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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lady Grey Coulbourne

Interacting with Maria Sky, Tiras Sky, and Emerin Hyland

Grey enjoyed the idle chatter she shared with her escort as they walked together through the crowds. Nobles approached them more than once, most giving her a cursory glance before turning their attention to the man beside her. Her ears perked up when she heard them refer to him as 'Lord Emerin Hyland' before he inevitably shooed them away. It seemed he was brother to Lord Hyland. So, this man was to be her family. It could've been worse. He was kind, charming, and he indulged in her games. If he was any indication, perhaps her family wouldn't be awful – but only if that family included Fayne and Linara.

She smiled coyly when Lord Emerin leaned down to whisper to her before pulling her towards a tall, broad back. The figure turned to reveal a handsome, but dark looking man. Grey almost stilled at his severity. But then he looked at Lord Emerin and smiled. The effect was immediate, warming him and shedding years from his face. Grey couldn't help her own little smile at the sight.

"This is my nephew Tiras Sky," Lord Emerin said, and Grey's eyes snapped up to him. A Hyland bastard.

What was the description she'd been given of her fiancé? Fair skinned, and dark haired. That very helpfully narrowed it down to the entire Hyland family. He was younger than her, she knew. Tiras Sky certainly did not look younger than her, but the forest gossip said the Lord Hyland had a multitude of bastards. Had she been sold off to some child? Well, maybe caring for a child husband would help her practice her mothering for her girls.

…She really should've paid more attention to her father when he'd told her about her betrothed. A name would've been terribly useful for finding him.

Grey was pulled back to reality when Tiras took her hand and placed a gentle kiss to the back of it. She gave a demure smile as she nodded at him in turn, a blush already beginning to warm her cheeks. Tiras turned back to his uncle to speak. A moving tuft of orange on the ground caught her eye, and Grey looked down to see a fox of all things sitting before her. Her eyes lit up in delight and she raised her free hand to wave hello to it when someone seemed to tackle Tiras from behind.

Her eyes shot up to see a young woman appear from behind him, beautiful and with the same stark coloring all Hylands seemed to share. Grey raised a playful eyebrow as she saw the woman eyeing her up and down, clearly sizing her up. When she introduced herself, Grey nodded in turn and opened her mouth to say her own name when Maria called Tiras her twin.

She blinked at the two of them, looking between them.

"Twins," she said to herself, clearly lost in thought. Bastard twins, just like her girls. An idea came to her then. She tilted her head to the side, still looking at the Sky siblings. "You must be treated very well, for your family to have allowed you to attend the princess' festival," she said. It would've never been allowed in the Vaernin Forest. Siring a bastard was considered a disgrace of the highest degree. They were lucky if they even survived past their first winter, let alone to be dressed as finely as these two and taken to royal events. But… perhaps the mountain folk were different. "Is this normal for Hyland bastards? There's no shame in it?" Hope was a solid, desperate thing in her chest, seeded and growing, roots twining into her very bones as she thought of her daughters. If bastards weren't a shame, perhaps she could convince Lord Hyland to bring her girls to Hyland keep. She could raise them and care for them and never miss another day of their lives. They wouldn't grow up in a society that hated them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MrMonsoon
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MrMonsoon Look out fools, it's monsoon season

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lord Emerin Hyland

Interacting with: Tiras Sky, Lady Grey, Maria Sky

Emerin embraced his niece, "Maria!, if it isn't my favorite Bastard Niece." Emerin laughed heartily, As Maria introduced herself Emerin noticed Lady Grey looking puzzled and she appeared to be deep in thought he turned to his Nephew who was nearly as tall as him, Emerin noticed the boy's smile, Tiras didn't smile nearly enough and it was nice to see him looking youthful. Emerin Chucked at Lady Grey's question."No my dear where i come from there is no shame in siring a bastard, i would argue that my family sees it as a right of passage. i am not called the Skymaker behind my back for no reason." he smiled at Grey before turning to Tiras " A gift for the princess eh? well it would be a shame if she didn't receive it. come the feast will begin very soon and i'll introduce you to the king, queen and more importantly the princess", As they walked to the feast Maria and Lady Grey seemed to get along fine and Emerin could not help but notice the Lady taking a notice of his Nephew, Emerin and Tiras started discussing what had happened in the two weeks Emerin had not been at the Keep, news was not good for his dear brother.

The feast

interacting with, Tiras Sky,Maria Sky, Lady Grey and the King, Queen and Princess @MissCapnCrunch
"Your Highness'"Emerin bowed and kissed both the Queen and Princess on the back of the hand, the young girls face turned Scarlet. "May i Present, My Niece Maria, My Nephew Tiras and The beautiful Lady Grey." He began Looking around or the rest of the Hyland Family, and noticed them talking to a stranger, He took his leave and began to Head to the Family instructing Lady Grey that she was to be his Guest and she was able to join him at dinner and during the tourney later if she were so inclinded.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dion
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Tʏʙᴀʟᴛ Gᴜʟʟʏ “ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ Qᴜᴇʟʟ Sᴇᴀ”

Interacting with: Emmaline @HushedWhispers, Trystan @KillBox, Balian @RangingWolf, Juliana @Harley Q, Edwin Hyland @smarty0114, Julia Hyland,
Location: inside the castle.



Tybalt had quickly drawn the.. hostile attitude of one of the sisters upon him. To his knowledge he had not insulted the Hyland family, yet, so it was quite a strange thing to happen. It must be her young age that compelled her to act as if everyone was an enemy, or something of the sorts. As she referred to him as 'what was it again' Tybalt did his best to suppress any negative reaction he might've had, merely letting a small smile creep upon his lips. It would be a bad timing to act as if she had hurt his honor now. Normally, under different circumstances, Tybalt might've demanded a duel with a champion of her choosing to repair his honor, but looking upon this woman and her family, Tybalt knew he had nothing to fear. Apparently they were without honor already, to insult a man who merely came to ask a question.

“Tybalt Gully, my lady,” he merely answered to her sly insult. It was then that the matriarch of the family made her appearance. The first thing she did was clear her throat, to which Tybalt naturally turned to face her. As she held out her hand, Tybalt understood what her intentions were. Since Tybalt was not a brute, as much as he looked like one, he decided to go with it, and took her hand carefully, before bowing lightly through his knees, not taking the time to press his lips against her hand. Since he was not a Hyland, but a Gully, it would see inappropriate to do so at this point. More over, he did not wish to infer any sign of inferiority to the Hyland family.

