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3 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
5 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
5 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
5 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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5 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Masaki Haruna It's meant for those that show the aptitude to use it. Which, I'm not sure Ria has.. but lets say she has..

Interacting with:
Chimamire Shirayuri - @Asura
Uchiha Kaido - @Hillan
Nō Iemochi - @Queentze


Sakana shot Shirayuri a quick glance when she spoke to him. Honestly, he didn't even care that she called him fish. That was his name after all. “Yeah,” he answered her, before looking away and into the distance, trying to figure out just who the hell was pulling this irresponsible and unfunny prank. “Seems that way.” His question as to who it had been had been answered not even a minute later, when Kaido appeared, and applauded them. As if it had even been a real challenge. “Tsk,” he sissed at his words when Kaido has disappeared. “What a cunt.” Never the less, he followed the order, and left before Shirayuri could say anything more annoying than what she already had.

Sakana appeared at the hero monument as Kaido had asked, but didn't sit down when he nodded at the stone. Instead, he just stood next to a stone and crossed his arm. He'd be damned if Kaido was gonna tell him exactly what to do and what not to do. He wasn't a dog. He didn't get made chunin because he was so good at not making choices on his own. When the folder was thrown at him, he caught it without too much trouble, quickly reading through it and making sure he got the details right. Well, most of them anyway. “Ehh, some lame scroll mission, blabla, Kirigakure. Easy enough,” he noted, still glancing at some of the mission details while he put a finger to his mouth, biting on nails to help himself focus.

When Kaido indicated that it was time to move out, Sakana looked at his two teammates briefly. Shirayuri was going to be a pain, but he knew what to expect from her. This other girl, he wasn't so sure. She was also the only one that got nicked by the clones. “Oy.. you okay? Seems like you got hurt,” he said, not particularly polite about it. But then again, Kaido had already fucked off so there was no reason to pretend they were best friends.

“Eh, whatever. Small wounds won't matter. I'm gonna go there - don't really have anything I need to collect. See you guys there - don't be late, Shirayuri..”

And with that said, he casually walked off, putting the mission folder in his pocket, all nice and rolled up. He didn't seem particularly concerned with the mission - perhaps something about his casual attitude seemed off to Shirayuri and Nō, but whatever. He didn't really care about that either. He just wanted to earn that fat reward for the mission. A whole 5000 Ryo. That was a lot of ramen.
@Ryoryoryoken How jealous will Senhime be that Mawari met the eight-tails?

Interacting with:
Mu Sarutobi - @Pkken
Ira Sarutobi - @Hillan
Dio Hyuga - @LokiLeo789


Ira's comments as to her strategy made her raise an eyebrow. Not only was he way too low of a rank to even consider offering his opinion on anything at all unless she asked him, his suggestion was also remarkably stupid. “Excuse me for saying so,” she said with a hint of snark in her words, clearly not wishing to excuse herself at all. “But I have the nagging feeling that we won't be ambushed from behind by the eight tails himself, and I strongly doubt anyone will be stupid enough to ambush the Hokage.” She crossed her arms briefly before turning to Mu, who had an equally stupid suggestion. Was the Sarutobi clan really the clan that created this village? It seemed more like they had somehow managed to stumble upon a crater in the ground and named it 'Konohagakure.'

“Can you two shut up already?” she said loudly, ignoring his suggestion to go eat. By the Sage, these guys were really top-notch idiots. And they weren't even the kind that had brawns but no brain, no, they were without brawn or brain. “If you wanted to be a part of 'Team Daycare' that does fun day-to-day activities like drawing, making things out of clay and playing in the sandbox, you shouldn't have become a shinobi. Are we clear?”

She then turned to Dio, who was giving off snark towards Ira, and although it wasn't wholly unwarranted, what with their no-can-do attitudes, she still found herself annoyed at him. “And from now on, none of you will offer me suggestions about anything. You will do as I say, period. This is a B-rank mission that we should've labeled S-rank. Act like it. That's an order. So far, all of you three have been disgraceful to your clans. Make up for it in the mission - move.”

