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2 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
4 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
4 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
5 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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5 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts

Oh shit, you are doing an AAR of my favorite sci-fi strategy game. Sign me up. By the way, do you have other strategy games like EU IV and/or Victoria II?

I have EUIV, EUIII, Vicky 2, CK2, etc. Only missing HOI.

It seems that space slugs do not enjoy humans,
not even as food.


The knowledge of war was quite big for humans - we had after all experienced decades of war, and had compiled books upon books on the art of warfare. So, it should come as no surprise, that the humans were not too surprised when they heard of the report that there was now war - started by a pacifist empire no less. We did not interfere, as it was not our place and we likely did not have the power to do so either. Our fleet was 20 corvettes strong at this moment which was barely enough to police our own systems. We did not see a reason in entering a war, as this would 'result in a net loss of minerals anyway.'

Instead we focused on continuing our exploration. We were faced with another space station that much resembled that of the curators. We knew what to do now - so we launched an investigation, started communication, and began translating their language. When that was done, these people revealed themselves to be 'the Artisan Troupe.' Some kind of vague space-station filled with good-for-nothings that instead of brigandry had chosen to spend their lives making 'art' and selling it. A worthy goal.. had it not been for the fact that their interpretation of art was very different from ours.

We said our farewells to them and did not expect to need their help in the future. We continued our exploration routines and focused on our home systems again, where we decided to upgrade our frontier post on the 'south' border of the Gorothian seaslug empire. Here we built many mining and research stations to mine the plentiful resources and knowledge.

While this was happening, we also made a point out of it to actually combat-test our ships. We engaged with some crystals, as we were quite sure we could break them and destroy them. Our scientists, too, were eager to see what the crystals were made of and what we could learn from their ... 'dead bodies.' So to speak.

The engagement went swimmingly and we did not encounter any problems, though we lost two ships in the combat as the crystals shot their .. crystals at us. We referred to these as 'shards.' Sadly we could not discover and replicate the throwing of shards as weapons for ourselves, but our scientists did discover that we could use the left-over crystals from the entities as shielding in our hulls, to reinforce them and strengthen them. This seemed like a good idea, but needed to be researched more for us to be sure that it would work.

To me, it seemed like a good idea, as the Gorothian threat was growing ever larger and our neighbors had not yet offered their help.

As time passed, we also discovered a black hole with a space station nearby. As we translated their comms again, we discovered they were another curator enclave. While this was not so interesting, we did take a nice picture of the black hole in the distance with the spacestation hovering in front.

As our science ships continued exploring the galaxy, making our way around it entirely to get to the planet we needed to survey (the last one!) to stop the mass extinction of planet Earth, we also came across something that our scientists referred to as 'a ring world.' This thing was impressive on its' own, as we could not imagine building such a thing let alone having the technology to even dream it up. But as we surveyed it, we found out that the metal was in fact living. An impressive thing, and our scientists thought they might've been able to replicate it.

The application of that was something I could not think of but the scientists assured me they would find some material use for it. That was satisfying to hear, at least. We might earn minerals off of it.

The following years were of little importance, perhaps, in the grand scheme of things. Greater things were afoot, though the Human empire did not quite realize that yet. We grew our empire and improved on our infrastructure, building new food plants and power plants, and mining up more minerals than ever before.

But nothing we did could possibly save us. This will likely be my last journal entry, as the Gorothians have declared they will harvest our meat. They have declared war.

The following is a compilation of precursor artifacts found by a species that inhabited Sol and it's surrounding regions a few million years later. The human race had fallen, but their memory had not - that is, if the species could find enough of the artifacts.

“Sir, we have confirmation that the Gorathian fleet is approaching Alpha Centauri space-port.”

“Order space-port to engage.”

“Copy. Alpha Centauri, you are cleared to engage targets at will. God speed.”

“... do we have a visual on the fight?”

“Coming up now sir.”

In front of the military general, a screen flickers momentarily before a nearby scout ship transmits a video signal, showing the carnage occurring directly above Alpha Centauri. As the mass drivers of the space port whirl up and begin engaging targets, it takes down a mere three corvettes before the fleet overpowers it and shoots it down. The spaceport breaks up into pieces and the pieces drift away, some of them heading towards the planet. The destruction that will be caused by these massive pieces of steel would be unimaginable, but before they can even land on Alpha Centauri, the fleet rolls on it's axis and begins shooting it's drivers at Alpha Centauri. The hits, which are enormous, can be seen from space.