Since she asked his name, he would repeat it for the third time, as if these Hyland people were not smart enough to remember it the first time around. “My name would be Tybalt Gully of the Quell Sea, knight of Lhivoria and nephew to the great lord Arthur Gully. I.. am sure you know of his many great deeds and greatness, so I will refrain from repeating all of them.” he said, doing his best to smile while he spoke to her. At least the matriarch had the decency not to act hostile to him. Or at least that's what he thought. “I must say they did not exaggerate when they told me about your beauty, lady Hyland.” Since they were a bit closer in age, perhaps it would not be too bold to try and compliment her, though the added factor of her children being present might make it a bit more strange. Never the less, Tybalt was just doing his best to be courteous despite already having his honor insulted by her children.

“I am not participating, my good lady. At least, I will be, but not for the hand of the princess. I am merely a nephew, and such an honor should be reserved for someone with a bit more.. weight.” She continued her little spiel, talking about how she would root for her children, which was to be understood and seemed rather logical to Tybalt to the point where he felt like she did not think him to be very smart at all. Naturally she would root for her children, Tybalt thought, why would anyone think otherwise?

As she spoke of her sons, Tybalt could not help but let his glance fare over the two younger boys that were present in the circle, whom had not said a word as of yet. His hand left hand leaned comfortably on the hilt of his blade, resting easy there while he listened to lady Julia's words, before replying. “Well, that is to be understood..” he said, looking at the armor that lord Trystan was wearing. Right now it was hard to see how functional the armor would be, but Tybalt knew he'd prefer something else. Something that looked less rich and more functional. “I'm sure they'll do their best.” he then added, pushing out a faint smile on his face that was not wholly genuine. He did not believe in the martial prowess of any of these young kids, but did not dare speak out. Ithobal would probably fare well enough, he thought. He turned back to face lady Julia, but of course, another Hyland son had to push himself into the conversation. Lord Hyland must have strong seed, Tybalt thought, for there to be this many sons and daughters, and all of them seemed to hate Tybalt.

This man Tybalt happened to know, lord Edwin. This one did not seem to have left his manners back at home in mount Promonon, and bowed lightly, to which Tybalt returned the favor and bowed as well. With all these bows of new Hyland sons and daughters coming in I might just break my knees, Tybalt caught himself thinking. “Not at all, lord Edwin. They have been..” His eyes glared at the most outspoken lady of the bunch, Emmaline, remembering her insulting words. Tybalt made sure to remember her face for the years to come. “.. most delightful.”

Tybalts eyes shifted again and noticed that in the distance someone was coming in as well, someone that he also recognized as a Hyland son. Not wishing to bow again and have to introduce himself again, Tybalt coughed loudly in an attempt to keep the attention on him. “Well, it has been wonderful to speak to you, but I must take my leave and see my uncle. Lady Julia, perhaps you and my uncle could speak at a later time, as I am sure he is curious about lord Hylands health too. It's a shame he is not here, as I would have loved to talk to him for a moment. The lord Hyland is a wise man after all. So, I will take my leave for now to assist my uncle.”

He bowed shortly again and then stepped back, escaping the rather chaotic and annoying Hyland family on time before the heir would come to also stick his nose into business where it wasn't required.

How the Hyland family ever talked to anyone with everyone having to butt into the conversation, let alone get any political dealings done, was a mystery to Tybalt.

Tʜᴇ Lᴀᴅʏ Cᴀᴛᴀʀιɴᴀ Lιʏᴀɴᴀ Gᴜʟʟʏ

Myriam Gully @Ferris, lord Arthur Gully @Pundii, Ithobal Gully @tmitche23, lady Amelia Gully @smarty0114.


Catarina gave Myriam a side eye when she complimented Catarina, but couldn't help but smile at the rather noticeable attempt to please Catarina. “Psh,” she scoffed at Myriam, turning herself away from her oldest sister, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she looked upon the people that were still entering the castle hall. “You don't have to be like that, Myriam.” She said Myriam's name in a rather teasing and confrontational voice, though she was still being nice about it since it was all in jest. “I am not twelve anymore. You can be honest.”

Under her voice she tried to suppress a giggle, because being the naïve and girlish girl that she was at times she naturally enjoyed the compliments she received from her sister, even if they were meant to be jokingly given. When Myriam nudged her she responded a bit more outspokenly and showed a bit of that boyish side she had so often. “Ow! Stop pushing me, I'm not stupid. I know we have to go insi-” Just like Myriam, she was interrupted by a familiar voice behind them.

It seemed like Ithobal had returned! Ithobal! she yelled, perhaps a bit louder than a lady of her stature ought to, but she did not care. “You're back! Did you bring us anything? Where's your ship? Did you get a dog? Where's the dog, Ithobal?!” Being on the topic of a dog, she suddenly turned to her father, lord Arthur, and instead focused her attention on him. Normally her father would be stern, and Catarina knew it, but perhaps with the feast he would be in a better mood. Maybe. “Dad! Can I get a dog?! I asked you last year and you said I wasn't old enough, but now I'm 15 and 9 months, so I think I'm old enough now, right? I think so. Myriam, do you think so? Ithobal, you also think I'm old enou- hey, there's Amelia!”

Hm, yes. Catarina was quite excited for the feast and it was very likely that the entire castle hall had noticed that by now. Her voice was high pitched and loud enough to alert everyone in the next city over.

“Amelia! Where did you go? You went with mother to speak with the Moors right? Was Anne there too? I hope Anne is there, she's always so nice. Do you know if the Moors will visit us next month? I want to show Anne and her brother my new dress. Oh, where is mother? Did you see anything interesting while you walked around the city?”
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Tiras Sky

Tiras chuckled as he got jumped by his sister. He embraced her briefly before her attention was focused on his uncle and Lady Grey. He watched how she interacted before remaining relatively relaxed. He did seem nervous, but considering how he was about to go in front of the King and queen that was normal.

He tilted his head when the lady asked about bastards. He saw...something in her eyes that seemed to scream at him that this wasn't idle curiosity. He choose to let his uncle answer that, but by Tiras' reaction it was clear that this wasn't entirely true. Shame no, equal treatment was also a no. He was also tempted to correct her, that it wasn't that he was 'allowed' to come here, but more of he came here on his own choosing.

He pushed the thoughts aside and was lead to the king and queen. He proceeded to bow...along with kit. He then held the small bag he had in hand. "Your majesties, I have brought a gift for your daughter should it please you." he opened the bag and pulled out a delicate necklace made of rose and white gold. Chains made delicate loops and in the center was a medium sized opal. The piece showed delicately while it was also able to handle being pulled on.

