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you mean you've been exiled... that's badass
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i wonder how hard it'd be to find a PbP tabletop game because i want to play a PbP tabletop game
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im just doing genocide
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your honor i plead nuh-uh


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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Yeezus can support whoever he wants to support (and he didn't support Trump afaik, he just says he likes his DRAGON POWER, which I'm pretty sure we can all see what he means by DRAGON POWER) and the outrage is incredibly undemocratic. It just goes to show how heavily ingrained it has been in the black community/people that they have to vote democrat, or vote nothing at all.

Far more interesting was Chance the Rapper's reaction, who said that blacks don't have to vote democrat (or something in that line, paraphrasing from memory). Chance has been a big community hero in Chiraq... ahem.... Chicago for a while now and has performed a lot of great feats for the city, so by all means he is sort of a community hero on the same level of Yeezus... so I was sort of amazed at how all your good, selfless deeds mean absolutely nothing and you'll still get people accusing you of support a racist regime just for not voting democrat (and for the record, Yeezus has never said he didn't vote democrat, just said that he enjoys Trump's DRAGON POWER!!!!).

Land of the free, spreading liberty and democracy everywhere, while it dies in your own country. As an outside spectator, I have to admit, American politics is like a really really bad TV show with really really bad actors.

I'll just continue enjoying my favorite artists' work for what it is, and not the underlying political content I imagine he supports. :THINKING:

Also, lolled hard as fuck at Kanye's follow up tweet:

Kim Kardashian called me and told me to let you guys know I don't have to support everything he does or says!!!!

<Snipped quote by Odin>

Well they got nuclear detonation, yes. They never quite got "miniaturized nuke," though, as in "one you could put on an ICBM." So presumably they were working on that crucial development alongside their rocket tests.

I am skeptical that they never got that working - NK is sort of known for having connections to all kinds of shady people and 'miniaturized nuke' theory has been around for, well, a while so it's possible someone told them how for a lotta money or other stuff. But again, it's possible. The lack of real knowledge on our end (you and me) makes it really hard to estimate what they do and don't know, what is a facade and what isn't, etcetera. NK has surprised us in the past before - I would not be surprised in the slightest if they had an ace up their sleeve.
<Snipped quote by Odin>

But for a nuclear program you need, like, engineers, specialized equipment, rare resources, processing facilities, time, etc. I get that the labor is cheap but the nukes aren't -- and even if they are, the equipment needed to research and produce them ain't. Without swathes of top secret intel, who knows, but it's entirely possible their program was EXTREMELY damaged by that one mountain collapse. If you had the resources to set the program up with redundancies and safeties, you would in fact be smart to do so -- but maybe they don't, even with the slavery.

I can't really say for sure. You make some good points - CBRN isn't your everyday asset so having access to one of these facilities might already have been a stroke of luck for the Kim's. On the other hand, they're pretty good at security (in it's most brutal form) and much of what you have said is already there - they've produced this crap before so research requirements are... limited? The problem was delivery of the payload, not the payload itself.

It'd be pretty hilarious if they slipped up and decided to research ICBM payload delivery in the same fucking facility.

It's not out of the realm of possibilities, yeah. Still, I am doubtful this is the end of NK's nuke program. Ceasing research and production does not mean proliferation - they'll continue to have nukes even if they can't produce more. So I suppose we'll have to wait and see?

well they're not rich. And like.... I mean it's a punchline, but consider the possibility that the DPRK's space program maybe actually was built by the Kims. Is it really that far-fetched? And would it surprise anybody if it was bloated, short-sighted, and terrible? You know... like all the Kims?

That's the beauty of NK - don't have to be rich, just have to be in control. When your people are starving you don't need to pay them, you just give them something else, like food or privileges. I'm 100% positive that there are North Koreans crazy enough to go into a mountain that may or may not be leaking radiation to retrieve some assets. Just promise them some food.

I think you're giving the Kim's too little credit, though. It's a carefully orchestrated and engineered miracle that NK is still standing, almost 60 years after the Korea war (or more?). It's not all up to the Kims ofcourse, since they're advised by people who do know what's up, but to say it's short-sighted and terrible... I don't know. They have survived where other countries in similar situations have fallen. For a longer time than any of them have been around. Short-sighted? I'd say they've been very good at maintaining the status quo from their underdog position for as long as they have.
@Yuria interested
@mdk I'd be really really disappointed if that was their only facility because that's some Bond-tier fuckup. Any security expert knows you spread your facilities and critical assets to minimize risk of exactly these type of events.

That said I suppose it's possible.
I don't know if it's been too long to discuss this, but I think I saw it on the news a couple of days ago: North Korea suspends their nuclear program. Any thoughts on this? I personally think that, if they keep to this mind frame, it could go a long way to ease tensions between them and most of the world.

It'd be a misstep on their end because they need nuclear programs to sustain their power. Looking at the middle east, anyone that was even suspected of having a WMD let alone nuclear capability was met with a kick-in-the-door attitude from the USA and alliance members. Having a nuclear programme is a risk in that regard because it warrants a visit from uncle Sam, but the favorable geographical location for NK means that the USA can't really do anything, because we already know that NK can reach Japan and SK with nukes.

Now, 'suspending' the nuclear program I'm assuming doesn't mean proliferation meaning that they still have nuclear capability, which leads me to infer two things; a) they now have ICBM that can reach the USA entirely as opposed to just the westcoast or b) they are switching to a different doctrine.

I don't think this will 'ease tensions' as much as it'll put the tensions on the backburner for 5-10 years before it flares up again. NK is very much a spoilt child in the sense that it wants what it wants and it makes damn sure to let everyone know it or throw a tantrum otherwise. Positive relationships with SK are nice but they're known for cancelling those relationships the moment something goes wrong. They're bargaining chips.

I'm doubtful this will be 'the turnaround' towards a more stable NK, and I'm seeing this more as a sign that a different doctrine for exerting power has been crafted.

page 1 of the new political discussion thread and it's already looking like an amalgamation of the spam subforum

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