While the other three groups of would-be fugitives were busy plotting to stab each other in the back and overthrow the Asterian matriarchy, Anfield just wanted to find some feed, he hadn’t eaten anything substantial since the amazons had kidnapped him a few days ago and his growling stomach had become ferocious as to be heard from several yards . Anfield ran through the astral gardens with nose in the air, narrowly avoiding golden arrows flying at mach speeds a few too many times to be a coincidence and had left a trail of cucumber skinned warrior women in his wake nursing broken limbs and aching heads, some had tried to apprehend him while others were merely unfortunate enough to be caught flat-footed at the sight of a man running free through their city.
He didn’t want to fight, but he wasn’t taking chances.
Once, he’d snatched a tray from one of his fallen foes who looked like she was just finishing lunch and used it to deflect several arrows before one punched through its face like a spear through tinfoil. The only thing that spared him from being impaled was a flash of emerald ether. Hardening the crinkled golden wound around the arrow’s shaft and pinning it in place moments before it was reeled out of his grasp by an intense invisible force that he could only liken to a tractor beam.
‘These girls aren’t playing around,’
But Anfield could hardly put up a fight on an empty stomach, lucky for him the kitchen was close, one final sniff led him around a right-hand corner and into what had to be the most obnoxiously overdesigned banquet halls in this galactic quadrants. Rows upon rows of exotic alien food ranging from barely edible insects still squirming in misery to more recognizably terran entrees so rich they would probably kill you in entirely different ways. With only a few slaves and the confused guards stationed to watch them there was nothing to stop him from accosting the buffet with greedy fingers, shoving anything even vaguely edible in his mouth as he made his way down line, getting all of a single mouthful in there before…
The whole world shook as Captain Metallo’s menagerie plowed through the roof of the building down into the banquet below, dragging plenty of debris along with it, colliding with an extravagant ice sculpture of some long-dead Asterian myth that sat at the center of the room before colliding with the ground floor with enough force to knock everyone in the area on their ass. And flip every table. For a hot minute Anfield remained buried beneath the rubble before his senses came back to him. With his ears still ringing, Anfield dislodged himself from the messy pile of wasted food he was under, Metallo’s voice scratching at the periphery of his senses with a distant; ‘AVAST! I…’ And had circumstances been just a bit different perhaps the old rust buckets speech would have reached a receptive audience, after all, Anfield was both keenly aware of where the prisoners were being kept and had the keys to their cells on his person but that was in a universe where he was not covered in slop feeling his stomach rumble even worse than before. Starving was bad enough. Having just enough food in his stomach to remind him of what a good meal was like and its lingering aroma on the air beneath the stink of oil was enough to drive a man insane.
Anfield ignored the Asterian soldiers pouring into the banquet hall, weapons drawn, engaging the machine men in a protracted firefight while terrified slaves dove for cover. He only paused long enough to hurl a nine-foot-tall woman who had dared to grab him across the room before scooping up a handful of kitchen utensils between his fingers, six in all, forks and knives and even a single golden spoon thrown in there for good measure as he crested a small barrier of broken tables and shouted his rage into the world.
It was the only warning Metallo’s crew would receive before Anfield flung two handfuls of utensils at them with frightening precision, but there was more to this gaudy silverware than a coat of gold paint, a brief spark of emerald ether filled the space around his hand before the toss and was the only warning Andro would receive before the forks and the knives and the spoon curved in on his position. Andro whose chest and mouth were still covered in drying oily black vomit chosen for no other reason than his androgynous face seemed the most immediately hateable. Andro who would find himself chased down by cutlery regardless of where he chose to run and closing in on him from either side. Anfield’s ether hardened each utensil until it was stronger than an Asterian spear, strong enough to punch through the hull of Metallo’s ship if his target managed to dodge and still embed themselves six inches deep in the durasteel, in other words staying there and just letting them hit him…?
Wasn’t a very smart idea.