The show of nerves seemed to be gone. A confident blacksmith held the gift before the king and queen and waited for it to be judged. If approved he knew he could hand it to a guard to take up to the princess and if not approved, he could sell it. He did not want to, but should he have to he could.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RangingWolf
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RangingWolf Lord Adorable

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lord Balian Hyland

Interacting with too many people to name and Im lazy but House Hyland and that nephew of Lord Gully

Balians family had begun to arrive and all of them were teasing their little brother for his armor. Answering his elder sisters question. "I'm not competing. Even though I'd win. Instead I'll leave it up to our cute little knight here." He said nudging Trystan with his elbow. A few moments later intruded a nephew of Lord Gully. Balian figured it would be best to stay his hand but he wouldn't be sitting while this pup tried to talk down to them. Standing up he moved to stand by his sisters, his hand resting lightly on the pommel of his sword. His sister Emmaline introduced him, he gave a very curt bow. Their mother arrived a few moments later. Taking charge of the situation as usual. She was a strong woman who knew how to lead and do what was necessary. "I believe Trystan is wanting to try out today. Seeing as he's the only one wearing armor." Balian said. What seemed like a minute after their mother arrived their brother arrived. " Well the whole family is here. Except Emerin as usual." Balian said low key. Finally after speaking a few more words the Gully knight left. Balian turned to his sister after noticing the glare that he had given her. "Emmaline I'd suggest never to be around that man. He looks like he has something out for you." Balian said. "Now that; that man has left what should we do?" Balians asked.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


A blur of red hair rushed through the crowd. She was easy to spot. Not many people in the capitol had such vibrant red hair. She mumbled excuses and apologies as she rushed past people, pushing her way through. There were far too many people in the capitol. Lyra missed the quiet of Hyland Keep. She had wanted to travel and now she was learning what that meant.
And to top it off she was late. But that was not her fault. It was the horse master's fault. Her cheek stung, reminding her of the last fifteen minutes.

"Disrespectful chit! I've told you to stay away from my horses-"
"They're not your horses! They belong to the Hyland family and I can see them as I wish!"
"You forget your betters you little whor-"

He hadn't gotten the word out before she had slapped him as hard as she could. But of course him being a man meant he could hit harder. The discoloration of her cheek was proof of that. When was she going to learn to keep her mouth shut? If she had just demurely agreed, apologized and left until another time her face would still be intact and she wouldn't be late. Lyra was a servant of the Hyland family. She had to be there when they presented themselves to the royal family. She didn't want to think about what kind of punishment she would receive if she failed to be where she was supposed to be there.

Spotting the Hyland children she skidded to a stop near them, out of breath and wisps of her hair falling out of the braid she had put it in. She kept her head down. There was no way she was going to let them see her face. She couldn't disrespect the Hylands by looking so disgraceful. Thankfully no one really looked at servants, unless they were wanting to place blame or desired a bedmate. Lyra had avoided the latter fate, but the former had happened on several occasions with other servants in the house.

Lyra did what all servants did, she stared at the stones under her feet and listened carefully to what went on around her. If you wanted any kind of information about people, you asked the servants. Servants were invisible and considered stupid. Because of this many powerful men, and women, revealed their true selves and their plans before their servants, not realizing what they were doing.
Lyra may have been just a girl, but there was much she knew that no one realized she knew...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Iɴᴛʀᴏᴅᴜᴄɪɴɢ Tʜᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss


"All done Madeline." a handmaiden spoke, admiring her work on the young girl. A yellow frilled dress with purple adornments surrounded the young bright eyed princess. She turned to a mirror that hung above a well crafted vanity she had gotten as a child as she admired herself. "It's lovely." she complimented, giving the handmaiden an embrace of appreciation. The woman blushed, happy that she had done good work. Opening her door she was met with the kind face of Lucan Gully. Someone that Madeline playfully nicknamed The Shark. She wouldn't dare say this to the Kingsguard's face, but she giggled at the thought of the man's face upon the body of the dangerous animal she had only read about in her stories. Giving him a smile, and a slight nod. She began walking down the corridor and down into the area of where the festivities were happening.

Reaching her seat quickly and quietly, it wasn't long before she was surrounded with people praising and dropping gifts at her feet. Though a bit overwhelming for the girl who had not stepped foot out of the castle boundaries. She was greeted with people of all backgrounds, skin tones, smells, voices. It was magical but a bit of the scary side. Her hand reached under the table and gripped her mother's in defense. It was met back with a gentle, encouraging squeeze.

A man approached soon as he grabbed her free hand that laid out on the table and laid a kiss on it. Her face grew red as her eyes widened. He introduced his family and another woman that seemed different from them in appearance, but very beautiful. "It is a pleasure to have you here." Madeline said, as she brought both her hands now into her lap. As the man left she turned to her mother and let out a small laugh. Samson peered over, a more stern look in his eye as the girl sat back quickly in her chair, and pursed her lips. Her father's glare was not to be tested.

The other man that had been introduced as the previous' nephew was then standing before her. A offer of a gift was nothing new today, but the mysterious bag that he held in front of him caught the girl's eyes as the ornate necklace was pulled from it. "It's beautiful!" Madeline exclaimed, a grin forming upon her lips as she looked towards her parents. "May I wear it?" she asked eagerly, as she leaned to look at her parents. "I don't see why not." Queen Margaret answered, looking between the gift and her husband. King Samson looked at the man in front of him. "A Sky, aren't you? A wonderful blacksmith, but a bastard none the less. I guess your skill must come from your whore of a mother!" he exclaimed, a hearty laugh escaping his bearded face. The king's humor wasn't met so kindly by everyone, a bit on the demeaning side. "Well, go on with it!" he concluded, dismissing the situation and looking towards the next person to speak to.

Madeline turned her attention to the blacksmith as she took the necklace from him and proceeded to put it on. Looking down onto it she admired how beautiful it was. "Thank you so much. I will treasure it forever." the young girl said as she began to stand up. Her hands gripped the table for a bit of stability as she began to speak, "I want to thank everyone for coming here for my coming of age day. It is both an honor and a blessing to be given such gifts and words of encouragement. she cleared her throat a little, meek in comparison to most of the voices that surrounded her. "I wish every one a good feast and the best of luck at the tournament later today." she finished, sitting down and her hands releasing from the table side. She began eating the food placed in front of her, and drinking the wine poured for her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Tmitche23


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lord Ithobal Julius Einther Gully

As always, Arthur Gully's chill was still as strong and apparent as ever. His father would like to be anywhere else besides this party where the high and mighty gather. Ithobal's father never enjoyed the company of other royals, and that was something he had in common with his son. Though it was doubtful that his father would ever admit that they have anything in company, save for their name. IF only Ithobal's mother was there, her love for her children easily made up for the lack thereof from Arthur.

It seemed like the moment Ithobal arrived that Tybalt quickly found his way out of the conversation. Though Ithobal couldn't exactly tell if Tybalt held an enmity towards him, he was still quite sure that many in his family felt like he abandoned his sisters. He felt that he did so as well, and it caused him large amounts of stress. He thought they would be fine with his brother, Lucan, but then he was out of the picture. He didn't want to abandon his family, but he need to find himself. He came rushing back home as soon as he heard, but those in his family didn't see it that way. They only saw him leave. He needed to prove that he was a leader in his family, and this would be the first step.

