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1 hr ago
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6 hrs ago
you mean you've been exiled... that's badass
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6 hrs ago
i wonder how hard it'd be to find a PbP tabletop game because i want to play a PbP tabletop game
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6 hrs ago
im just doing genocide
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11 hrs ago
your honor i plead nuh-uh


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@mdk It's kinda amazing but then I also know that our king gets memed on hard af. Like, whenever he goes skiing, there are 200 memes about him just being an alcoholic going to apres ski. :/
I'll post mine here - for the sake of providing an example and an auxiliary bump.

@Soul Sweaper Typically not. I think you're free to do so.
@Soul Sweaper What do you mean 'reuse the same post'? Post the same post twice? Yeah, you can. As long as you do it with a purpose?
@Savato I am going to have to bow out of the roleplay. I think the way you are treating people thus far in the thread is out-of-line and disrespectful. Please remember there are people behind the screen you are talking to.

Good luck, though. I hope the roleplay prospers.

I'll refrain from commenting on Angel Eyes since I agree with Savato's verdict here. Letting Angel Eyes in will kill the RP no matter how you look at this. You cannot possibly know this, so I'll leave you out of it.

Character reviews have been done this way for a while now and we've started doing it ever since me and Savato GMed together. They're not intended to be hurtful - mostly because we know (literally) everyone in the RP so far (incluis Angel Eyes). You and Monkeybusiness are the only exceptions to that. They're inside jokes. Not attacks on character, whether it is the character behind the screen or the character for the RP.

I'm not saying you shouldn't leave because if you are already bothered by how things have gone until now, you're probably not going to fit into the group regardless - I just wanted to offer some context.
Right, obscure references to vaguely right wing maybe maybe not people aside, is there anything interesting going on elsewhere in the world?

It's kingsday here at the moment which is naturally the best time to discuss whether we should keep or abolish the monarchy here. It's a distinctively Dutch problem since, well, our monarchs have always been... sorta like the average Joe except with a lot more money paid by us, the people. I can see pro's and con's to abolishing and keeping him. Him and his family are the face of the Netherlands after all. On the other hand the only thing he ever seems to be doing is going to the Olympics and cheering on the athletes.

IDK. Having some sort of 'country-idiot' that looks goofy and does stupid shit is kinda funny but I can't help but wonder how much we actually spend on this country-idiot.
<Snipped quote by Odin>

Possible but they also seem to have exhausted there test site.

Probbly not see new tests there.

Ans yes, NK are not fools, there silly but dangerous none the less. All Kim wants to do is keep power at end of day. Maybe it can calm of he feels more stable in return for not threatening nuclear war every 5 minutes.

They even dropped a barrier to talks with US potentially recently.

I think our newest Kim might be throwing around the country and is looking to maintain his dictatorship position through diplomacy rather than threats. US barriers aren't the only ones being dropped, if you look at the countries TV shows for example, they are showing a progression towards family and other types of entertainment rather than the straight-up propaganda (ofcourse, the shows we have even now are still propaganda, but it's a move in a more... western standard). Things are changing but I feel it is hard to predict what they are changing to.

<Snipped quote by Gwynbleidd>

Kanye is a giant ego, full of himself and so.

Isn't that basically dragon energy?
@Gwynbleidd Hmm! I was well aware you enjoyed him. I think Kanye is a really great person and I have a lot of doubt that he supports Trumps' actual policy. But I can really respect it that Kanye is capable of separating Trumps' persona and politics and all the other parts.

You can love someone's energy and hate what they do with that energy.
I was a really big Sonic the Hedgehog fan, and well... I'd pretend to be him. Thus marked the beginning of my roleplay career.


In terms of roleplay though, I'm a more than capable writer. English is my native language, so I would really prefer to keep my roleplays in English too. I average maybe 2 - 3 paragraphs, but I have been known to do more or less? I like to cater to my partners, so if there is something you want to try let me know. I'm very open to ideas, so if you want to start something up with me, shoot me a message or something. I'll be honest, at the time of writing this though, I don't know how to send messages and stuff. Reading the guide right after, but until then...

Go to someone's profile and hit 'send message' top right side. Everything else will come in due time.

@mdk ethnicities shun their own members for voting a certain way - it's the pillarization all over again. It's very undemocratic in my eyes.
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