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14 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
16 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
16 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
16 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
1 like
17 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts

@Belle no It's just that tou two were conversing in the OOC which is fine, but I mentioned something entirely different ^^ It's nothing, I assure you.
Reina and Parkinson are in for a treat... Whoever goes for Boomi is getting a special treat ಥ⌣ಥ

brb killing myself
@Kimchi i prefer taco but ye it is
@Superman Pretty much, including the bad fanfics.

was even gonna use this pic but spodes didn't let me
@Vilageidiotx Wouldn't be the first one to get rich off of an idea and only an idea.
When you have a spectacular idea that will make money and make you famous, except you have no idea how to code it. Or anything, for that matter.

If you're serious about it, patent it, talk to a coder and make him sign a legally binding document that states he cannot tell anyone else about it and/or use it for himself, and you might get rich.

Or lose a bunch of money.

Might be worth it though.
this is how he treats all his hoes

all 1 of em
Hm, right. Well outside of that love story;

@MissCapnCrunch might be worthwhile to mention that while the tournament is fun for those involved, it leaves little room for the rest of us that aren't participating to write anything worthwhile outside of conversation -> meaning a lot of collaborations, probably. I'm probably not gonna write another collab so soon after the past 2, so I'm gonna refrain for posting with Tybalt or Catarina until something happens, if that's alright.
Chimney finna get his ass beat man. :/
@Superman I mean, I'm no GM so my word carries no weight here what so ever. It's just something that me and Savato have struggled with enormously in the past and that is

limits =/= weaknesses.

If I make a power that can destroy the world and then say 'oh he can only use it 1x a day' that's not really a weakness. Similarly. Not being able to use a power on humans =/= weakness, it's just a limit to what he can do.

In the same way, saying 'a power can grow' is ok, but like, how far can it grow? He can literally alter reality. So how far can that grow? That can be, literally, all-encompassing. As in, in 2 years he could've grown it so much he can literally do whatever he wants. And while it sounds cool that can lead to some pretty.. biased fights. Make reality be a place with no floor. Instantly everyone that cannot fly (read: everyone) can no longer stand and will be stuck in an eternal limbo where they fall endlessly.

That said I did tell Savato that he should at least say something about back-seat GMing, so I was one of the people that 'complained' about comments made in the OOC though I wouldn't really call it complaining. :/ I mean, it was a solid character otherwise and by no means am I saying to deny it, I was just trying to offer some constructive criticism.
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