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2 hrs ago
Current i'm trynna see some TOES
1 like
4 hrs ago
how u post
6 hrs ago
"cause its funny and you arent supposed to be funny but its also insufferable you have more brain rot than my gen alpha nephew" thanks fledermaus. i'm going to alter the trajectory of your life.
23 hrs ago
1 day ago
she shows me her butt, so that i can say ''it's 2024 we dont goon to still pictures anymore''. that's deep. toes in my mouth. toes with the french tips. white toes, baby blue toes. you name it.


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts

welcome! I just have to do one thing, based on your thread title.

*teleports behind you*
nothin personnel kid
*stabs you with my 8ft katana*

*it was a hologram*
<Snipped quote by Odin>

Thanks, I was hoping for a more powerful association, but bag will do, at least for now...largely because as we all know plastic bags are pretty much the apex predators of the seas.

You are correct, though plastic bags are often called 'zakje' and not 'tas.' But for the sake of leniency, I will admit technically you could call it a tas(je).

Languages are fun.
@Tass Welcome Tass. Your name closely resembles the word for bag in my country.

I just thought you should know that.


Ósnjallr maðr,
hyggsk munu ey lifa,
ef hann við víg varask,
en elli gefr,
honum engi frið,
þótt honum geirar gefi.


Welcome to Valhöll, Einherjar. This is my domain - Odin, the Aldafadr - and where I bid you welcome. As it is known, Odin is a traveler, shape-shifter, a crafty man, wise though ever searching for more wisdom. This reflects through my writing - I am capable, but I know I can improve. Hence, I always seek to roleplay with partners that can match or even go above my own writing capabilities. After all failure is the best lesson. I am constantly reading other roleplays - both to analyze IC posts for ideas on prose, character building, and good IC coding, as well as to analyze OOC content on how to organize an RP, make it appealing and aesthetically pleasing. Note that this does not mean I am perfect at it - I am but a humble student on the art of roleplaying, so if you feel improvements can be made where ever, I am open to your ideas. I might not agree, but I will certainly listen and offer my own views.


Óðinn, Wōden, the Aldafadr, Wōdan, the High One, Wōtan, Wōđanaz.

Odin is a 21 year old male from the Netherlands (GMT+1) who writes on Roleplayerguild as a past-time activity. He enjoys the interaction of characters - writing something and seeing how the other character reacts to it. He has been a part of Roleplayerguild for approximately five years, and has roleplayed since approximately 7 years. Despite this he views himself as an amateur - capable or not, ultimately there will be others that do things differently and possibly better. So.. he is never done learning. Despite how he carries himself, he can be friendly if he chooses to be. He has a massive God complex - who else would take on names such as 'Buddha' and 'Odin' other than him?

For all his wisdom, Odin only knows a little bit about a great many things, and knows a great many things about little subjects. However, what he does know, he knows it well. As he is a student of Safety and Security Management studies, he is quite proficient in subjects such as criminology, intelligence, spatial design in the eye of security, and cognitive adaptations for the purpose of crime prevention. He is not against sharing his opinions, but knows that unwise men best shut their mouth among wiser. This follows the sayings of the High One, Odin himself;

Ósnotr maðr,
er með aldir kømr,
þat er bazt at hann þegi,
engi þat veit,
at hann ekki kann,
name hann mæli til mart,
veita maðr,
hinn er vætki veit,
þótt hann mæli til mart.

However, despite this, he is primarily occupied with historical roleplays. His tastes are eclectic and whimsical, and he will typically 'roleplay anything.' But somehow he always drifts back to historical roleplays.

What is important to him in a roleplay is grey characters - Odin believes highly in a narrativist view of everything. Everything is relative and this is represented in all characters - according to Odin, every writer must show some semblance of narrativist understanding. Every character has their own truths that are separate from objective truths - two sides of a war will know different things to be 'true' even if they are not true in the objective truth that we as omniscient GM's have.

Something else that is important is a willingness to accept that fiction is separate reality, meaning to say, do not project the RP onto yourself and become one of those creepy people. Having strange things you want to write is one thing, wanting them to be reality for you is another.

Sincerely yours,


At the moment I am primarily interested in doing historical roleplays - whether it is set in our own world or a different alternate universe is irrelevant to me right now, I simply want to write something historical. Think Game of Thrones meets costume drama. I thoroughly enjoy gritty and realistic settings, though am not opposed to mild fantasy elements. Before I let you guys in on my preferred settings and so forth, I will write out some pointers first. Please read them. I have gone through 50% of the forum population already, and I know people don't read these but for your own sake do read them. If you do not read them, I will aggressively ignore you, drop you without telling you, or simply vanish. You have been warned.