"Myriam, it is good to see you too. You have grown more beautiful over the time I've been gone. I have brought you a book with all the myths and legends from around the kingdom. I have been told it is quite a good read." With that one of Ithobal's crew pulled a book from his bag and gave it to Ithobal. Ithobal then handed it to his sister.

"And it is good to see you Amelia. I am going to compete in the tournament. I have been gone from this family for too long and I need to start taking a lead." Ithobal wasn't even sure if that was true or if he had the actual confidence to back it up, but he needed to start trying. "I brought you a book detailing the political history of the Lhivoria. I am sure you will fully enjoy these stories." The same flurries that accompanied Myriam's gift transfer occurred again, but this time ending with Amelia.

"Catarina, try breathing between your sentences. It might make you easier to understand. I did bring you a gift. It is a book about star crossed lovers from rival families. It is a true page turner." The gift was given to Catarina, and the crowd started to move inside.

Once inside Ithobal looked around the great hall to try and size up the competition. It was not an easy task, since there were so many people from around the kingdom, and they were all trying to increase their influence. Marrying a princess was the easiest way to move up in the world. "Father, shall we go introduce ourselves to the royal family? I know that you hold disdain for such events, so I thought the quicker we get it over with the quicker the pain is over. For both you and mother." Ithobal never truly cared for his father, but he had to admit that he was a heroic figure that grew into an even better leader. There was much to learn and if he was ever going to stop being a disappointment to his self and others learning would be the first step. "I have a gift for the princess, and I hope she enjoys the gift as much as I hope my sisters do."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lord Jeyco Swan & Lady Melinda Swan

Location: The Banquet Hall at the banquet tables.

Interacting with: Open

Nula, The Sirens of the Sea

The banquet was abundant with the finest roasts, fruits, breads, cheese, and wines that anyone would ever find throughout the kingdom, but the king couldn’t have asked for all the realm to come to his daughter’s name day without the main houses spreading their peacock feathers. It was better to be a small house, a house that not many knew about. A house that wasn’t known for battles or any of that glory. A house of peace and prosperity. House Swan was just that house, and had just came into fruition that day.

He held a glass goblet of wine in one hand, and a small saucer of sliced pork, a small clove of grapes, and a roll. There was just so much to savor. The man, to everyone else, was a no one, but bearing the title of “Lord” made him a someone even in the smallest of circles. Lord Jeyco Swan of the Diovire Desert was exotic compared to the milk-skinned men and women that surrounded him. They were pale and as white as the snow that crested the mountains of the north. To his wife, Lady Melinda Swan, she thought at first the men and women were diseased. Like her husband, she lingered around the banquet table, sampling the food—food so fine that it took great restraint not to inhale it.

Lord Swan was wearing the yellows, beiges, and golds that represented the desert region. Unlike the armor, most of the other houses adorned, he wore an elaborate jacket, similar to the Nehru jackets of India. The stitching was impressive, and according to his taste, way more impressive than polished cookware (armor). His dark hair (dyed) was brushed into straight downy order upon his head. The leather band of an eyepatch, bearing gold stitch and the depiction of the sun, wrapped his head. His jaw, normally shadowed by hair, had been closely-shaven for the occasion. He was sampling the wine, hardly drinking it in moderation, but holding a cup of wine had made it easy to blend in.

At his side was his wife, popping grapes and pieces of cheese into her mouth, her pink, full lips pursing in delight. She wore a golden gown to match her husband’s color choice, and it contrasted nicely with her long, black wavy locks that twisted and pooled about her bare shoulders. The Diovire Desert was known for having the most beautiful women in Lhivoria, and Melinda’s olive-eyed presence was a testimony to the claim. Although, it was a shame how many of them were slaves rather than nobility.

“Enjoying yourself?” Melinda questioned quietly, just loud enough for her husband to hear within earshot.

“Why, yes, actually. I think I might take a bottle of wine with me before we leave,” he answered just as quiet.

“And when will that be?”

“Hm…a few minutes longer. I have to catch up with family after all.”

Melinda rolled her eyes. “Don’t wonder too far away. These men have been drinking their fill of me for some time now. I would hate to spill blood here.”

Jeyco smirked at his lovely wife. “I’ve been drinking my fill of you too. It’s not every day I see you in a gown.”

“Don’t get used to it,” Melinda muttered before popping a grape in her mouth.

The Docks

From left to right: Ophelia, Sabella, and Freya (The Sirens of the Sea)

“Roses! Roses for a piece!” the flower girl called, wearing a white dress that was tarnished by age and countless washings. The dress hadn’t been ugly enough to hide the beauty who caught the eyes of various deckhands. She had a basket of red roses against her hip, and she walked down the road with a sashaying allure, her round hips rocking to her stroll. A sailor up on the mast had stopped in his duties to gaze down at the tanned-skinned girl who walked below.

“Roses! Roses for a piece!” she called, holding up a single rose.

“Roses for a piece? Are you trynna’ steal me business?” a young woman with boyish-short hair, and a youthful countenance marched up behind the woman, rested her hand upon her shoulder and jerked her around. In the short-haired girl’s basket were yellow daffodils. Cocking out her hip, she looked the broad up and down and scowled. “You twit. Did you get them roses from me shop?”

“Pardon?” said the rose seller, raising a brow and cocking out her own hip.

Sailors were slowly starting to creep toward the edge of the boats to watch the quarrel that had broken out in the street between two attractive women.

“What’s wrong little boy? Are you afraid of competition so much that you would dare call me a thief?” jeered the rose seller.

The short-haired girl’s brows shot straight up in shock at the insult. She had actually felt the mild sting in her heart despite the act.

“Boy? Did you just call me a boy? That’s it!” she exclaimed and suddenly, her hand shot out to snag a wad of the rose seller’s hair in a tight and angry fist. “You’ll see that I’m just as strong as one when I put me boot in your arse!”

The girls started screaming and clawing at each other. Their audience grew until near fifty and over sailors were watching from the ships, glued to it like a reality television show. Several men started to cheer, bark, whistle, and howl, instigating the fight on with jeering comments. When the next girl’s hand met the other girl’s dress, all they heard was a loud RIIIP~! And then out dumped a mound of tantalizing skin.

“GODS!” a sailor screamed before he whirled and went running over to the stairwell to the lower deck. “THERE BE TITS OUT HERE!”

“WHAT?” the lower deck crew shouted.

“He’s lyin’ through his arse!”


The crowd got thicker as sailors from the lower decks surged upwards. The sailors were going crazy in a randy mess, cheering as more clothing was torn and more skin exposed.

“GO FOR THE SKIVVIES!” a sailor bellowed.

