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2 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
4 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
4 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
5 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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5 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Hillan Preferably you remove mystical healing palm, lol, considering it's a technique that is supposedly really hard to learn for any random ass ninja that doesn't have superb chakra control. If anyone can learn it that kinda removes the need for 'real' medical nin, innit?
There]s more

M1 is the most dope. It also matches your previous mentions of her having a chest. If she doesn't have a large chest in the new picture, it'd fuck up the earlier mentions.

I think team wildcard is waiting for Crash to comeback Friday. In the middle of the training test, so it would be weird to go on without him. So I understand the waiting. The only problem is I am wanting to fill out a CS with a chunin. Feeling creative again...

Yeah, but he sent a message in the OOC stating that so that's why I didn't message him. Feel free to make a chunin though.

<Snipped quote by Angel Eyes>

Aphrodite. I see what you did there and I like it.

Accepted, but I think you'll be forced to wait for a while while others make character sheets to form a new team.

@Masaki Haruna You can make a pet. I never stated anywhere summonings weren't allowed. People just didn't make any.

@Hillan @Pkken @Queentze @Asura As of yet, I know you guys have yet to post. Any ETA for a post? Or any of you that wanna drop out? Would appreciate a warning at the very least.
@Masaki Haruna Let me reiterate something I just explained in the Discord.

Lee moved as fast as a body flicker technique, literally disappearing from eyesight, even for a sharingan user IIRC.

By using the Body Flicker Technique, a ninja can move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed.[2] To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalise the body and move at extreme speeds. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance and elevation between the user and the intended destination.

This is with chakra. Lee did not possess chakra. Therefore, he did not use chakra, to move at the same speed. Even before he removed his weights, he was already faster than a lot of other shinobi. This was because he trained his body and only his body. His sole purpose in training was increasing his speed and strength.

Ria meanwhile has spent time learning the Sharingan, swords, and ninjutsu. There is no way she has time to dedicate to taijutsu/body speed/strength besides that. It's just impossible.

So no. She's not even close to weighted Lee.
@Masaki Haruna lol no, she's nowhere close to his levels of speed man.
Gay black guy review coming in hot from the press, hoy minoy.
Ready for grading. Reposting so its at the top of the page, instead at the bottom. @Buddha@Hillan@RyoRyoRyoken Sorry for double post.

I saw it the first time, since I actually read the OOC, ya know.

<Snipped quote by Masaki Haruna>

It wouldn't be a fight. I'm not hating or anything, I'm just spiting facts. If we wanna talk on pure skill, Dio would annihilate him in Taijutsu, hands down, no argument there. Dio' Water Nature counters Tenshi's Fire, not to mention the fact that Dio's tactical prowness would outclass that of Tenshi's: I.E waste most of your chakra on four clones in the start of a battle.

Dio just has the tool at his disposal to easily deal with Tenshi. It wouldn't be a good fight. If you want a real right, something like Dio vs Ira would be a interesting fight.

Dio vs. Ira also isn't much of a fight because I think the chakra from gentle fist could pass through the metal defense (quite easily) since the users chakra is in the metal, therefore obviously foreign chakra can also puncture it.

Also, Dio is a chunin, so he has a 'bullshit' shield that he can use to more or less dodge stuff with the claim that he is just faster and more experienced.

So I am thinking I am going to need a new Appearance image for Tenshi since I think the picture might be broken or an Alt appearance So here are some possible ones I am thinking of. I found them on google and I am not the best of picking out a picture to fit my characters. The first one I used originally was great, it just sucks that it is messed up now. If someone can find one better then these that fit my character let me know.

This one I find really cool other then the scar across the nose, but I guess it could work.

First and fourth are pretty dope, admittedly the fifth I've seen used 200 times in Naruto RP's since it's a popular picture, but yeah.

Implying Dio won't though... :/
Though I need someone to become a jinch later. For my own reasons. And it's gonna be a character that earned it in the IC. So y'all best try harder.
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