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15 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
17 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
17 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
18 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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18 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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Tʏʙᴀʟᴛ Gᴜʟʟʏ “ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ Qᴜᴇʟʟ Sᴇᴀ”

Interacting with: Grey Coulbourne @c3p-0h, with mentions of the Hylands, the Gullies, and Brandt Trout
Location: inside the castle.



Tybalt looked back over his shoulder, shooting a passing glance at the Hylands whom had already found reason to walk on to the king. As he followed them with his eyes, he noticed his uncle, lord Arthur, had just finished speaking to the king, queen, and the person who was likely suffering the most under this terrible feast, the princess. And while he looked to the king, he noticed that a woman was just turning away from there. A dark-toned woman with black hair, who felt strangely exotic but at the same time, surely belonged in this feast.

Tybalt did not pay it any mind and kept his eyes trimmed on the two passing figures, a man and woman that looked like twins. There was such interesting people at this feast. For a moment, Tybalt was glad that the Gully family didn't have any strange people. They were just a family -- the worst thing was perhaps that one pirate king or so who felt the need to show up one day and claim to be a bastard. Tybalt had almost cut that man down on the spot, but luckily for that man, Arthur had deigned it necessary to let him go. Tybalt hadn't asked for the reason, because it wasn't his place to intrude in these familial matters. Lord Arthur knew what he was doing, Tybalt thought.

The knight approached a table, and fished a goblet from the table. He poured some wine for himself and brought the goblet up to his lips, carefully sipping from it. This is some good wine, Tybalt thought to himself while thinking about the wine in the Serpents' Roost. It was awful wine, back home, but it was wine that filled the stomach slightly at least. This wine, while delicious, seemed to be as watery as the ocean itself.

He lowered his cup. By God, what a boring feast this was. Tybalt let his eyes wander around the hall, seeing nobles mingle, and while Tybalt was a noble, he did not feel the need to speak to anyone at this feast. Normally he'd be here to assist his uncle, but with the return of Ithobal, that seemed unnecessary, so instead Tybalt just left to do his own thing. Which.. arguably had been a mistake, since Tybalt didn't have 'a thing' to do.

As he looked around his eyes fell on a woman approaching a nearby table. It was the same woman that he had seen leaving the king and queen earlier, and she seemed to be alone, like Tybalt was. While it seemed, perhaps, a bit inappropriate to approach her without knowing her, it seemed more so inappropriate to stand around on his own, and Tybalt assumed she might've felt the same way.

For the sake of not appearing like a lousy scumbag, Tybalt took another empty goblet from the table and filled it with wine from a nearby jug. Then Tybalt walked over to the lady, holding two cups of wine. As he approached, he extended the most filled goblet to her. “My lady.” he said, with his voice masculine as ever. He wished to make a good impression, and since this woman was alone, Tybalt felt like perhaps she'd have some more dignity than the Hyland daughters, whom had resorted to insulting him for no apparent reason.

“It's quite strange for a woman like you to be standing alone, if I might say so. Then again, I was also standing alone, so I am not one to judge.” he noted, looking away from her. His eyes looked over the party, searching for people of note, people of interest, but he'd found none. “Oh, do excuse me my lady. My name is Tybalt Gully of the Quell Sea. I am the nephew of lord Arthur Gully. Pleased to make your acquaintance at this.. exciting feast. The sarcasm was dripping from the last two words, indicating that Tybalt was having a hard time amusing himself at this feast.

Slowly he turned his head to look at her. He had to look down, due to being considerably taller than her, but that wasn't too unusual for Tybalt, who was quite tall and bulky. Perhaps because of genetics, perhaps because of his duty as a knight. Regardless, he looked like he could stomp a man out in one, maybe two hits with his large hands. “And, you are, if I may ask? I mean.. if you are free to talk. I merely wanted to come over so we didn't seem so lonely. It's a big feast, and being alone seems like a bad idea. Before you know it, people might come and try to talk to you.” He smiled, but a hint of seriousness could be detected in his voice, for Tybalt wasn't very good at hiding what he really thought. Under his breath, following that, he continued. “God forbid you enjoy some alone-time..”
@c3p-0h I will probably come up with Tybalt, need something to do with him. He's not nearly noble enough to go speak to the King.
@Raijinslayer I am way too tired to judge this right now, but I just wanna point out that motherfucker stole the horns from the Osuushi clan.
>Thanks for taking the time to read not even half my post.
>For someone saying the point flew over my head, you're awfully far from my actual point, but like I said, brick wall. Enjoy your echo chamber.

