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3 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
5 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
5 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
5 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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5 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Blizz who says you're wrong
@BrokenPromise Hmm, well, yes, I am interested in seeing why there are so many (I mean, your argument is that there aren't many. But I think that despite a lot of screamy attention grabbing 'ill' people on RPG, there are a lot more that are genuinely ill that you do not hear about) on RPG, that have a genuine illness.

I suppose you make a fair point but my prime concern, again, is that it is very largely dependent on the person, and also the manner in which they escape. Some might cope well with roleplay, others might not?
@BrokenPromise no, the question at hand isn't about people with labels, because I'm talking about hypothetical people with mental disorders or illnesses that are genuine. It's not about the people we see, it's about the people that genuinely have an illness. Whether they exist or not isn't really the question - unless you're trying to answer whether or not they frequent this place, in which case your argument might be that they do not but some pretend that they have illnesses or disorders.

Which I would agree with, in most cases.

But for the second question, whether roleplay could be seen as harmful, I am talking about those with legitimate illnesses or disorders.

Those I have spoken with from RPG are all diagnosed, and often are all well over the age of 18. Actually most of them are. So, that's not the issue here. Didn't I say that I agreed with the fact that there are a lot of diagnoses that do not hold up true? I'm very critical of people with mental illness especially here. But in my friend group on RPG, struggle with mental health is very prevalent. Perhaps that is due to the type of people I prefer to hang out with, but well, that's how it is.

Also, I do not visit other forums, because they're a breeding spot for idiocy in most cases and RPG isn't really excluded. Mind you I probably partake in that, but that is besides the point. So I have no idea what other forums are like (and, well, that's also why I didn't mention any.)

It also seemed you misunderstood. I was talking about ADHD, ADD, and whatever else. But I was talking about them in the sense of those people that have actual ADHD, ADD, etc. Not those that get diagnosed with it. The diagnosis and the actual mental presence of these things are two separate things to me due to the miss-diagnosis or over-diagnosis.
@BladeSS4 I'm okay with the discussion, lol, so don't feel discouraged. But in my opinion, a more potent chakra doesn't mean more chakra. It means your chakra is stronger (whatever the fuck Kishimoto meant with that when he wrote it.. this is all based on part 1 of Naruto, and everything was inconsistent.) but not that you have more.

I mean, shadow clones is something similar to that, but to be frank, I think four is a bit too much, and as I've discussed it with Ryo briefly, he also thinks it's a bit too much - not from a PVP perspective, but from the perspective of wanting to keep things consistent within the roleplay. It doesn't make sense if a genin can create 4 shadow clones but a jonin could not.

I think you shoulder lower it to two, yes. Purely because he's a genin. I mean, let's be fair - you're also the only one that has shadow clone and it's one of the most powerful (legit) techniques in PVP. You can turn any 1v1 into a teamfight if you want. I think that's a huge advantage even if you can only make one. Four is a bit over the top.
Do you date outside your race? If so how often?
Yes. I've dated one white (Dutch) girl and several Asian girls.

How do you view racial prefrences as whole? (in society)

I don't care what others prefer. It's a natural thing, just like racism and sexism. Doesn't mean it's good, but I also think that if someone prefers, I don't know, black women/men due to their physical traits, that that is not a problem.

Do you find yourself attracted or not attracted to certain race or races?
I like women of all creeds and color, but there is most certainly a 'preference' although it is small. I wouldn't write someone off on the basis of the color of their skin, but there are certain physical traits in certain races that I prefer over those of others. Then again, in those other races there might be something I like that I dislike in other races.

I prefer to judge on the basis of the individual themselves.

Can you describe why you might have these prefrences/dislikes?

Physical traits, mostly, but also typical stereotypes in terms of sociality and personality. Those have mostly to do with how people (women, in my case, and probably men for those straight women) of certain races act in my country. I've formed my own stereotype of them, and I can see that there are individuals that do not match this stereotype despite being of that race - but the majority seems to match it. I don't consider that racist, because I am still capable of making a distinct choice based on the individual.

Do you think your mind has changed about any of this from the past or is subject to change in the future?
No, and I don't think it will change, because I enjoy beautiful women, and I think women of all races can be beautiful. Also, I'm not that picky.
@BladeSS4 'more chakra' is not a trait of the Uchiha clan. I'm not sure where you heard that but it's not true. And if the original Tenshi uses even one jutsu/uses a bit of chakra while none of the clones has died, he'd pass out. Although we don't really see it except at the start of Naruto, using up a lot of chakra can take you down.

When Sasuke trains with Kakashi to learn chidori, he can perform two. He asks Kakashi what happens if he makes a third, and Kakashi says he'll die. That's how serious it is. Know your boundaries.
@Asura ... again, 1/2 of your chakra doesn't sound like a lot, but even something as dumb as stepping on water technically costs chakra. Whenever a shinobi is doing things, he burns up chakra. And you only gain back as much as you have left when it dies. So, actually, having two clones shooting fireballs quickly depletes them and might even make them die purely because they're using up their own chakra.

Also, pushing your limits in regards to chakra (i.e. using more than you should) has physical effects as well - you get sick, fatigued, etcetera. Also, you apparently pass out when you use too much chakra. If you use up 100% of your chakra, you die.

I also wasn't saying it was impossible to make 4 clones. I'm just warning him that it's really stupid and nobody in their right mind would do that purely because it makes every battle where you do that a potential death situation.
@Dynamo Frokane I'll entertain you then, I guess.

I dont even take self diagnosis with a pinch of salt, I just straight up dont listen anymore.

k, not relevant to the topic at hand

Depression, Autism and Anxiety are real, common and to be taken seriously when accurately diagnosed.


But sadly I do think there is a tendency for some younger RPers and a couple older ones to just slap a label on themselves because they dont nessecarily fit in with their extremely subjetive and narrowly percieved definition of what the 'mainstream' is.

I guess, but those aren't the ones I want to discuss

I mean can anyone really give me an exhustive defination of what a 'normie' is? Or how they think and live their lives?

I don't see how normies are the topic at hand

We are all different and we are all creative. But to varying degrees, some of us have more desrie to express our creativity some have more free time.


Also just as final note, Mental illness gets thrown around too much, sometimes you just have personality disorder. The level of cringe when everyone at my college started calling themselves 'Sociopaths' when Sherlock and later Hannibal were popular was unbearable.

Again, not really relevant to the people I wanted to discuss

Perhaps this will explain why I didn't really see the need to go into what you said any further because none of it relates to the actual thing I wanted to discuss, namely people on RPG with actual health issues (not attention seekers) and the relation between roleplaying and mental health issues.

Even then, genin have no business making more than a single clone.

Because of the manner in which the clones are created, the user must divide their chakra among the clones, potentially using up all their chakra fairly quickly if the user is low on chakra, or makes too many clones. This is especially problematic when the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique is used; whereas the normal version will only create a few clones, the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique can create hundreds.

Two clones is pushing it, more than two is a definitive no no from me. Besides the implication that you're basically committing suicide, it also is incredibly unlikely that you have both the skill and the chakra pool to maintain the clones.
@Asura ... yes because he has fucking massive amounts of chakra and a fucking Kurama inside of him.
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