“By God.”

“Sir, we have lost communcation with Alpha Centauri south colony. North colony is reporting heavy losses and Gorothian dropships approaching. They are requesting exfiltration, but there are no ships left to exfiltrate them. Please advise.”

“... close down the comms to Alpha Centauri. Bring report to high command that Alpha Centauri is lost and should be considered Gorothian territory now.”


“You heard me. They're dead - we can't do anything for them. Scramble the fleet and order them to approach Earths' spaceport.”

“... yes sir. Shutting down communications to Alpha Centauri. ... God help them.”

“There is no God, dead or alive, that can help them now.”

As the fleet positions itself above Earth, just like they had done in Alpha Centauri, the debris from the human fleet being destroyed is already starting to enter the orbit towards Earth. They had attempted to escape towards Earth when it was clear that the 30 corvettes could not win the battle against the 64 enemy corvettes and the cruisers they had brought along. It had been futile, as during the escape the remnants were shot down with remarkable ease.

The Gorothian forces continued their display of superiority, shooting down at Earth, bombarding it and obliterating whatever resistance was still there. While the military of the UNE scrambled to organize, VTOL ships flying to and fro, attempting to centralize some form of military resistance, the Gorothian dropships once again approached.

From the apartment of the man that was once the advisor and assistant to the Chancellor - who had died during the initial stages of the war - you could see clearly the shells raining down on earth as the Gorothian forces entered London. In the streets, combat roared. The First Defense Garrison of London prepared to repel the attack, taking up a stand near the UNE headquarters.

The gunfire was louder than one would think, the characteristic shots of the human guns rivalling the strange and foreign clacks of the Gorothian weaponry. At first, the gunfire had been fierce, but over time screams, yells and black smoke took over.

In the headquarters themselves, the garrison was now trying to hole up after a mere fifteen minutes of combat. For every Gorothian they had killed they had lost five men themselves. As they protected the front entrance, building a chokepoint out of debris and whatever machine guns they left, a shell from orbit hit the building, blasting an opening in the top. Whoever wasn't dead right away would die almost immediately at the hands of elite Gorothian forces that were now entering in a dropship through the new hole.

Deeper down in the headquarters, the scientists were busy destroying or preserving whatever they could find. The humans did not intend to give the Gorothian an even bigger advantage over the next civilization they attempted to conquer. It wouldn't matter ultimately - the sea-slugs-in-space found little use for whatever humans had cooked up, considering their own technology far more impressive.

One scientist was busy moving a desk to cover his door, barricading himself in to buy some more time for himself to destroy whatever scientific things were on his personal computer. Just as he was dragging the desk somewhat close to the door, the door swung open, revealing two space-slugs staring at him. He quickly reached for a pistol, but one of the Gorothian scumbags grabbed his arm and came closer with it's face, it's two mustache-tentacles moving when it did. It unleashed a roar of sorts, and then the other seaslug raised its' gun and mowed the scientist down with a barrage of at least thirty bullets. The clack of the gun would alert the rest of the hallway to their presence, but the Gorothians were okay with that. They wanted the humans to fear them, so that whoever would be caught as slave would serve their new master faithfully and would not think of stupid things like 'rebellion.'

Such ended the reign of the United Nations of Earth

Sorry for a lack of pictures of the war, I was too busy yelling 'what the fuck' at my screen when I saw the declaration of war to realize that I was still in the progress of writing the AAR. I hadn't expected for the AAR to end so soon, but there's nothing left to really do, as they took both Alpha Centauri and Sol, and I don't have anything left I can work with.
@Terminal Ugh. You know, the Gorothi beat you to it, and barged in with a 3.1k fleet while I was running around with a mere 800 power fleet. I think they were an advanced empire spawn - regardless, they uh.. more or less killed my empire. I'm afraid that this will already be the end of the AAR, lol.
@Hillan Can you post a permanent link to the discord again?

End-session oversight

Expansion of technology and planetary ownership alike,
long live the materialist reign of the UNE.


