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you mean you've been exiled... that's badass
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i wonder how hard it'd be to find a PbP tabletop game because i want to play a PbP tabletop game
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your honor i plead nuh-uh


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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I tend to restrict myself to a maximum of two active 1x1 threads. For example, I've got two going right now but they are for fully fleshed out, vastly different rps. I understand the frustration though. Especially when there are people who might not be getting attention, because someone with 3-4 interest checks is bumping them all at once. I prefer one or two devoted ideas to build on, while other people prefer the shotgun method.

Yeah, but the shotgun method is more disruptive and bothersome to other players. I can see some point in having two threads, especially if bumped within reason, but having 3? 4? Why?

When it comes to regularly occuring 1x1 interest checks the most that anyone would, in theory, need is perhaps 2. One for regular roleplays and another that may cater for 18+ material. Occasionally you may get an extra couple around the place with the odd, one off request or specific... which is fine as not everyone wants to make a profile/bio page for finding a partner.

Strictly speaking, the Guild doesn't have a rule about excessive checks (seen with how some people may post the same check in the General Interest Check sub-forum), but it does have a rule about spamming the site, and even these in this situation are more guidelines for keeping the peace than actual hard rules (unless you ignore a moderator's request multiple times). As it is, this kinda thing, especially with 3 users doing it at once, is pretty rare.

For this situation, we'd probably message the user and request that they would condense up some of their checks or limit the bumping to one thread as opposed to (the seen higher number of) four. Just a reminder that other people are trying to find partners too.

Agreed with what you say, though I had one thing that made me think.

As it is, this kinda thing, especially with 3 users doing it at once, is pretty rare.

All it takes is 3 people posting 3 threads each and bumping them daily to already take up 9 slots where only 3 were needed. I think it can easily be excused for 1x1 (though admittedly I'd like to see less threads by the same people to give the people who don't bump their thread daily a chance too) because it moves... slower than most other subforums but if this were to happen with casual, or worse, free roleplay we'd have a different scenario (I don't intend to point fingers but the most vivid example that comes to mind are either the threads that move at 1 post per second, or the threads posted by ms. Winter who at some point held over 50% of the threads on the front page of free roleplay).

I'm not sure what the actual impact of this would be or if it's an actual problem, seems rather limited beyond causing a frustration, but it might be an idea to nip this in the bud before it might get a bit more out of hand. But that really depends on how big the problem is. Maybe Datadogie just checked at a bad time because I just checked now and besides seeing the same name once or twice, I saw no real blatant super-bumper people with 30 threads.

EDIT: also his point that a lot of the threads are the same pairings in different wordings really hits home. IMHO that's a far bigger problem.
In RP Wife! 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
pick me!

@Savato Is he using the Fujitora faceclaim? I can't remember. But it reminded me of how baller Fuji's application of genjutsu was.
@Master Crim Alright, fair enough. Sounded like tokens weren't being sent?
@Master Crim are you using a VPN/Proxy?
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