Tip for the future-- don't call resort to calling people morons or stupid if you'd like to have an actual discourse with them-- It has nothing to do with wanting to exist in some echo chamber, believe me. I actually enjoy discussing things like this with people who have different opinions, but if you're going to insult my intelligence because I pointed out the problematic nature of something YOU said, then I'll happily fuck off.

Dear mrs. I'm black so I decide what's black and what's not.

If you're gonna berate me for calling you a moron, despite the fact that you were trying your absolute hardest to out-meme me while providing no actual sources or info (protip: the idea that ingroup bias was overcome in the blue eyes-brown eyes experiment is false, it was actually proven to be reinforced in that experiment. I know this because I studied this. If you want to know how to overcome ingroup bias I can upload some powerpoints and articles for you to read so that you can figure out what the deal is with in group bias.

In group bias is overcome through multiple complex things that are required (such as having things in common, and conversation). Most of these requirements are not met by either the other races or the blacks. Or the hetero's and the LGBTQ+* whatever)).

Furthermore, maybe calling me an Uncle Tom, a slave owner or implying I'm a racist wasn't the best way to prove your point. And no it wasn't race baiting, because that'd imply I somehow care if you think I'm a racist. I'd just prefer if you openly called me a racist. I know I'm not a racist, my black friends from the Carribean know I'm not a racist (I mean, they've told me blacks from America hate Carribeans more than white people do, but that's just anecdotal.) and so I feel comfortable with my friends and myself. I don't fear being called a racist, I'll just own the label.

> Tip for the future; don't call people uncle Tom's, slave owners or try to tell them they're racist. It doesn't help your point, and it stops discourse. (See how that works.)

... whatever your point was. Your point got lost in your stupid attempt to out-meme me and I still have no idea what the fuck you were trying to tell me outside of the blue eyes-brown eyes thing, which didn't really disprove in group bias.

So, you're the pot calling the kettle black here. 'You called me a moron!' Yes because you called me an uncle Tom, lmao. Just because I'm outspoken means I'm an uncle Tom?

So you are aware of the parallels-- it's fair enough if you believe that they require two completely different solutions, but reality is never that clean cut. We need to strive toward the most practical and most utopian solutions for things like this, and I feel many of these solutions are going to result in overlap. I will admit my fault in race baiting though-- the parallels were simply too easy to point out and I knew they'd illicit an emotional response.

First off, as I said above, I don't care about race baiting, you can call me a racist, it wouldn't help you to further your point. Besides that, I think you're overestimating the 'emotional' response. I called you a moron because you thought that implying I'm a racist somehow proved.. a point. I'm still not sure what point. I didn't react emotionally, I reacted by calling you a moron. I don't know what emotion I'd put into that, lol. Anger? I'm not gonna be upset by some black queer woman that is an ocean across from me, who I have no emotional attachment to. Please.

Besides, I'm an Uncle Tom now, so I'll just do what the whites do, right. I'll pretend racism is the worst thing on the world right now, ooooo shock, racism! People are racist, so unexpected, it's not like racism is innate caveman biology that is still active today because humans are animals! No. It doesn't work like that, I like to think I'm a bit smarter than that and I'd like to think you are too, so perhaps we could discuss solutions to this problem, not the problem itself, because anyone with half a brain can see that there's a problem in the USA.

Which isn't even where I live.

Yes. I am aware of the parallels. I am not stupid.

For someone that preaches practical and 'utopian' solutions for things like this, I feel like the movements you stand for (I mean, the 'open movements' you stand for/stand in line with. Anyone can speak for these movements which is part of the problem.) often don't talk about solutions but about problems.

