that before going back to school/the end of last school year) but for astrology club, it'd be a different story, since he's a new member for that club.
@aeuternus It might be wise to actually start out with a small event. Like maybe club sign ups. Since the astrology club is probably not a long existing club (or is it?) perhaps it gives us a reason to have characters come together and, like, start a conversation. Otherwise people will be off RPing in their own corner and it removes some interaction.

I'm not sure though. These RP's typically evolve some form of interaction regardless, so perhaps I'm just worried for nothing.
@aeuternus I started off before guildfall, writing Naruto RP posts with 2-3k characters per character I wrote for. I roleplayed about 2-3 characters per roleplay I joined.

Now I advanced to the point where 6k characters is more or less the standard, however that means I can't really play more than 2 characters anymore.

It's just a matter of perspective. I don't mind if people post short or long, as long as they post something that makes sense to read, is interesting and somehow advances things. I don't want to read about your character 'going to get a hotdog' and doing nothing else. I could write a 10k character post on buying a hotdog, but nobody would be interested. I can write 2k characters on a response to a fight or a conversation and it'd be more interesting to read than before mentioned 'hotdog post'.

All RP'ers are equal, it's just how you look at posting preferences. That's just my stupid vision anyway.
± : . : Jae Hwan : . : ±

An old car with three people in it pulled up in front of the school, doing it's best to avoid the masses of new arrivals and people being dropped off. It was a frustration every year, mostly for Jae's dad, who was driving. The car wasn't optimal either, being old and breaking down on the regular. If you were to divide the school into 'rich' and 'poor' it was clearly so that Jae would be in the poor area of the school. How his parents brought up the money for this school, Jae did not know. But it wasn't unlikely that they were deep in debt for it.

When the car stopped, Jae got out and walked to the back of the car, opening the back up and grabbing a dufflebag and swinging it over his shoulder. He then grabbed a smaller sportsbag and closed the back of the car. During the entire process not a word was spoken with his parents. When he stepped onto the pavement, ready to head into the school, he glanced back shortly, noticing his mother looking at him with a faint smile. His father didn't even look at him, turning his hands on the steering wheel and driving off. It was a similar exchange to the two previous years and Jae would be lying if he said he wasn't relieved to be out of that house again.

While he was expected to head inside more or less immediately, he stopped for a moment and went through his pockets shortly, grabbing a cigarette pack that looked like it had been in there for a month minimum. Never the less, despite it's apparent age, Jae managed to pull a cigarette from the rugged pack, sticking it in his mouth and putting the pack back. He pulled his hand out of his pocket, this time holding a lighter. With a rather simple movement he flicked his thumb over the top of the lighter, twisting the small gear and pressing the button to release gas. A flame jolted out of the lighter and he used it to light his cigarette. With that said and done he returned the lighter to it's rightful place, and returned on his way to the school.

The campus was large - large enough by any rate - and it had the effect that Jae felt in place and out of place at the same time. A sort of strange feeling of being home, yet being in a strange environment. It was a feeling he'd always had, and something that never really faded away. He continued across the large courtyard, pushing himself a way past the nerds and would-be delinquents that were holding up the masses of people trying to get to the dorms. “Fucking idiots.. can't you see we're trying to get to the dorms?” he bad-mouthed one of them as he passed him by, giving the delinquent a shady look before walking off. Jae got away a lot with that kind of stuff - he wasn't tall, but his arms looked 'sorta buff' and he had a rough look about him. The cotton square plaster taped onto the corner of his eye said that much, anyway.

He stood outside the dorms when he had arrived for a few more moments, finishing his cigarette first, watching some of the first years entering the building. He seemed disinterested in most of them, following some of them with his eyes. A girl walked inside, her long onyx-colored hair being the only reason Jae gave her a look in the first place. He looked at her pass by until she entered, at which point he turned his eyes front again. A third years student that Jae knew to be a guy called 'Luca' passed by, but Jae wasn't nearly interested enough to look at him for more than a second. He doubted Luca would recognise Jae anyway.

When he had had enough of this little game called 'stare at all the people' he threw his nearly finished cigarette to the side, before heading inside. Some cleaner-janitor person would probably clean up the cigarette later. That's what they're paid for, isn't it? Jae passed the security, flashing his student card at the man quickly. “All these walls and they still need security.. fucking prison. As if I'd try to escape..” Jae mumbled as he walked into the hallway leading to the rooms. He'd never had a first floor room before, so this was a change at least. Jae didn't like change too much though.

The card got swiped in the doorhandle, which Jae always considered to be a 'retarded way of doing things' as it was much easier to break into these type of rooms. And it was much easier to fumble and not open the door quickly enough in an emergency. 'But it's so state of the art, so modern!' the school would likely say. State of the art my ass, Jae would reply. What was wrong with a simple key? Whatever..

He set foot in the room and lo and behold! “What a piece of shit.” Jae mumbled as he swung his bag onto the first bed he saw, on the right side of the room. Okay, so the room wasn't as majestic as he'd have hoped, but whatever. It had a bed, a bathroom and a refrigerator. That's all he needed. He didn't care too much who was in the room with him, or what they'd think of the beds, since Jae was here first, and that means he got first pick. Now that he was a third years he assumed his seniority gave him the power to decide such things, anyway... He unpacked most of his clothes and put them away in a nearby drawer. Despite his rough, delinquent appearance, the clothes he put away were somewhat nice. And he put them away neatly folded and organized. Perhaps looks could be deceiving. “Fucking school.” he then mumbled, quickly shattering the notion that perhaps Jae wasn't as much a delinquent as it seemed. No, he definitely was a bit of a delinquent.
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