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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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Personally I found One Punch Man hilarious but it's also pretty action filled.
Generally these things sound cool in theory but they end up being a supporting character and well, everyone wants to be a protagonist syndrome kicks in.

That, or they just don't get to do anything, like, ever. Crucial moments on combat-oriented RP's are, shock horror surprise, usually combat-oriented, and therefore require combat.

The hilarity of a non-combat oriented combatant trying to partake in this aside (which would be a redeeming factor IMHO, and totally worth it) it probably won't end well unless the writer is, y'know, capable.
i eat ass
@Hero IIRC that was caused by a late payment and a very strict server host, not a maintenance failure
although I think that in principle this is a good question to ask....

you also seem to lack a lot of historical information that has proven that despite mahz being on a vacation for 9 months out of the years 12, whenever something serious happens he will generally be back

we could argue about the timeliness at which that happens but in the end the situation tends to get resolved. so this forum won't ''crash and burn'' as much as it sputters for a week or three before someone can be arsed to get mahz on the case, and in the worst case scenario, he takes a long time to fix it

it doesn't 'not get fixed' however
Maybe not really related to the topic at hand but do anyone play MHW PC version and wanna hunt some monsters with me?
@POOHEAD189 flex on these hoes mr. poopoohead!!!
mahz manages to keep people interested in rpg and it's been longer than half a year so maybe you can
<Snipped quote by Superboy>

Hang on do you even know what I'm referring to? This thread is about opinions on sub forums, in response to the earlier post made I'm saying its very ignorant

yeah a little stupid

straight up discrimination


it's not your job to police who people can and have to RP with and it's also not really your right to get to RP with whoever you want

i can refuse to roleplay with you because you have a dumb avatar (and this has, literally, happened to me) and all you could say is 'damn that blows, i wanted to rp with you so bad, but i guess i will find someone else' instead of saying 'IGNORANT DISCRIMINATORY RP POLICIES!!!'

if i deny the option of roleplaying with you, or anyone else, for any reason whatsoever, the burden of processing that insane loss of potential is on you and not the person that denied you

or you could just move on and shrug at the occurence. but calling it discriminatory is a bridge or two, maybe three, too far. this a hobby bro, not a job you need or a supermarket that needs to sell you primary goods.

edit: and yes it technically is discrimination but so is refusing to sell items to topless people, but calling it discrimination is little more than using charged words
Like @Odin said, Casual often contains decisions in posts that scratch heads, don't fit, or otherwise feel like they served no meaningful purpose to the larger picture. That and in my own experience (anecdote warning) I often recall seeing decisions that were rather selfish, serving to push one character's story along to the detriment or exclusion of others. Just by being around that I ended up doing it sometimes myself, and I think catching myself doing it is more frustrating than someone else doing it, because I like to think that I can be better than that.

As someone that roleplayed in casual for literally years pre-guildfall, I can 100% agree with this. I've moved onto advanced roleplay ever since and ocasionally dip into casual to GM because muh roleplays need players, and what I think is interesting is when you see this change in people -- for me it wasn't because of advanced roleplay to be honest, but it was a particularly good 1x1 that made me rethink what it means to collaboratively write. Where as before I (as the GM) set certain plotpoints in the ground as a sort of 'checkpoint' and generally did not have much help in that regard (casual roleplayers are nothing if not passive in my experience, and require more handholding than either free roleplayers or advanced roleplayers), this time I was actually, shock gasp horror, plotting very far ahead into the roleplay with my partner and discussing potential situations in the future for our characters to run into.

That's not so special, but what was was that we actually set out to do those things.

I think that's when I stopped writing for myself/my character and started writing to form a more cohesive story around all the characters (or trying to, I'm arrogant, but not so arrogant as to propose that I am always taking into count everything and everyone) where sometimes my character ends up on the shitty end of the shovel/stick/utensil.

I'm thinking of what could potentially cause this and I think it relates perhaps to the.. fragile nature of roleplays particularly in casual RP. We all know RP's die quick, but I think casual really is one place where they die quicker than anywhere else. Take a week to start the IC, and your players are gone, that kinda stuff. So perhaps players just don't have the time to get attached to the roleplay/the cast as much as they do their own characters. They did, after all, just spend about an hour or so making that character.

I tried something new the other day in a casual RP I hosted where I forced people to come together and discuss some sort of cohesive 'theme' for their team. While the RP still died I think this was pretty succesful in at least tying together some of the cast by forcing them to come up with a connected backstory or some other tidbit of information that extended beyond 'we were all in the same school a year ago.'

Errr, that was kinda rant-y, but whatever. Have fun decyphering what the fuck I'm trying to say.
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