It would take some fifty minutes to an hour before they reached the area of operations. Although, this area was rather large, and so they'd have to rely on Dio to take care of the scouting for the most part. “Alright, we've reached the boundaries of the area we are to search. We're still in Konohagakure, so no need to worry just yet..” Her words were calm and collected, which was quite a difference from how she had been in the village. Despite her rather militaristic and authoritarian approach to leadership, she seemed to make a switch once she was actually in the field. That was not to say she'd tolerate their 'input' all of a sudden, but she seemed less inclined to make these three out for idiots.

“Dio, use your byakugan and begin looking around. Ira, Mu, keep your eyes open. Dio can't look everywhere at once.” They'd take a momentary break at a small clearing, allowing Dio, Ira and Mu to carefully scout the direct surroundings. It would be quite clear that there wasn't anything here, and as soon as that became clear, they'd move to the next spot that Mawari had carefully memorized. Although it seemed like she was visiting random spots throughout the forest, there seemed to be some kind of logic behind them. She avoided the Kumogakure borders for as long as she could while following the trails of the reports she had received.

After an hour of searching, they inevitably had to cross the Kumogakure border. While this was not a crime in and of itself, it was .. at the very least sensitive to do so, especially when you were the Hokage. And especially when you were looking for the Eight-tails, a tailed beast that has long been claimed by Kumogakure to be 'their beast,' in whatever capacity they could claim it as such. And while Konohagakure had some brief interactions with the nine tailed beast, they had never made any type of move to claim that beast. Mawari had a better plan - capturing the eight-tails would not only give Konohagakure access to one beast, it also took away the beast from Kumogakure, severely diminishing their military power, and perhaps scaling the balance in Konoha's favour.

Although she obviously didn't quite expect the two chunin and the genin to understand that.

With a sigh Mawari placed herself down on the rock, squatting down and balancing herself by placing one of her hands on the rock, while her other was placed over her eyes to shield them from the sun. They were at the final spot now - the last report had come from here, and it looked to be a dead end. The spot was a cliff side overlooking a gigantic lake, which was far bigger than any lake in Konohagakure, and on a misty day, could easily be mistaken for an ocean for how large it was. “Dio, look over the lake one more time. If it's not here, then we won't find that damn octopus today.”

Although it would seem like there was nothing on the lake at first, if Dio paid close enough attention with the Byakugan, he would soon see .. what seemed to be 'bubbles' of chakra floating upwards from the depths of the lake. It was subtle and faint at first, but then became more and more noticeable, to the point where Mawari herself began to feel the presence of the strong, potent chakra. And merely a few minutes later, even Mu and Ira might've began feeling the chakra.

It was a strange sensation to feel a chakra so strong. “It.. seems like we're too late with running away. I suggest you three get ready for... well, death.” She slowly stood up from her squatting position, stepping forwards with one foot onto the very edge of the stone, looking over the water. In the water, a dark figure began rising, the water began being displaced, before two horns rose from the water, one of which was missing a piece.

“Oh, you remember Senhime? Her family claims that they're descendants of this beasts. Seems like that story about the horn being chopped off by some crazy shinobi might be true after all.” Her words were spoken without her looking back, as the purple mass slowly rose from the water, looking around and spotting the four shinobi quite quickly. That beast was gigantic - towering over the shinobi, perhaps by a few hundred meters. It seemed to be observing the four shinobi - for now. Mawari seemed equally occupied with observing the hulking beast. Just what was it going to do? “Perhaps you three should get some distance, just in case. Try going to the woodline we came from.”
@Masaki Haruna not soon
@Masaki Haruna @ryoryoryoken I'm not Ryo, but I mean, to spin these silk strings in theory doesn't mean they have chakra in them.

But since she gets a sensory field from them, they would have chakra in them (the 'detection' occurs from the feelings of her chakra being broken by movement, not the actual breaking of string, though one could say they are one and the same.) and thus the Sharingan can see them.

That's purely based off of what we've seen in the anime though, and that's the way to go. That said, not sure that 'seeing' the strings will offer you an advantage, since Senhime can theoretically string up so much silk that you have to break it.
Ravioli ravioli, hablo espanioli?
@BuddhaEdited version, ready for judging

Most teams are still meeting up or in the process of getting to the mission location at the moment, so it's not late at all. @Angel Eyes
Hmm... Ria's nothing like Sasuke.