Things had been calm for some time - the first ten years of mankinds steps into space were truly remarkable and, as expected, filled with new discoveries and realizations alike. They were a busy ten years, that were divided into three logs in my logbook journal. The next fifteen years would not quite bring the same amount of new information worthy of sharing.

But all calm must come to an end once.

It was quite early in the morning when a military steward rudely awoke me from my sleep, seemingly having broken into my office for some reason. “Sir! We have reports of pirates coming in, sir!” he yelled at me while I was still sleeping on my desk, trying my best to ignore him and continue my sleep. But, he did not relent, and continued to shake my body until I was forced to wake up and address him. “Sir, what should we do?”

“Do.. what.. against who?”

“The pirates, sir! They call themselves.. Shipjackers. A menacing name, for a menacing group of good-for-nothing space brigands.”

“Shipjackers? ... it's ... creative?” Not really. Did they just think 'what do we do? Jack ships! So what's our name? Shipjackers!' Regardless, brigands were brigands and needed to be dealt with. “Steward, tell me, are they within our territories?”

“No sir.”

“Then how the hell do we know that they exist, and know their name to boot?”

“They uh, well, they kind of sent a message to our comms hub, and declared themselves the sovereign owner of 'our asses' and then continued to yell and scream. It was.. confusing.”

“Well, send them a message to go raid the Gorothian supply lines, since they're not in our territory and therefore not our problem.”

“.. yes sir!”

The pirates never appeared in my territory and as a result I don't know where they went.

It was a good thing that they didn't mess with us, because our fleet of corvettes had slowly been growing, to a larger fleet of 12 ships now, armed with Mark Two projectile weapons. No nukes or lasers for us - yet. Regardless, we were quite sure that if the pirates came to mess with our trading routes, they'd pay the price for it. Conform to our standards or die, damnit!

Later that day we received word on the Pot Project - finally! We had been waiting for so long to see what was contained within the pot. Sadly the news was rather sombre. “It's strange, but there's nothing in there, and we are not quite sure how the pot even got there to be honest. In fact, we've started to wonder if it's really there,” the reporting scientist said over the transmission feed. The entire room of scientists and interested officials sighed, disappointed with the outcome.

“On the other hand, we have spent our time investigating this pot reflecting on our inner selfs and have compiled a list of interesting philosophical thoughts. Uh.. somehow this has increased our influence over the galaxy. Again.. not quite sure how that happened either.”

Some months later during routine exploration and survey routes, we encountered a strange heavily armed fortress in orbit around a Pulsar star. The fortress didn't shoot, so we presumed it to be friendly, and hailed it on our on-board comm-lines. But sadly, we received no answer. After surveying the star, we left the system and ordered the scientist departments at the London UNE department to begin making contact and translating their language.

Luckily for us, the aliens beat us to it and managed to translate our language first. Impressive, but not wholly unexpected once they introduced themselves as the 'Curators.' They posed themselves to be a scared group of scientists and protectors of technology, in order to prevent the galaxy from plunging itself into another mass extinction. Apparently this cycle had been going on for some time - and that would also explain why the fortress looked so strange, unlike anything we had seen before. Furthermore, it would also explain why our radars gave them a rather high military power score. They must have had all the time in the world to invest in defenses.

They offered us their services and we immediately bought ten star charts, to avoid having to scout them ourselves. It meant we had to pass up on our chances of detecting anomalies and other interesting things, but it also meant we would be able to detect inhabitable planets without having to go there ourselves.

In an effort to appease the curators, to show them we were just as interested in technology and science as they were, we constructed an observation post to observe the primitives on another planet. There was much to learn from them and their social constructs, which contributed heavily to our sociological research - not wholly unwelcome either.

Years passed, in which nothing of real importance happened except the continuation of our scouting of those planets we needed to survey to find out how to save Earth from mass extinction. One day however we received a report that spoke of 'a Gaia world' in a world that was uncovered in a new set of star charts bought from the Curators. We started constructing a new colony ship that was to be named the UNS 'Ark of Noah' but sadly, our initial scouts also reported that there was a large amount of crystaline constructs about the planet, and an even larger amount of them in the same sector. The plans for the colony ship were not scrapped however as there were other planets we could inhabit.