“Interested. PM me!” I made this thread so people can read and PM me. If I wanted to PM you, I'd read your thread and PM you.
“Do whatever you want!” We're roleplaying together, it's collaborative writing. We work together - we set a goal and work towards it. If I'm asking you 'what should I write?' chances are I'm probably already not sure where we're headed IC, and is a bad sign. Telling me to do whatever I want isn't helping.
“Are you posting soon? Hello? HELLO? Yes I know it's been two hours, but you're online so you can post!” I have better shit to do than reply every two seconds. If I don't feel like posting I won't post - I expect the same from you. Not everyone has 5 hours to kill and no hobbies. If you think I'm rude for saying this, just don't apply - we won't work out. I post in my own time, and if you make writing a post feel like a chore and not a hobby, I'm just not gonna do it.
“Hi, I'm interested. Do you wanna RP?” No, I made a thread because I felt like it, I don't actually wanna RP. Yes I wanna RP, I made this thread to RP, so if your opening line is 'do you wanna RP' reconsider PMing me.
“Hi, I'm interested. [END PM.]” OK, great. I have no idea what you're interested in. My life? My faith? You just wanna tell me you think I'm interesting? Please come with some indication of what you want.
“I wanna play a sub!” Yeah, but you're going to have to convince me. I don't mind submissive characters, but on RPG, 'sub' is often synonymous to 'please let your character determine my characters' every move,' and I don't feel like running an RP on my own.

“Hey, I'm ___ and here's a little bit about me.” I don't really care about what you ate for dinner, or what your dog is called, but some basic information would be nice.
“I'm interested in [RP IDEA 1], [RP IDEA 2] and additionally I thought of [YOUR OWN IDEA]. I have some character concepts thought up, so if you are interested, I can explain.” Ah yes, I want to know what you are interested in (and maybe even why) and I do really enjoy when people put some additional thought in.
“I do ___ so I have a lenient posting schedule.” I don't really need to know why your schedule is x or y, but feel free to tell me. You can post once a day? Great. You can post once a week? Also fine. Once a month? Cool. Just tell me, and keep in contact while you write.
“I want to focus on story/smut/balance.” It's good to know. I'm 100% OK with all options as long as you don't change up on me midway through. Just tell me.
“Here's an image for my character.” I like images - real, artwork, anime. I don't care as long as it's good quality and fits the theme. Please use them, OOC, IC, whatever. Just remember they supplement the words you write, and don't replace them.
“I like your pairing but I'd rather play ___, who is different because ___.” The pairings are just guidelines for interesting scenario's. See them more as prompts. If you have a character idea, propose it to me and I'll see what I can play opposite it. It comes down to giving and taking.


Caveman x Cavegirl... yeah, cavegirl. That's what they're called.
Viking Age
Norseman x Norse woman
Norseman x Captured slave
Varangian guard x Byzantine royalty
Varangian guard x Byzantine woman
Ex-Byzantine guard x Rus' woman
Nobleman x Noblewoman
Conqueror x Noblewoman
ₒ Noblewoman x Handmaiden
King x Queen
Hireling x Anyone
ₒ World War II

ₒ Medieval fantasy
ₒ Superpowers

ₒ Chance Encounters (one offs, short RP's)
ₒ People of different backgrounds (one offs, short RP's)
ₒ Artificial Intelligence (robots, androids)

ₒ Exploratory Missions
ₒ Colony-ship and Colony-creation
ₒ Sentient AI (sentient robots, androids)

Those marked with bold are currently enjoying my attention and will be preferred. Roles in italic are mine - if neither is italicized, I'll play either. Do note: this list is not all inclusive and if you have ideas that fall outside of these settings, you can still pitch them to me.
@Avali if you're looking specifically for 1x1, try here; roleplayerguild.com/forums/16-1x1-int…
@Avali Forums are easy. You click threads and post a reply.

Couldn't be easier.
@Ten Bears ask your superiors about risk management and mitigation and then reconsider whether it's smart to tell everyone you're part of the IDF counter terrorism force.

You're not very smart, but then you don't need to be smart to handle a rifle.
@Grim If they weren't being sarcastic back. (Which that sentence didn't indicate with any context clues for it. Do I have to bring up other forum users and their absolutely pointless/baseless feuds with me to show where I'm coming from?)

No, I can't take someone's "could have ignored me" statement, as anything but ironic as hell, when I'm being called a hypocrite. -.-

(Also, if you're actually starting something with me too. Don't...)

Yeah, don't, he'll just say you can't say the word coulda, pat himself on the back, and walk away 'victor.'
<Snipped quote by Odin>

@Odin Yeah, not even dissecting that waste of my time because you didn't even spellcheck your own post, if you 'care'. Coulda isn't a word. You proved my own point...

muh text speech homeboy plsssssss
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