Meanwhile, climbing onto the ships from the far side were several pirates, about ten per boat, leisurely walking the deck dressed closely to the other sailors on the ship. Five went down below, and five went to the officers’ cabins. The ships were robbed of barrels of ale, jewelry, clothes, boots, and trinkets. They stole only what one man was able to carry and just as quickly as they arrived, they climbed back overboard.

“What about this ship?” a pirate asked, pointing at a rather decorated ship. It was clear by its details that it was the ship of someone important.

“Naw, not that ship. That’s the Leviathan. The Cap’n don’t want us robbin’ the Gully folk.”

“Shame; I bet there be some good loot on that ship.”

“Not all treasure is free for the takin’. Some of it comes witha’ heavy price, heavier than the value; and what I mean by that is, the Captain would kill us.”

“True; fair enough.”

“All right; all right; enough!” a third woman had arrived with her long hair joined into a lengthy braid. She wore a dress with an apron and grasped the two girls by their ears. “Look at ya with ya tits out like a couple of tarts on the street! Ye ‘ave no shame?”

BOOOOOOOOO! the sailors howled in disappointment. Why was she trying to stop them!? They were getting to the best part.

“Aw, shut it, ya louts!” the woman snapped before she dragged the two flower sellers off by their ears. The job had been finished that quick and the goods they had wanted extracted. The pirates had worked swift and discreet, like thieves in the night, and they had moved so skillfully that it had been obvious that that hadn’t been their first robbery. They hadn’t stolen anything immediately noticeable, and it may have taken the stewards until the end of the day to notice the errors in their inventory.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lucan Gully

Location: Outside the Princess' Room -> The Feast
Interacting With: Princess Madeline @MissCapnCrunch

Turning to the door as it opened, Lucan smiled to Madeline as she left the room, giving her a slight bow. "Princess, you look radiant as ever." He complimented her with a smile, following after her as she began to move down the hall. It was fairly often that Lucan was paired with the princess, more often than he was assigned to protect the king himself. Continuing down the corridor, it didn't take long before they reached the festivities. Remaining relatively close to the princess as they walked, he gently pulled her seat out for her before moving to her side once she'd sat down, giving the King and Queen a brief bow.

Most of the other kingsguard were around the periphery of the feast, or outside, in the middle of it all, Lucan stuck out like a sore thumb in his armour. His eyes drifted about, and it didn't take long before he spotted his family. His father was exactly how he assumed he would be, standing with his head turned high, speaking with his brother, he had his characteristic frown and seemed none-too-pleased about any of the festivities. As he saw his father look in his direction, he gave him a slight nod in respect. There had always been a tension between himself and his father since he left for the kingsguard, for most of his life, Lucan had been trained to be the ideal heir to the Gully name, and he'd thrown it aside.

Turning his gaze over to the side, he caught a glimpse of the other noteworthy family, the Hylands. It didn't take long before his eyes settled on Emmaline, and a wretched feeling, something he figured was close to guilt, welled in his stomach. It'd been a while since he'd seen her last, and she'd been none-too-pleased with him the last time, he wouldn't have been surprised if that was still the case. One of the women in their family he was certain would be displeased however was her mother, Julia. Lucan had seen first-hand Lady Julia's more blunt, mean side, though - she was a far cry from his father.

Turning his gaze away again with a sigh, Lucan set his gaze on one of the men who approached to offer a gift to the Princess. He smiled half-heartedly as Madeline seemed pleased at the necklace, before that smile faded at Samson's comment. Lucan had a fair relationship with the king, but even he admitted that the man could appear like something of an ass from time to time. As Madeline stood and spoke, Lucan smiled softly in her direction, watching as she sat again and leaning over to speak quietly to her. "Well spoken, Princess - very queenly." He smiled to her.

Arthur Gully

Location: The Feast
Interacting With: Amelia, @smarty0114 Catarina, @Buddha Myriam, @Ferris Ithobal, @Tmitche23 Samson, Margaret, Madeline @MissCapnCrunch

Watching his children, Arthur's frown shifted into a more neutral expression. He still did not exactly seem pleased by everything, but at the very least, he did not seem so disdainful. The straight line of his mouth was often the closest Arthur ever got to smiling. Looking past his kids, he saw Amelia as she began to approach them again. When it came to being proud of his children, Amelia was perhaps the one Arthur was most proud of, but he knew well enough to keep her at arms length. She knew the game, and she knew how to play it well, so of course Arthur knew not to trust her entirely. He gave her a nod to her apology, glancing back toward Ithobal.

His attention was stolen however by his youngest daughter. Hearing her speak to him, he watched as he heard her excitable words. In another situation he would have been stern with the girl, told her to quiet down and take on a more ladylike stature, but he did not wish to draw any attention by speaking harshly to her. He figured his appearance would be enough. Watching Catarina, his lips shifted downward into a slight frown, and his eyes focused on her in a way that said a hundred words. In many ways, Arthur could communicate far better through a look than he ever could through words, there was something immense behind each look the man gave, a sense of power.

Once he was sure Catarina had gotten the understanding of his look, he turned his gaze back toward Ithobal, watching as he gave his gifts out to his sisters. "Indeed, we should go speak to them. Myriam, go find your mother, hm?" Although the words indicated a suggestion, it was fairly clear that it was intended as an order. Turning his gaze to the royals, Arthur's eyes found those of his eldest, Lucan. Watching the boy, he turned his head upward somewhat, and sucked in a breath, Arthur was still disappointed in Lucan for giving up his responsibilities, but to a degree he understood the benefit of his son's position to his own family.

Beginning to approach the royals, Arthur turned his head and spoke softly toward Ithobal, for once, there did not seem to be a harsh tone to his voice, he spoke more plainly. "Today may determine the future of our family." He began, shifting his hands behind his back and clasping them together. "You have the opportunity to establish an incredible dynasty for the Gully House, and I am confident you may bring us to that." He kept his gaze on Ithobal as he spoke, pausing for a moment to make sure Ithobal acknowledged them before he turned his gaze back to the royals as he approached.

As they reached them, Arthur became a different man, he bowed his head to the King and Queen, and as he turned to the Princess he did something most peculiar - he smiled. "Your Grace, Princess Madeline." He greeted them both. For many years Arthur had something of a close relationship with King Samson, having protected his interests during the Malver rebellion, he had often been called to advise or even lead some of the King's own forces in battles since. "The Gully's are most pleased to be here for the celebrations of your name-day, Princess, my Son and Heir here, Ithobal - will be fighting for your hand." He motioned to Ithobal with the same smile on his face, eyes drifting to Lucan for a moment. "Though I do hope my eldest has been taking good care to protect you as lord-commander, Your Graces."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Interacting With; Juliana -@Harley Q | Trystan -@KillBox | Balian -@RangingWolf | Tybalt -@Buddha | Edwin -@smarty0114 | King, Queen, Princess Madeline -@MissCapnCrunch
Location; Inside The Castle
Emmaline was happy that her mother showed up as she let her handle the matters from then on. She was better than herself at that but then again, if she hoped to be Queen one day, she needed to learn how to handle men of Tybalt's character and it seemed easy. At least, her mother made it seemed easy. Emmaline continued to listen to her mother than saw her brother as he spoke. She immediately ran over towards him and gave him a tight squeeze then broke loose of the grip while walking alongside him now.