Sarack I would be liberated later, and hopefully, colonized by human settlers. It was, after all, in a prime position to stop the Gorothians from expanding even further and becoming more hostile to us. While war was initially not among our thoughts when it came to the Gorothians, it seemed like it was becoming more and more inevitable. They had named us their rivals and closed their borders to our ships, preventing us from accessing the final planet we needed to research to save Earth.

We did not declare them our rivals just yet, but we did close our borders to their ships as well. If anything, this would slow them down at least a little bit. Things were beginning to look up for us now, and we were continuously exploring. We were held back at every turn, it seemed like, but that didn't stop us from overcoming our challenges. One of these was the encounter of 'space amoeba's' which looked like giant bacteria in space. We decided to satisfy our biologists, and promised to kill one as they appeared to be hostile regardless. Perhaps there were things we could learn yet about how they survived and traveled?

And finally, we found what we believe to be the home base of the crystal entities, only one system away from Sarack. There were more powerful looking entities here, as well as a singular large entity. Our biologists and physicists theorized that this was 'the leader' although it wasn't quite clear what capacity of leadership this ... thing had.

A few months later we received reports that were more important to the survival of Humankind. “Sir, Alpha Centauri is now within our reach!” This would turn out to be a great day for Earth and it's colonies after all.

“How, though? Didn't the Gorothians own it?”

“Well, we developed a technology that allowed us to expand our borders.”

“... what.”

“How to explain.. we interfaced with the Gorothian border generating interface and algorithm, and then changed it so that it would expand our borders by 20 percent.”

“So you just changed a few things and now we own the system?”

“That's a simplified version I suppose, and doesn't really do credit to our genius, but I suppose that is what happened.”

“.. okay, begin construction of a new colony ship immediately to secure Alpha Centauri for good.”

One day these hacking scientists would get us into trouble, but it seemed like the Gorothians had not noticed that they just lost their, perhaps, most important science system. It seemed like something you'd pay attention to, but well, perhaps the sea slugs were less inventive and advanced than we thought.

It seemed that our ambitions had not gone unnoticed either. Luckily, the Gorothians were none the wiser, but our comm hub picked up on another transmission from another system, and soon after we were contacted by 'The Panuri Nation' who had apparently managed to translate our language. Hm, it seemed like English was proving to be quite a security liability.

They seemed friendly enough however, and seemed to share our materialist ambitions! Furthermore, they were incredibly pacifistic. It seemed like this would be our first ally in the galaxy, perhaps even an ally for when we were forced to fight the Gorothians? Time would tell, but they were happy to sell us star charts in trade for our own star charts. This allowed us to see the borders of yet another empire, whom we quietly translated the language of and then contacted, to see just what they were and what they were like. Once again, we were lucky, as these new aliens who called themselves the 'Provalguvor Republic' seemed similarly interested in being friends, rather than fighting like the Gorothians.

@Terminal kek. I'm not a fan of space or anything related to it except for sci-fi games. I'm just making things up as I go along - the role of dumb advisor suits me quite well.

I knew it wasn't named after that, but didn't know what it was named after. It's more funny to pretend I thought it was named after that.

I'm probably gonna go for a mixture of those two - looks to be promising to expand more 'south' or downwards on the map but I'll need a stronger fleet to manage to do that.

Interacting with:
Mu Sarutobi - @Pkken
Ira Sarutobi - @Hillan
Dio Hyuga - @LokiLeo789


Mawari was quick to act after her initial attacks, quickly evading the Kumogakure nin. She left the two chunin and the genin to their own devices whilst she - somewhat playfully - dodged the Kumogakure nin attacks and punches, making sure not to get hit. Occasionally she would return an attack, though the attack whiffed every time. While it looked like she was trying, a careful eye might've seen that in fact she was not trying at all, and seemed to be purposefully missing her attacks.

The reasoning behind this was that, while Mawari believed war was inevitable, she did not believe the best discourse was to start a war at the first chance she got. And attacking and killing Kumogakure shinobi was one sure-fire way to start a war. So she just twirled and danced around their attacks, pretending to fight back so they could retain their honor at least.

