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20 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
22 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
22 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
23 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
1 like
23 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Sep Yes, but I can dissect him. Nothing left to follow Min-jae when he's all screws and no motherboard.
@vosenedich If he becomes to annoying we can MacGyver our way around him.
@vosenedich Guess Archimedes and Min-jae are now buds for life.

white people hair = devil
@Sep looooool.
@vosenedich Let me know if issues arise.

The man that was holding up against Min-jae's orders to vacate the area was beginning to pose a serious problem now. While he was arguing with Min-jae, the rest of the civilians were standing by, stuck between watching the argument and the fight going on outside. It seemed like the fight was quite heavy, and Min-jae wondered how long it would be before they'd receive the next salvo. If they were unlucky, the shields would not hold, and it'd land right on the spot they were standing in.

The situation escalated so much that Min-jae deemed it necessary to threaten with force. He raised his M90 assault rifle slightly, stretching out his hand towards the man and the rest of the crowd. He raised his voice threateningly, putting himself forwards with an air of authority that made sure most of the people were listening to what he had to say.

“Look, the situation is dangerous here. If you don't move now, I will be forced to restrain you and take you with me by force. My reinforcements will be here shortly, we're all nervous and on edge. I don't know how the security team will react if you don't comply so just go now, befo-”

He was interrupted by the arrival of some sort of robot, who said some random stuff about Min-jae being it's target. Min-jae stood still for a moment, his mind working quickly to assess the situation. As a reflex left over from his days in actual service, unlike what he was now, a sort of glorified policeman, he raised his gun slightly more to make sure that if the robot lunged at him he could at least react. But when the robot spoke up about offering it's assistance, Min-jae seemed under the impression that this was his 'reinforcements' even if it wasn't really like that.

“Um..” he said, while he reached with his free hand towards his shoulder, pressing a button on his radio. “These weren't the reinforcements I had in mind, 2B..” When he released the button, static answered his remark, until a soft, feminine voice crackled through it.

“Sgt. Min-jae, come again? Reinforcements? Sorry, we were affected by a small power outage when the salvo hit, I'm afraid our radio's were down for a moment. Do you need reinforcements? Dispatching now.”

It seemed like where ever this robot had come from, it wasn't security. Min-jae made a mental note to report this oddity later, but for now it seemed best to abuse the hell out of this robot's procedures. Regardless of whether the robot was made to perform security tasks, Min-jae was sure a robot in the area would scare the hell out of these civilians. So he raised his voice again, aimed at the robot. “Yes, 2B must've sent you this way. We need to clear this area, it's too close to the edge of the ship. A potential salvo could destroy this entire room, let alone sector of the hull. Please,” Gently, making no subtle movements to alert the robot too much, he stepped forwards, raising his hand to the civilians again, to which some responded by stepping back. “Let's escort them to a safe location in the internal area of the ship.”

Inside himself, Min-jae felt a feeling of insecurity wash over himself as he was unaware of this robot, it's potential armament, or it's defenses, but it seemed like it was a part of this ships' internal AI, or somehow capable of tapping into it. How else would it have access to Min-jae's name? It seemed like the civilians were impressed, as even the business man that had a big mouth earlier was now backing off. While Min-jae and the robot drove them back, they ultimately turned around and walked out of the area. “M-maybe he's right, this area could be dangerous..” one of them mumbled before disappearing from view.

Now that the area was secured, Min-jae finally turned to the robot, lowering his assault rifle a bit. While he contemplated asking for it's ID, he figured that the robot was harmless as long as it wasn't instructed to do anything. So, he merely turned to his radio and pressed the button. “Cancel those reinforcements. The area is secured with help from..”

Min-jae looked up at the robot, trying to discern it's demarcation or serial number, or anything that could help. While he let go of the radio momentarily, the static returned before a concerned voice rose again. “Sergeant? Sergeant, are you alright?”

Min-jae rather focused his attention to the robot, however. It was curious, how the robot knew his name and somehow had recognised that he needed assistance - or was that just regulatory introduction to a new host? Now that the robot and him were standing still, Min-jae felt a bit more at ease. He set his foot closer to the robot and roughly inspected it, placing his hand on the robot's frame, putting some weight on it and checking the robot's 'back' to see where it's serial number or code was. “Eh.. whatever your call sign is, what code should I report you as?”

When Min-jae was convinced that the robot didn't have it's callsign or code printed anywhere on it's body, he pushed the robot softly as a signal he was done. He briefly looked to the right, where large screens simulated a viewport. He then turned back to face the robot, a slightly more concerned look on his face. “Follow me. We're going to the hub. Stay close.. that's an order. Until I figure out who you are and who you belong to.” And with that said, Min-jae walked off towards the doorway that the civilians had used too, to get away from the exterior area of the hull. It was a bad idea to be that close to the edge of a hull in a situation like this.

While he walked towards the hub, which was a relatively long walk without transport buses, he clicked on his radio again. “Scratch that, I'm escorting..” His eyes briefly shot towards the robot, before he turned back to his radio. “I'm escorting one of the robots. It seems he got lost, and confused me for his caretaker. Can you send out a non-urgent message asking if anyone lost a bot? It's white and orange, if that helps.”

“White and orange. Got it, Sergeant. 2B out. Stay safe.”
@vosenedich Cheers.
@aeuternus I think something will need to happen before I next post. Skip me, if you'd be so kind.
@vosenedich Is it okay to assume that, whatever Min-jae orders, Archimedes would do it immediately? Such as clearing the area of facilities? That way I can avoid posting a really short post and move on swiftly to cussing at the security center for (not really) allocating a robot to him.
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