Julia's eyes went towards Edwin, nodding her head at her eldest son then turned her attention back towards Tybalt. She heard Edwin's whisper then looked at her with worried eyes. She had an ill husband at home and now was wondering what Edwin wanted with her later. What else could be placed on her soul right about now. "We'll indeed speak later but after we meet with the King and Queen and the feast." She said while looking back towards Tybalt.

Emmaline snickered as Tybalt had to keep introducing himself to them. Her mother was so clever at getting people to do her bidding, even make a fool of themselves in the process. Julia looked at Tybalt when he stated that they were delightful. She could see right through him and nodded her head at him again once he spoke towards her. "Oh, Ser Tybalt, I look forward to meeting your uncle later." She said with a genuine smile then continued to nod her head during his words about her husband, Lord Hyland. "Why, thank you for kind words and I'll be sure to mention that to him whenever we go back." After she spoke those words, Tybalt had left.

Julia had high hopes that her husband would be very much alive whenever they went back to their home of Mount Promonon. She sighed while looking at Balian, who always spoke his mind and she loved about him, about all of her children. "Emma, Balian is right. Don't go near Tybalt by yourself, at least. I sense something bad there. Understood?" Lady Julia spoke as Emmaline nodded her head as Julia looked at her darling angels now, smiling at every single one of them and cupping their faces with her hand.

"Speaking of Emerin, where is he?" Lady Julia said as she shook her head. She couldn't keep up with the children and the adults as it wasn't her responsibly for her brother in law. She then came back to Balian's other about what they should do as she smiled over towards him and the rest of her children. "Let's go out and meet the King and Queen along with the Princess."

Lady Julia said while leading her children into the hall, where the feast was talking place as it seemed like the Gully's had gotten there before them and she was not happy. Her eyes cut towards them as Arthur Gully was telling them about who was going to be in the tournament today. Emmaline looked at Trystan before speaking. "Be careful today." She muttered as when the Gully's were finished, Lady Julia pushed herself and her kids in front of the King, Queen and Princess now.

"Your Majesty. My Queen. Your Grace." She bowed towards them all respectively while standing upright now, waving for her kids to come and join her. "It's a pleasure to be back at the Castle of Corevial. It's as lovely as ever." She mentioned while introducing all of her children. "What a wonderful place the castle is. I am enjoying my time here already." Emmaline said then stepped aside, giving someone else a chance to speak. "These two fellows will be participating in the tournament today, as well. Meet my son, the heir, Edwin and my son, Trystan." She said with a smile while waiting to see what they were going to say. She really didn't know if Edwin was participating in the tourney or not but now, he indeed was. Maybe that's what he wanted to talk her about.

With that thought pushing into the back of her mind, she mentioned her husband. "Oh. Where are my manners? My husband, Lord Hyland is severely ill though sends his love for all of you especially the little Princess." Lady Julia said while waiting to see what they had to say.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 28 days ago

Trystan heard all of the little teases his siblings said to him. Usually, he would sulk off and go be alone somewhere. However, the festive nature of the feast has him in good spirits and thus he simply laughed along and replied "Well, its not my fault I take the time to clean my things... My word Balian, it must have been ages since you took the time to clean yours... Besides, you girls wouldn't know anything about armors anyways..." He said, with a slight grin. Seeing a strange man approach him and his family, Trystan stood back and observed the man. Tybalt Gully. One of the Gullys. He offered a courteous bow when he first approached, but otherwise stayed silent. Throughout the conversation, he keeps getting a bad, condescending, vibe from the man. When his brother, and later mother would tell his sister to not approach the man alone, he nodded in agreement.

As they were introduced to the King, Queen, and Princess, Trystan stood silently, following the lead of his older siblings. When Emmaline told him to be careful, he merely smiled and said "I know. I will. I figure I'd be fine...." He said, placing his palm on the pommel of his sword. His mother also confirmed his desires of participating in the tournament to the King himself, and thus there was no backing out of that now. His name would go down in history today it seems, for better or worse..

Prior to the interaction with the royal family, he noticed the presence of one Lyra Sky. Now, he has always found her interesting. But, her behavior in these kind of gatherings has him intrigued. He shifted his way towards her and whispered "Lyra, you should lift your head. You want to see everyone and everything that is here... and watch for me in the tournament..." He said with a small grin.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Harley Q
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Harley Q Regular Decorated Emergency

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lady Juliana Hyland

Location: Inside the Castle
Interacting with: Emmaline and Lady Julia @HushedWhispers, Edwin @smarty0114, Trystan @KillBox, Balian @RangingWolf, Tybalt @Buddha, King, Queen, Princess Madeline @MissCapnCrunch

Juliana had cast her eyes down demurely as soon as the stranger addressed her family, a picture of lady like modesty that had been far from her only moments before. The change in the Hyland children, a strange tension, could be felt by all the siblings on the onset of an outsider in their mist. It was an instinct for them to fall quiet, as Emmaline stepped forward to address the older knight without their Lord Father and Lady Mother present, their eldest brother absent. As her sister stepped forward, Juliana’s gave a slight nod of her head as she was introduced before he eyes moved from her clasped hands to the man before them. The youngest and second girl, she was use to others eyes glazing over her for her sister and brothers. What once caused envy, had grown into satisfaction as she was able to watch and observe the small movements of those around her without fear of discovery.

She noticed the stiffness in the man at her sister’s slight, a mischievous smile spreading across her face even as the words left her sister’s lips. The words, although sweet, held a hidden meaning that made Juliana’s mind pause. She had never seen or heard of the man before, only slightly familiar with the Gully family, but from her sister’s stance and quick tongue, she wondered if there was not a history present she was unaware of. The curiosity filled her as her eyes narrowed on the older man, the nephew, and her eyes were only taken from him when her mother arrived, quickly taking control of the situation. Her grace and words were perfection, as always, but there was a part of her that wondered if her mother was all too aware of the burden placed on her shoulders with her husband’s absence.

