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7 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
9 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
9 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
9 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
1 like
9 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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I was reading the argument back in the thread and it was really funny. I'm apparently a misogynistic, racist piece of human trash, but I think I had made that clear in the past through no help of anyone else. Just to let you all know, I greatly enjoy the shitfests, and it makes me reminisce to the time where I could cause such mud-slinging contests. Sadly no more. I have lost my touch.

I should bitch about that.

i'm misogynistic, racist, sexist and i'm PROUD

As for actual bitching, there's this guy in my minor class and he is so fucking lazy it hurts. We told him to 'dress smart-casual for the presentation' because we wanted a good grade. Guy shows up in an old t-shirt and his hoodie that he wears everyday. Boy was 20 minutes late too. I damn near shat my pants out of anger.
Minor bump. Please read the thread properly.
@Hillan fake white guy alert
@Hillan take off that hat, baldie, and lets shoot some schools together
@NekoMizu no, but since I imagined it'd feature Ryoryoryoken in the protag role, it'd be amusing to say the least. Especially if you've been around Ryo dearest for a while, you know just how hilarious he is on his own.
@NekoMizu They are, but it won't be enough to sate my love for the bicycle hero.
@NekoMizu I mean, I want an OPM clone, because OPM is the funniest show out there. So there should be continuity and persistence, but every episode would be something new. So it's like a typical 'watch it before you go to school' show.
I had a great idea a while back that featured my homie @Ryoryoryoken in the spotlight as the protagonist. It was basically about this guy with the superpower of being able to fix any problem by sleeping. That's fucking right. Giant monsters attack the city? Shit, he goes to sleep, wakes up, BAM. Problem fucking gone. The catch is he's an insomniac, so he never knows when he is able to fall asleep again.

The general premise would be this every single episode:

1. General slur of the week, minor problems begin piling up such as 'I have a headache' 'My car broke down' and other shit that you shouldn't waste a superpower on.
2. After a few of these problems he decides to take a nap to fix his problems.
3. Wakes up, and not a second later the entire city somehow turns to shit, aliens invade, 10 earthquakes hit at once, make it as fucking stupid and crazy as you want.
4. Insomnia, so the guy can't sleep and fix the problem.
5. The rest of the episode would be about how he traverses the problems and tries to save people somehow (because he's just a regular dude, besides his power of sleeping) and tries to get himself to sleep.
6. The ending would be him sleeping, obviously, and shit was well again.

It's probably a very shitty show, but I came up with it so it's the best fucking thing to me.
Also, I want to add, I'm no psychiatrist, so don't quote me on anything. These are just my views. I just think that you're asking the wrong questions in the wrong place.
@Oliver If you came here expecting the typical 'antisocial nerds that are awkward, cringy and strange' then you're probably 90% correct, but that doesn't mean that they're not people with standards.

Fact of the matter is, whether you are a 20 year alpha-male jock figure with an ego the size of Saturn and a foul mouth to go with it, or if you are a 34 year old woman with 2 kids, a desk job and a lack of social interaction in the real world, or you are some being anywhere in between 'cool' and 'not cool' or you are some person that doesn't really care,

in the end you're going to want to get the same thing out of a social bond as anyone else and that is social gratification. If I am friends with you, that means I am getting something out of you - dark and cruel as that may sound it's true for any one friendship. I am putting time and effort into a friendship, and expect something back. If you pay for my food often, I'll be your friend, because I'm getting something out of you that outweighs the trouble of being your friend. BUT it can also be something as simple as 'being nice to you gives me a good feeling, and you're pleasant to be around' which is also a gain for me, if I felt that way.

Now the question you posed in here originally related to roleplaying and I answered it as such; you shouldn't have to dumb yourself down if you're here solely to roleplay. As I am, I am not here to make friends, get along with people or even 'be nice' to anyone. I am here to roleplay. So, I don't dumb myself down and act as I would in the real world. That means that the few lasting friendships I made on here are built on me being a jackass, among other things, but at least I can say they're good/nice friendships because I don't have to fake anything.

If you're here to make friends and change yourself then yes, you'll have to dumb yourself down OOCly, and possibly try and figure out what it is that makes people like and/or dislike you so you can get a better grip on yourself as a person. But that is something I myself struggle with, that people twice your age struggle with, and that by no means is something easily accomplished. It requires months, years and decades of retrospective insight that you're not going to have at 13 years old. I'm sorry. It's a progress that not everyone can accomplish and a progress that few, and dare I say, nobody, will ever completely master. Self-criticism is extremely hard and even if you can criticize yourself it's even harder to actually change yourself as a person.

But that is not related to roleplaying, or even to this website - that is related to the social standard that people expect and that's not something you should get help with on this site because like mentioned before, I think that a large part of this forum are people that struggle with the real world. Whether that is people who don't feel accepted, people who just aren't social, people who struggle with anxiety, mental disorders or anything.. these people tend to go here, I can agree with you on that. Not everyone here is like that, but large parts are.

Roleplaying is a great way to escape reality, but reality always comes first. Writing a nice story here about how your character slays a dragon isn't going to help you in the long run. Escapism is as dangerous as ignoring your problems.

Something entirely unrelated, but something that might help you with 'picking fights' is this; often it doesn't matter what you're saying but how you bring it. If I make a post and it contradicts your earlier post, think to yourself what is the best way to approach me/this other person? Instead of getting angry at them for ignoring you, maybe you could just.. point it out, add a smiley face, be nice about it.

It doesn't matter what you're saying. You could be advocating genocide. It's about the delivery. Always. So when you write a post, OOCly, keep that in mind, and think about how you're delivering a message. If you care about what people think of you, that is.
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