Distantly, in the back of his mind Anfield was aware of the battle raging around him, who was strong. Who was dangerous. And who was planning to use that to their advantage. Distantly he could feel the hair rise on the back of his neck as someone used the chaos to slink through the shadows unseen but he didn’t care, not right now, he’d officially had enough and Metallo had the misfortune of being the first person he’d seen all day who looked like they could survive a punch or two from the angry roughneck.
He didn’t want to fight, but he wasn’t taking chances.
Once, he’d snatched a tray from one of his fallen foes who looked like she was just finishing lunch and used it to deflect several arrows before one punched through its face like a spear through tinfoil. The only thing that spared him from being impaled was a flash of emerald ether. Hardening the crinkled golden wound around the arrow’s shaft and pinning it in place moments before it was reeled out of his grasp by an intense invisible force that he could only liken to a tractor beam.
‘These girls aren’t playing around,’
But Anfield could hardly put up a fight on an empty stomach, lucky for him the kitchen was close, one final sniff led him around a right-hand corner and into what had to be the most obnoxiously overdesigned banquet halls in this galactic quadrants. Rows upon rows of exotic alien food ranging from barely edible insects still squirming in misery to more recognizably terran entrees so rich they would probably kill you in entirely different ways. With only a few slaves and the confused guards stationed to watch them there was nothing to stop him from accosting the buffet with greedy fingers, shoving anything even vaguely edible in his mouth as he made his way down line, getting all of a single mouthful in there before…
The whole world shook as Captain Metallo’s menagerie plowed through the roof of the building down into the banquet below, dragging plenty of debris along with it, colliding with an extravagant ice sculpture of some long-dead Asterian myth that sat at the center of the room before colliding with the ground floor with enough force to knock everyone in the area on their ass. And flip every table. For a hot minute Anfield remained buried beneath the rubble before his senses came back to him. With his ears still ringing, Anfield dislodged himself from the messy pile of wasted food he was under, Metallo’s voice scratching at the periphery of his senses with a distant; ‘AVAST! I…’ And had circumstances been just a bit different perhaps the old rust buckets speech would have reached a receptive audience, after all, Anfield was both keenly aware of where the prisoners were being kept and had the keys to their cells on his person but that was in a universe where he was not covered in slop feeling his stomach rumble even worse than before. Starving was bad enough. Having just enough food in his stomach to remind him of what a good meal was like and its lingering aroma on the air beneath the stink of oil was enough to drive a man insane.
Anfield ignored the Asterian soldiers pouring into the banquet hall, weapons drawn, engaging the machine men in a protracted firefight while terrified slaves dove for cover. He only paused long enough to hurl a nine-foot-tall woman who had dared to grab him across the room before scooping up a handful of kitchen utensils between his fingers, six in all, forks and knives and even a single golden spoon thrown in there for good measure as he crested a small barrier of broken tables and shouted his rage into the world.
It was the only warning Metallo’s crew would receive before Anfield flung two handfuls of utensils at them with frightening precision, but there was more to this gaudy silverware than a coat of gold paint, a brief spark of emerald ether filled the space around his hand before the toss and was the only warning Andro would receive before the forks and the knives and the spoon curved in on his position. Andro whose chest and mouth were still covered in drying oily black vomit chosen for no other reason than his androgynous face seemed the most immediately hateable. Andro who would find himself chased down by cutlery regardless of where he chose to run and closing in on him from either side. Anfield’s ether hardened each utensil until it was stronger than an Asterian spear, strong enough to punch through the hull of Metallo’s ship if his target managed to dodge and still embed themselves six inches deep in the durasteel, in other words staying there and just letting them hit him…?
Wasn’t a very smart idea.
Distantly, in the back of his mind Anfield was aware of the battle raging around him, who was strong. Who was dangerous. And who was planning to use that to their advantage. Distantly he could feel the hair rise on the back of his neck as someone used the chaos to slink through the shadows unseen but he didn’t care, not right now, he’d officially had enough and Metallo had the misfortune of being the first person he’d seen all day who looked like they could survive a punch or two from the angry roughneck.