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3 mos ago
Current too late i bought a spell that would bring me good luck in my pregnancy and in the courtroom to get my kids back
3 mos ago
idk what going on but 13org is too unproblematic to be the issue so i'm with them
3 mos ago
and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
3 mos ago
i love your cat more than you btw
3 mos ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Odin If that's how you wanna go, so be it the only part I don't agree with is the how he survives Order 66. If he was with Clones then, they would know and if he was in the temple, it doesn't matter fair shootin'. If you're concerned with your IC SW Knowledge then it may actually be easier to play someone low skilled but reasonably competent. If he's too much of a fool he wouldn't have passed the trials, and if he didn't pass the initiate trials he would have joined one of the various corps of Jedi-Regects. Which is a possible route you could take.

I'm cool with him being inept but I'd rather not Jar Jar levels of inept, which is how reading that comes across. I have faith in that even with your little knowledge you could write a character that could work. If you wanna discuss more/help then feel free to PM me, or I'm sure @Renny would be willing to help.

I do also fear that, having him be incompetent, it might limit what I can actually do in terms of interesting things to do IC. I'm a little worried that I'm too unknowing in what it means to be a jedi, but I could try and whip up a more.. normal guy, and have his IC mistakes explained some other way...?
@Renny look man, I actually liked the new SW movies (probably because I don't have a lot of nostalgia towards the old movies) and a lot of people told me that means I'm an idiot, so I might as well try and play one in-universe for the ultimate self-insert. It's just how things work.
@Odin Favorite? its my first time hearing about this. But I'am honored lmao. Wassup bro?

all good my man, i'm glad to see you're still around

<Snipped quote by Odin>

He was my Padawan once upon a time in a Roleplay long forgotten.

This Roleplay seems to have brought all the OG Star Wars guys out off the woodwork.

I am not an OG SW guy, in fact, I would say I'm barely an SW guy given that I only watched all the movies this year. So for that reason I'm choosing to go full blown idiot mode on my CS, and I want to run this by you first:

My idea is that, since I have no real "knowledge" other than the bare minimum on anything remotely Star Wars, I wanted to play a 18-20 year old Jedi padawan who is extremely bad at literally everything. It's a miracle he hasn't accidentally killed anyone yet during lightsaber practice, or what have you. He's also not super smart (so that gives me an excuse to not know certain things -- if I mess up my OOC knowledge, that just means he messes up his IC knowledge, which would be entirely in character) but the guy is just extremely lucky -- like, almost supernaturally lucky.

I'm also thinking the reason they haven't just told him to fuck off is that he has a lot of midichlorians (or whatever ol' dudes said about Anakin) and is super force sensitive (just, he is too idiotic/awful to do anything with it) so sending him out there is a big time risk.

Ideally it'd be best for everyone if he just sorta got order 66'd so that they wouldn't need to waste time and effort on him, but like I said, he's extremely lucky, so he always finds a way to just sorta get by.

Clones hold him up? Well, he made such a fool of himself during the chase scene, they can't possibly believe he's a jedi -- jedi are like super soldiers, not .. whatever this guy is -- and they just kinda let him go, thinking he's just a random moron. Just spitballing here, since that doesn't sound very realistic, but that's the sort of dumb luck I'd be banking on.

Would this work or do you suggest I just kinda try to get by with a more standard character and a healthy degree of having to double check everything 3x OOC?
wtf it's renny, my favorite guy
@Odin It's the abbreviation for tabletop roleplaying game.

The more you know, thanks for explaining!
@Archer Pharis what's a TTRPG? Welcome to RPG!
[X] - “ Why would you travel to a backwater hole such as this, tron? Next!”
@Sep y-you do, Sep.. that's the entire point.. :'(
nice sks
Can I play like, a 16 year old that dies just before he gets to step onto a ship? If so, I'm interested.
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