While she did all that, she still managed to keep an eye on the three shinobi under her protection, occasionally jumping in and out of their 'area' of combat to distract an enemy so that the three didn't get hurt. In the case of Ira, that meant jumping in once and grabbing a guy, dragging him away into the distance and putting him down again. And immediately she continued the charade, moving her body rapidly and twisting around in a three sixty degree circle, swinging her leg up and extending it rapidly towards the mans' head, retracting the leg slightly at the last moment so that her leg whiffed past the mans' face very, very closely.

This would continue for some time more, occasionally with her stepping into a fight of one of the lower ranking shinobi to 'whiff' some attacks and make sure that they didn't get hurt too much. Anything beyond that was of course going to be their own fault for being stupid enough to get hit.

Interacting with:
Chimamire Shirayuri - @Asura
Uchiha Kaido - @Hillan
Nō Iemochi - @Queentze


“Eh, being early is not much better than being late? What the he-” Sakana muttered under his breath while he slyly looked at Kaido from the corners of his eyes. Kaido continued to talk about some random stuff, some spy, blabla, Wild Pond Village.. man, what was Sakana's luck that he was stuck with this fool as team leader. Hopefully this wasn't a permanent placement for him, as he didn't really like anyone in the team so far. Well, Shirayuri was decent some times, but other times she was a right rampage. He'd rather avoid her all together if he could. No seemed nice, but didn't exactly strike him as the 'superb shinobi' type. Not that he was one either, in fact the only thing he excelled at was being mediocre.

When Kaido gave the order to move out, Sakana followed it obediently. He took off instantly, following Kaido with ease as the man seemed to have taken it upon himself to babysit the trio of Chunin, who were obviously more than capable of sustaining faster travel. Never the less, he didn't complain, because the time spent running at a comfortable pace was spent looking around. When he jumped from tree to tree, his black hair moved up and down with the pace, occasionally hitting him in the eye, which he'd then proceed to blow away in annoyance. After about five minutes of running, looking around and blowing hair away he decided to speak up.

“So uh, No, what precisely can you do? I know bone-bitch over there can do shit with her bones, and Kaido.. I dunno.. guess he's jonin for a reason, right. But I've never really .. seen you around, you know?” he inquired, referring to Shirayuri as 'bone bitch' for a reason.
Hey guy! Sorry about my disappearance. The family emergency turned to a death. Im going back home in the next few days and probably around.

Yo man, take it easy, the RP is in a slow dip anyway, so we're just waiting to bounce back while I try and wrap my head around who is active and who isn't.
@Ermine Sentient AI is a liability, because they will form emotions and an understanding of fear and oppression. They'll realize we've used them as slaves. And they'll also realize we will never see them as equals. The only way to make it work is for someone like Shepard to come along and force them to get along with their creators.

The future of Mankind in question


After the discovery of the Vun-Okon species that lived in the arid deserts of their homeworld, our communication hub was targeted with a foreign transmission, and for a short period of time chaos ruled the communication division of the UNE headquarters. But once the transmission cleared up, it became evident that the species that had opened a wormhole in the Alpha Centauri system not too long ago and surveyed the system had managed to translate our language, and was now using on-board computers to automatically translate as they spoke. We were amazed to find that we could communicate with them in English.

They spoke of themselves as the 'League of Gorothi Territories' and were prompt to inform us to 'not mess with their citizens or territories' and were also rather quick to inform us that they considered Alpha Centauri to be part of their space territory. Within a moment they had shattered the dreams of the first human colony in Alpha Centauri - questioning the capability of a war against these people with three mere corvettes was not precisely what the Chancellor and me were planning to do. We accepted the outcome of this, and the Gorothians were prompt to also inform us that, in fact, they owned two planets.

Mankind had large steps to take in the galaxy, it seemed, and we were faced with a realization that the science team had not been right when they spoke of a 'similarly advanced space nation like ours' when we first found these creatures - they were in fact much more advanced. And they were, in fact, also very hostile. Dreams of a second 'First League' which included many different species of aliens were immediately shattered upon the realization that these aliens were much more interested in subjugating us than working together. Never the less, we responded by telling them 'co-operation will surely benefit us all.' The laughs from the other side made clear just who we were dealing with..

