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16 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
19 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
19 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
19 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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19 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@MrMonsoon Depends on if the lights are on or off when we do it. ;)
@Pundii I hope I didn't step on any of yours plans. I was unsure how to start us off. I think it should be fine. When can we start killing Hyland women and babies?
@Savato at least we're not american

@Savato shut up fatty
due to popular demand (and i was reading spodes review and there was too much sauce not to write a review about) here is also my review

Finally got him done. Go ahead and massacre him.

Fuck you, @Buddha! But yes, yes I was. And as you can see, I present greatness to you.

@Tmitche23 I mean, you can sail around and find a pretty mermaid to marry instead. It'd be a much more impressive story.
@Tmitche23 I'm sure you'll find a way to fit in, and enter the tournament.
Eɴᴛᴇʀ Tʏʙᴀʟᴛ Gᴜʟʟʏ “ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ Qᴜᴇʟʟ Sᴇᴀ”

Theme Song
@ All those of the Gully family that are currently waiting before their entry into the castle.



The road had been long and arduous, first by boat, and then by horse, and despite Tybalt's love for sailing, he found himself terribly bored during this trip, for he was not sailing, but merely being a passenger. It was boring, to say the least. For the last few days he had gone clad in easy clothes. A tunic, of ample make, reflecting his status as being merely the nephew to the lord. It sat well on his shoulders however, and he had grown accustomed to it. For once, he had worn something other than armor or tight gambesons. His sword had always been by his side, of course, since he was the self-proclaimed protector of the Gully family, and by extent that of the whole Quell Sea region. But it was merely that - self proclaimed - and so he did little to actually carry weight behind this title.

But now the time had come for their arrival within the Corevial castle. A beautiful place, he had remembered, for he had spent a long time in this castle. But it had changed since his last visit and Tybalt could not help but feel the city looked more beautiful - a good thing to some, a staunch reminder to Tybalt that the city looked much worse when there were no festivities going on. As they had arrived, they had rested, as the castle had not been fit for a feast yet apparently. It was a welcome rest for Tybalt, who had grown tired from the long travel time on his own horse, which had an uncomfortable saddle.

And so, after getting the required shut-eye to refresh himself, he had changed out of his comfortable clothes and gotten dressed. He wore a thick black woolen gambeson. It was topped off by some metal shoulder pieces, for which he required the help of a younger servant of the Gullies to put it on, since the required clasps were out of reach for Tybalt himself. It was heavy all together but Tybalt was a strong man, and he could take it. The outfit was characteristic of many knights from the Quell Sea, although there were few of them. Normally they wore a boiled leather hauberk with it, but for this festive context it seemed out of place to be wearing a full set of armor. The reason that many Quell Sea knights opted for these leather hauberks was that they were something that was easier to obtain than chainmail, since there were ample mountains or ore deposits to be found on the islands, and buying them would be expensive. It was a luxury usually reserved for wartime.

Now that Tybalt looked a bit more knightly, and therefore fashionable for the court, he had strapped his bastard sword to his leather belt. It was good to be armed in this city - despite the fact that it was the capital and therefore well protected, it was also the biggest city and therefore, the criminals had the easiest pickings. So, better to be prepared than to be caught out, Tybalt happened to know from his past experiences within the city. He opened the door of his room in the tavern and proceeded to leave, heading to the castle to find his uncle.

This proved to be an easy task given the fact that his uncle was a quite recognizable man, and not only that, but his uncle would never mingle with the regular nobles that stood outside the doors, waiting to enter. Rather, Tybalt found the man standing somewhere a bit more presentable, not looking like common rabble, and above all, with some protection of nearby guardsmen of the Gully family. Tybalt was certain these men would leave as soon as they entered the castle, because it would be frowned upon if for some reason one of the families brought their own soldiers along. An act of aggression, some might even say.

“Uncle,” Tybalt hailed the man as he approached, bowing his head slightly out of respect - and out of habit. “It would seem that the king expects us to put forth a man of sorts,” he continued, now looking up at his uncle and frowning slightly. Something was troubling Tybalt, visibly, but he did not speak of it, for it seemed like an inappropriate time to bring up concerns that could otherwise be discussed in private. “I.. have not seen Ithobal yet, is he present? I mean.. he is your heir.”