As Edwin made his appearance, and the nephew, Lord Tybalt, as she had learned several times during his visit, made his exit, Juliana heard the hushed words of her brother, Balian. A dark look crossed her face as she reached out for her brother’s arm, her fingers wrapping around his forearm. “Surely a Lord would not be so cruel as to hold such a grudge?” Her eyes darted to her sister’s face in concern, before Juliana’s lips twitched up in the corners again. “Besides. What man would be so vindictive of a beauty? His pride must be fragile indeed!” She laced her arm into Balian’s as she family started walking inside the castle, his presence as they walked giving her reassurance, a small pleasure knowing he would no be competing in the tournament. She whispered low to him, for only him to hear. “The Gully nephew…he would surely not take out this slight on Trystan, would he? I saw him eyeing him in his new armor with contempt.”

Juliana followed behind her mother and older siblings into the castle, still on the arm of her brother Balian, her eyes roaming the collection of people presenting themselves to the King, Queen and Princess. Some of the people were exotic, with beautiful hair and dress that made Juliana lose herself, for just a moment, as childlike interest overcame her. Lord’s and knights from different family and lands surrounded them and her eyes fell on a dark haired man that looked like had had sailed straight from a story of knighthood and true love; stories Emmaline had preferred over Juliana’s darker tales. She gained her composure within seconds of the excitement lighting up her eyes, giving off the usual maidenly airs her mother had taught her.

Lady Julia introduced her family to the royals, and Juliana fell into a deep curtsey like she had presented her brother in mockery outside the castle, her eyes downcast. She had never seen the King or Queen, at least had no memory of it, and knew for certain she had never seen the princess, only ever tales of her. Her eyes fell on the girl with curiosity, a sense of relief filling her that the girl had taken after her mother rather than the dark features of her father. The girl had sweetness about her, a pretty and trusting face that Juliana doubted would last her long.

As the families talked she waited patiently to be presented, her eyes falling on a lovely necklace around the princess’s throat. Her lips pursed slightly for a moment, recognizing the workmanship of her bastard bother. A wild thought filled her, making her mind race and eyes dance. A thought of how humorous it would be to see Tiras win the tournament and the hand of the little princess. She had never been as close to her half brother as her other siblings, but he was half Hyland, and would keep his families interest. The blow to the royals of marrying their child to a bastard would be sweet enough to overcome any distaste she had for Tiras.

Juliana curtsied low again at being presented to the Princess, a lovely smile and large eyes taking in the girl. “Princess Madeline. An honor to meet you, your majesty. May the one true God keep you on this happy and beautiful day.” She had placed the kitten on the ground when she had approached the table, not wanting to risk the child assuming the cat was a gift for her name day, and as she backed away and awaited her siblings and pleasantries with her Lady Mother and the royals, she scooped the creature back into her arms, taking in the others surrounding the table, before being lead to their own tables for the feast.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Tiras Sky

The remark from the king stung. Though, Tiras was very good at hiding his emotions, if one whom knew him well saw the sharp intake of breath and would know that the remark got to him. He watched as the princess fawned over his gift and felt rather happy he was able to give her something she enjoyed. He gave a small nod and smiled. "I am glad it pleases you" he then bowed to each Royal. With a soft barely audible whistle he called away kit from where he was staring at the princess to his side.

He made his way to a secluded area of the feasting, managing to avoid too much notice from his family. He could sense the distaste most of them had for him... And did not wish to feel it while enjoying the feast. He watched his family go up to the royals next and felt the familiar pang of not fully belonging. He slowly stood and made his way outside.

He knew if his sister wanted to find him she would have an idea. Same for his uncle...though of the two his sister would be more likely to find him then his uncle. Kit sat at his feet, clearly trying to comfort him.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Lyra heard the voice speaking to her. One of the Hyland sons! Startled she looked up at him, revealing the mark on her face and her dischevled appearance, before quickly looking down again. "Forgive me Lord Hyland. I was clumsy and fell. I shall not be late again, I swear your lordship."
In truth it wasn't the sons that scared her. It was their fierce mother. And while Lady Hyland had never been cruel to her, Lyra was not about to give her a reason to be.

"I wish you good luck in the tournament Lord Hyland," she added quietly, blushing a bit as she did when she addressed one of the Hyland sons. It was no secret that the lads were a handsome lot. The ladies of the court would most likely be drooling over them the moment they stepped inside. She wondered how quickly the fights would start for a chance in their beds.

Once the family started conversing with the royals Lyra quickly went silent and kept a respectable distance, close enough for everyone to tell she was a servant of the Hylands but far enough away as was expected of her station. She heard the murmurs of the different people in the court and heard the rustle of the expensive gowns. Lyra longed to gaze at the exotic ladies in their gorgeous gowns and breathtakingly beautiful jewels, but her willpower was strong. A servant kept her face down unless addressed. She couldn't resist getting a peek at the princess, who was indeed a beauty that the stories had claimed she was. Lyra wondered what her life must be like, never having to worry, catered to, waited on hand and foot...
It was a life Lyra could never begin to imagine or understand.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Maria Sky

Interacting With: @BlackPanther Tiras @MrMonsoon Emerin & @c3p-0h Grey & @MissCapnCrunch Madeline
Location: Corevial Castle

Maria looked towards Emerin for a moment and then over towards Grey for a moment at her comment about being a bastard, though the rest of their family didn't really care much for her or her brother well maybe except for their father. "Well some members of our family look down on us, but I've learned to not really care what they think, but we are allowed to go to these events though." Maria said as she looked towards her uncle and started to follow behind them all to meet the princess Madeline. She would smile at the cute young princess and would politely bow her head towards the King, Queen and the Princess. "It is nice to meet you all." Maria said with a soft smile being as polite as possible, which really wasn't her thing.

Maria would glare at King Samson for a moment at the comment, though she had never met her mother it still felt very insulting at his comment, however she didn't make a comment fearing he would send her into the dungeons or something so she remained very quiet. "My brother is the best blacksmith, and glad that you love his gift my princess." Maria said with a soft smile, she would look over at her brother Tiras and quietly followed behind him, until they were in a more secluded area and gently lifted up Kit resting the cute little fox on her shoulders. "Whats wrong brother?" Maria asked leaning herself up against the wall crossing her arms over her chest.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 28 days ago

As his family spoke to the royal family, Trystan was silent. He simply observed the rest of the group. He looked at the princesses with shy glances. If he won the tournament, she would be his and him hers. However, the thought of that...did not sit well with him. He does not know this lady and she isn't just another highborn. She is THE princess of the kingdom. Would the youngest son of a noble family really suit her? If anything one of his older brother should have her hand. That was the way of the world. he fully intend on winning the tournament. But the princess's hand..he might not take.

As soon as there was a chance, he found his way back to Lyra. She had raised her head to speak to him and he noticed something that looked strangely like a handprint on her face. She had told him she fell and received that injury. He did not believe that. Therefore, when he found her, he whispered. "Lyra, As the feast resumes, I want you to sit at the table with me. Next to me. I'll deal with anything my family would say. I can get away with it and I'm sure nothing will come to you. That handprint on your face. Its a grave crime to lie to your lord, do you know that? This is your punishment. Join me at my family's table. Also, tell me the name that dared to lay a hand on you. I'll have words." He said with a small smile as the stood next to her, looking up at the main podium where the royal family sat.