I'd go for 3 instead then which Blade suggested cuz IMO Chuunin level, not that I'm pushing it. Since rule #1 never compare a canon character to an AU character which I think Hillan said or you said. Just as others have said, use common sense.

Ria is an AU and Sauce is canon, two different characters and different strengths and weaknesses . I have learned to not imitate the canon character. AU character is different but boundaries are still intact. Just because one can do more, doesn't make it entirely better than the original. Quality(The Sauce cuz Prodigy) > Quantity(Ria from the AU).

So I got 3 tips:
Gowi's "When to use it."
Blade in terms of rank.
Buddha's common sense.

It all adds up!

So yeah, I will go as 1 would tire her, 2 would tire her more, the 3rd would break her which leads to almost putting her out. In short, it all depends on how it is used from here on out. Make a 4th one and dies.... as to Kakashi's make a 3rd one and die.

If this is fine with you.

Chidori is an A rank jutsu. It's Ria's current max. Also, you're right that Ria is nothing like Sasuke - she's not as good as he is. So, no, 3 is too much. She'd be dead by then. Two is the max.

If something happens in the IC (like, your chakra gets refilled or so) then sure, she can make three.

@BuddhaWell, I was wondering something about the fact that he's constantly venting Nature Chakra while wearing the seal. Could most people sense that, or just thus in-touch with senjutsu? It's been awhile since I last watch Naruto and I forget the specifics of the natural energy. In my mind, it just melds back into the terrain that surrounds him easily and mostly discreetly, but that could be changed to give Shizuka another weakness.

Perhaps for those that have mastered the art of manipulating natural chakra. Like a sage. Those I imagine draw power from nature in a calm and peaceful way (and thus it reverts to that states quite naturally too) even when they're venting chakra.

But since Jugo's entire thing was that he had no control, I imagine that for your character this would not be the case. So, yes, sure, lets say most people can sense his senjutsu chakra.

Another drawback could be intiated if the rules atround the Kekkei Genkai could be bent a little, namely him healing others using Cellular Regeneration Ejection. In the anime, Jugo could only seem to do this with Sasuke because of the curse seal, bjut I want to broaden that to others to further Shizuka's support role by enabling him to help either heal or at least stabalize people usung the technique. Of course, doing so means that, like Jugo, his physical state and appearance revert to that of his younger self until he's able to replace it, which he can only do as Yūrei.

Uhhh, no. We're not making a super powerful taijutsu nin, who also has medical jutsu in his KG. That's too much, lol. I'm sure you understand. The addition of the first one (people sensing his chakra) is enough for me to say it's fine anyway. I'll do a full review if you can add that (and then mention me so I know you added it, that'd be swell dawg.)

I know. But the how many times, is the more important factor. It's not like she can spam it. @Buddha

@Hillan I think you can help!

1, which would tire her. 2 if she's pushing it, but the two would likely almost put her out of commission.

Sasuke could do 2 at a near-chunin level (this was basically right before the exams) and he was a prodigy. So you should have 1, maybe 2 if she wants to push her luck. Just use common sense.

Except Sakura has a great powerset canonically.

A powerset that was only ever really put to effective use when she was controlled by a million year old hag from Sunagakure. Her one useful power is CES.

Honestly, Chidori is an overrated jutsu anyway.

Assassin Kakashi:
'Let me make a technique that is silent, and one-hit kills enemies. It'll be a true assassination technique..'


@Buddha@Hillan@RyoRyoRyoken Ah Shit! lol is this still open?

I mean, homie, you have a tendency to flake out on roleplays in general (yes, mine too) so if you can promise to at least try not to flake, I can make an exception, but we're trying to make this last longer than a month. So,
yes we are open but think about it before you submit a CS.

@Masaki Haruna Let's just say that chidori was invented by the Uchiha clan head some 30 years ago. He's dead now. Technique got passed on.

@Raijinslayer I don't have a problem with the KG - it's canon, so I can't really argue against it. For now, all I have to say is that the benefits of the KG (strengths) don't really seem to weigh out against the weaknesses. The weaknesses are basically 'uh, yeah, I might roleplay as some savage berseker, but also.. uh, yeah. Nothing.' I'm gonna need something more concrete that others can exploit.
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