Between Ithobal's escapades at sea, and the lack of time spent at home, Ithobal could be anywhere right about now, Tybalt figured. Tybalt said nothing of it, but it was well known in the court that Tybalt did not particularly like any of Lord Arthur's sons, all of them having abandoned their father at one point of their lives - save ser Lucan of the Kingsguard. Lucan was a man that still commanded Tybalts respect, although Tybalt could not deny that it weighed heavy upon his heart that Lucan had also forfeited his duties to the Gully family. Tybalt was pulled out of these thoughts with the tolling of the bells, signalling the opening of the doors.

“Uncle,” he continued as he looked upon the man with a careful look in his eyes. “The bells have tolled, and we must enter the castle, that we may enjoy these 'festivities' held in the name of the princess.” He noted carefully that these festivities were, indeed, not held for the pleasure of the princess, to ensure her enjoyment in this important day for her, but instead, were held merely for political gains of the kings family. He stepped two steps away from his uncle, looking at the doors, where the crowd was now dispersing inside. “May the divine God have mercy on her soul, for she will be wed to a man not for the divine love of God, but for the gains of her family, to become naught more than an article of diplomacy.”

Having spoken to himself, and catching himself halfway through, he felt slightly embarrassed, and turned to his uncle again. “Uncle, let us go inside. We would not want to insult the king by being late.” And so, Tybalt would stay by his families side as they would inevitably enter the castle. Tybalt watched over them carefully - primarily the ladies of the Quell Sea, for they were merely ladies, and as strong and fire-willed some of them were, it only took one man with a knife or blade to slice them through and end their lives - unfortunately. But if Tybalt could stop that, he would.

Tʜᴇ Lᴀᴅʏ Cᴀᴛᴀʀιɴᴀ Lιʏᴀɴᴀ Gᴜʟʟʏ

@ All those of the Gully family that are currently waiting before their entry into the castle, primarily @Ferris.


Catarina had spent most of the journey towards the Corevial castle on either a boat, or inside one of the carriages that took them to the castle. A calm journey, for the most part, which she spent conversing with her family. Catarina was under the impression that the feast would be similar to a ball of sorts, filled with wonderful people and wonderful shows. It wasn't long before her family shattered her hopes and revealed it was really just a feast to marry off the princess, lady Madeline herself. Catarina seemed to recall that the girl was born one day, but she had been so young, she barely knew anything. Then it was revealed that nobody really knew anything about the girl, for she lived a sheltered life, and this would be the first time anyone saw her. Perhaps, Catarina thought, that would be reason to be excited?

She must've been beautiful, Catarina mused, wondering if the princess looked anything like her father, the King. She hoped not. The king was a brave, mighty man, that much she would admit any day, and she did truly adore the king. But he was not a very handsome man, that much could be said. His wife on the other hand was very pretty, Catarina had found, and resembled her own mother in some form or way. Somehow that put Catarina's mind to ease. Yes, surely the princess would be beautiful.

Soon enough they found themselves entering the Corevial Castle, and it was quite a sight. Catarina released plenty of 'ah!'s' as they rode by the many decorated houses - none of which would look half as good during the usual times in the city. But Catarina would not know that and so she merely enjoyed the many sights she got to enjoy. Then the kings speech came, which was quite amazing as well. There were so many people waiting to get in!

Finally, when things calmed down and people were waiting to get into the castle, Catarina turned to her oldest sister, Myriam. While cousin Tybalt would converse with their father, Arthur, Catarina found time to talk to her sister, whom Catarina knew was quite wise when it came to these kind of things, being the eldest. “Myriam,” she said, grabbing a hold of Myriams dress sleeve and tugging on it lightly to get a hold of her attention.

Catarina herself was wearing a modest and relatively simple dress, being both the youngest and, well, a lady of the Quell Sea. It was not a secret that the Quell Sea people were modest and lived a sober life, whether by necessity due to not being so rich, or just because life was meant to be simple.

“Do you think we'll get to see the Princess soon? Have you ever seen her? Will the feast last long? I do hope so. Have you ever been before? We should just stick with father, right? He knows what's best. Hm, yes, I am sure he does know. He's father after all, don't you agree?”
@Tmitche23 Aye, but that means Ithobal is.. in the wrong location, my friend. :) Everyone else is at the capital, which is not even close to the shore.
@Buddha I thought Ithobal came home, or was coming home :o Unless I misread.

Eh, I think everyone was under the assumption that we were playing this out in our respective keeps, but we're starting at the kings castle.

In which case Ithobal should go there, not 'home'. I mean, I'm fine with that too. It might be a bit weird having a captain suddenly show up, but either of which I'm fine with. I can have Tybalt do whatever, I just want to be clear that I don't go around messing up other peoples ideas. :)
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