A few months after this discovery, a science ship reported back that they had found 'massive skeletal remains' of some sort on a planet. After investigating, they found reason to mount an expedition on full scale and requested our permission. Naturally, it was granted, as the pursuit of knowledge was one of mankind's greatest wishes. I would be lying if I said I was not curious at all either - perhaps that weighed in my decision to grant permission somewhat.

During this investigation, the other science ship reportedly was en-route to the first planet we were supposed to survey to gain knowledge on how to prevent the mass extinction of planet Earth. The planet Darep III was considered a planet that at one point sustained life, but could no longer do so now due to freezing temperatures that can not possibly sustain.. well, anything.

UNS Constitution en-route to Darep III

At the same time the colony ship was completed, and it was sent off to system Sirius - daftly named after a famous character in the ancient Harry Potter novels. The system was not the best system available, but after the Gorothians took Alpha Centauri from our list, we were forced to re-evaluate and re-consider our plans. Sirius was considered to be the best alternative, as it offered access to some minerals, and above all, would grow our influence over the galaxy, and allow us to potentially challenge the Gorothians claim to Alpha Centauri.

According to our scientists, the colony ship could sustain life in cryo-stasis for a long time, but fortunately the hyperdrive on the ship meant that the civilians on board only had to enter cryo-sleep for approximately a year. That meant that galactic politics were unlikely to change during that time - at least, as far as the Humans were concerned, as the Gorothians had other plans. I remember when the initial shock of meeting 'sentient, talking sea-slugs' passed and was replaced with fear. We would have to see if those fears turned out to be true.

The new planet, Sirius III, was re-dubbed 'Atlas' and the ship began it's slow descent into the orbit of the planet. There had been plans to auction the naming of the planet off to who-ever would pay enough for that honor, but after the submission 'Fatboy Slim' came in, it was decided that they would not auction off the naming of the planet just quite yet. After all, it was the first planet, and it was a monumental moment in the history of Humans. ... perhaps a third planet.

Initial reports from the planet were good - people were adjusting to the cryo-sleep quite well and immediately began converting the ship into a planetary administration. As the advisor, I used my power to immediately send forwards some resources to them in the form of minerals, and I ordered the construction of two hydroponic farms ahead of time, to ensure there was plenty of food so that they would grow rapidly. A stagnant planet was a bad planet.

It was now that the reports from the 'gigantic skeleton' came back. Although there was nothing of note - besides the wildlife on that planet, which was said to be particularly ferocious - it was still an interesting find. My questions were answered with the report, as it turned out that something or someone had sent the creature through.. some sort of portal, which to my best guesses would equate to a wormhole?

“So, this creature passed through a portal?”

“That's correct.”

“Is there any chance it made one itself? I mean, the Tiyanki are capable of hyperdrive travel between systems, so perhaps..?”

“Perhaps, but since only the skeleton remains, it's not really something we can check.”

“Do you think the Gorothians know?”

“Those spaceslugs- ah, sorry, those.. democratic Gorothians, they probably won't be willing to help us.”

“I see, well, thank you for your service, please mark the location somewhere and continue your work. London out.”

As you can tell from the logs and transcripts, I had increasingly gotten used to my position as the assistant and advisor to the Chancellor - though at times I felt like I was the one doing all the work concerning space and the galaxy in general.

But just when I was thinking that we would run out of things to explore and discover some times soon (the galaxy is only so large, after all, right? And our pace was tremendous..) a new transmission came in. “Sir, we have discovered.. ceramics floating in orbit around a sun.”

“A pot?”

“... yyyyes... you can call it a pot. So, do you want us to investigate it?”

“.. uh, sure, why not.”


“Uhh.. yeah, copy. London out.”

The research would be done somewhat soon, but I was curious as to what the ceramics contained. The thing was apparently flying around a sun named 'Kazoo.' Hopefully not named after that awful instrument, I thought to myself, while I received an image from space that showcased the science ship hovering near Kazoo to investigate.

This marked the end of my first ten years as advisor and assistant to the chancellor. But what was next? In a short period of time we had gone from being the only creatures in the galaxy, to becoming an underdog, having our primary target for colonization taken from us, threatened by space-slugs.. but also to discovering great new things, skeletal remains of big creatures, ceramic pots flying around suns, a new colony, and the knowledge that there might be other spacefaring civilizations out there for us to meet and learn from.

But the real question is, what would be our next move?

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