Blacks face this.
Homosexuals face this.

There's never a 'how do we deal with 'this' in this scenario'.

In fact I was gonna point this out as perhaps the reason we didn't get along. I am thinking about solutions. LGBT pride parades are not a solution. In fact they probably drive a further wedge between hetero's and LGBT people. Hence I am against them.

I feel it's important to point out however that I am not saying I am against LGBT's. I am as much against hetero pride as you are (it's nonpractical and doesn't fix anything, therefore not required in public space). You seemed to think I hate black people and gays, but in fact I hate white people and hetero's just as much.

I just want people to act normal -> your next point.

So, back to the topic-- your whole argument is flawed because you're implying there's some "common sense" way for people to act. Common sense, shouldn't be relied upon in logic-- it's ultimately based on assumptions, social acceptance and no facts.

Yes. And social norms exist for a reason. Assumptions are a biological process that, again, has to do with the 'tribe'. Facts are subjective in all social situations because there is no facts about anything that has to do with human input. Given that you know a bunch of stuff about sociology I'll take it you will or have already figured out exactly why sociology is a shit-poor example of a 'science' because there's nothing exact about sociology and criminology.

So, yes, the argument is flawed, but in my eyes it's the best argument there is. There are social norms, and LGBT prides often over go those social norms and then they are surprised when people dislike it.

Like, define "normal" without relying on synonyms, or implying that heterosexuality is a norm we should all abide by, or the strawman that "sexuality in public is bad" because guarantee you the only studies you're going to find show that teaching kids about sex at a younger age is better for them-- it's another argument for another time.

Normal is just whatever the majority is. And I am not implying heterosexuality is the norm, I'm talking about behavior. Which means going to the gay pride wearing a shirt and having a beer, not going to the gay pride dressed like a half naked man to get weirdly sexual in public. Which does happen. I mean, like I said 2x before, 1 google image search for 'gay pride' will show you that and I'm sure we could enhance that search with 'sexual' behind it.

Teaching kids about sex at a younger age is better for them. Which is why my country does that. I mean, I'm not sure if you know where I live despite mentioning it a few times, but I'm Dutch. From the Netherlands. Amsterdam. Haha-weed, wooden shoes and windmills. We were the first country to ever legalize gay marriage. Our hate crime numbers (read: hate crime, not crime against LGBT people, but hate crime in general) are somewhere in the 1000. For a country with 17 million people I'd say that's a pretty damn fucking low number.

Furthermore I felt like you oversimplified my argument. You didn't read all my prior posts where I had this exact same discussion. It's not about 'I don't want to see this'. I am saying gay prides inconvenience people. They happen in public space and it forces people who might otherwise not have a problem with homosexuals to look at the gay prides.

Gay prides that often have content that has nothing to do with acceptance or 'highlighting the horrible experiences of LGBT people' but rather are aimed at having a party.

Imagine that there's a party aimed at heterosexuals, but this party also allows gay people. But the party is really to celebrate being heterosexual. That's a weird concept right? But that's also what hetero's feel when they see a gay pride.

And yes I've been to gay prides and I was disappointed because it wasn't about acceptance or their struggles, it was about getting drunk and being sexual.

And also, I'm contrarian. I don't really care much about this issue whatsoever, I just like arguing, so whatever you're gonna say, I'm gonna try to disprove it anyway. It's a terrible trait, I know, but I just love being right so I always do my best to prove people wrong. Just letting you know so you don't overestimate how much I care for this topic.
@ArenaSnow I've actually had some nice conversations in here.
Due to the Kings death, I doubt the princess would really be married off.
All Tybalt wanted was to ask a question and now everyone hates him.
Also, if you're aware of European history, the Karling family was basically entirely inbred. And they ruled most of Europe.
<Snipped quote by KillBox>

I ship it but you're technically related

Everyone was technically related. Especially in GoT.
@MrMonsoon I'm assuming knights of Lhivoria would learn how to joust as well, my friend ;)

That aside jousting isn't a terribly hard skill, more so than it's taxing on the body.
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