"Ah, one more thing. Its My Lord. Not me lord. If you're going to sit at my family's table, speak as if you belong there." was also said to Lyra in a softer, more caring voice than before.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lady Grey Coulbourne

Interacting with Maria Sky, Tiras Sky, Emerin Hyland, and the Royal Family

Stunned hope swelled in Grey's chest at hearing Lord Emerin speak of how bastards were treated with decency (and a blush began hearing her cheeks at his casual mention of how many bastards he'd sired) – but then she turned to look at Tiras and her expression faltered. He had the look of a man with something to say, but was biting his tongue. Lord Emerin clearly felt bastards were well-treated... but he himself wasn't a bastard. Her eyebrows drew together as she looked up at Tiras. Maria's response only fed her worry.

And then Lord Emerin was guiding them all to greet the royal family.

Grey had never met the Ainsworths before – had hardly ever even left Vaernin Forest. But it was no secret that the forest folk didn't think too highly of them or their rule. Within seconds, Grey understood why.

"I guess your skill must come from your whore of a mother!" What a disgraceful thing to say. Grey straightened up, unconsciously puffing out her chest in indignation as she stared at the king. But just before she opened her mouth to bite back, the Sky twins were hurrying away. Grey blinked after them, and their retreating backs. Then she blinked back at the king. Anger bloomed on her face once again.

"And what exactly did your mother give you, your grace?" she snapped. It was clear from her tone that she didn't think the royal mother had bestowed the king with anything too impressive.

Grey spun away and hurried after the twins. But in the bustling crowd she quickly lost sight of them. With a sigh of defeat, she turned to make her way towards the nearest table.
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Tʏʙᴀʟᴛ Gᴜʟʟʏ “ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ Qᴜᴇʟʟ Sᴇᴀ”

Interacting with: Grey Coulbourne @c3p-0h, with mentions of the Hylands, the Gullies, and Brandt Trout
Location: inside the castle.



Tybalt looked back over his shoulder, shooting a passing glance at the Hylands whom had already found reason to walk on to the king. As he followed them with his eyes, he noticed his uncle, lord Arthur, had just finished speaking to the king, queen, and the person who was likely suffering the most under this terrible feast, the princess. And while he looked to the king, he noticed that a woman was just turning away from there. A dark-toned woman with black hair, who felt strangely exotic but at the same time, surely belonged in this feast.

Tybalt did not pay it any mind and kept his eyes trimmed on the two passing figures, a man and woman that looked like twins. There was such interesting people at this feast. For a moment, Tybalt was glad that the Gully family didn't have any strange people. They were just a family -- the worst thing was perhaps that one pirate king or so who felt the need to show up one day and claim to be a bastard. Tybalt had almost cut that man down on the spot, but luckily for that man, Arthur had deigned it necessary to let him go. Tybalt hadn't asked for the reason, because it wasn't his place to intrude in these familial matters. Lord Arthur knew what he was doing, Tybalt thought.

The knight approached a table, and fished a goblet from the table. He poured some wine for himself and brought the goblet up to his lips, carefully sipping from it. This is some good wine, Tybalt thought to himself while thinking about the wine in the Serpents' Roost. It was awful wine, back home, but it was wine that filled the stomach slightly at least. This wine, while delicious, seemed to be as watery as the ocean itself.

He lowered his cup. By God, what a boring feast this was. Tybalt let his eyes wander around the hall, seeing nobles mingle, and while Tybalt was a noble, he did not feel the need to speak to anyone at this feast. Normally he'd be here to assist his uncle, but with the return of Ithobal, that seemed unnecessary, so instead Tybalt just left to do his own thing. Which.. arguably had been a mistake, since Tybalt didn't have 'a thing' to do.

As he looked around his eyes fell on a woman approaching a nearby table. It was the same woman that he had seen leaving the king and queen earlier, and she seemed to be alone, like Tybalt was. While it seemed, perhaps, a bit inappropriate to approach her without knowing her, it seemed more so inappropriate to stand around on his own, and Tybalt assumed she might've felt the same way.

For the sake of not appearing like a lousy scumbag, Tybalt took another empty goblet from the table and filled it with wine from a nearby jug. Then Tybalt walked over to the lady, holding two cups of wine. As he approached, he extended the most filled goblet to her. “My lady.” he said, with his voice masculine as ever. He wished to make a good impression, and since this woman was alone, Tybalt felt like perhaps she'd have some more dignity than the Hyland daughters, whom had resorted to insulting him for no apparent reason.

“It's quite strange for a woman like you to be standing alone, if I might say so. Then again, I was also standing alone, so I am not one to judge.” he noted, looking away from her. His eyes looked over the party, searching for people of note, people of interest, but he'd found none. “Oh, do excuse me my lady. My name is Tybalt Gully of the Quell Sea. I am the nephew of lord Arthur Gully. Pleased to make your acquaintance at this.. exciting feast. The sarcasm was dripping from the last two words, indicating that Tybalt was having a hard time amusing himself at this feast.

Slowly he turned his head to look at her. He had to look down, due to being considerably taller than her, but that wasn't too unusual for Tybalt, who was quite tall and bulky. Perhaps because of genetics, perhaps because of his duty as a knight. Regardless, he looked like he could stomp a man out in one, maybe two hits with his large hands. “And, you are, if I may ask? I mean.. if you are free to talk. I merely wanted to come over so we didn't seem so lonely. It's a big feast, and being alone seems like a bad idea. Before you know it, people might come and try to talk to you.” He smiled, but a hint of seriousness could be detected in his voice, for Tybalt wasn't very good at hiding what he really thought. Under his breath, following that, he continued. “God forbid you enjoy some alone-time..”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

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Lyra thought she had gotten by without being noticed too much. Lord Trystan went about his way and she breathed a sigh of relief.
She should have known that God was not so kind as to let her off the hook so easily. For the Lord Trystan returned to speak to her again. He had always been civil to her, as all of the Hyland children had been, but being this familiar was not looked well upon as far as servant/master relations. Was he perhaps looking for someone to warm his bed? How was she to dodge that? If he demanded, how would she refuse? A level of panic started to rise in her, making her heart beat faster.

His words shocked her. "But your- my Lord Hyland... It is nothing of note. Such things are not worth your concern... I could not possibly be so bold as to sit at..."

She stared at the floor once again, shaking in her fear. What would his mother do to her?

"If you are going to sit at my families table, speak as if you belong there."
"But my Lord Hyland, I don't belong there. I belong behind the table, serving my masters,"Lyra said in a small voice.
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