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    1. DixeyRay 10 yrs ago


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" your fine deary in a good mood as ever. Do you know this boy" she said pulling out a picture of a boy playing a weird instrument outside." He was disobeying the no outside after dark rule on a boarder setting day. I need you to give him this notice of the boarder setting up days and the rules to living in this facility. N ow what did you want to talk about." She said with a a slight smile on her face
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
The slasher laughed as Jasmine started a small fight and clapped a bit. " nice going hope they serve meals in solitary." She joked and tapped her shoulder again. " and this is why I let my self be. Caught so I could watch these fights and find mistakes like for one don't start fights that aren't verbal in prison, the guards aren't to in the let it play out mood. " She laughed again in her tall build and traced a seem on her jumper.
" come in the door is locked." She called sitting at her desk.
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
" the right choice would be to leave it the he'll alone and go on with your life, have you been brainwashed into this stuff to. "She just kept tapping her shoulder impatiently.
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Rock Killjoy said
Jasmine looked at her and didn't take her hand at all she just spat on the ground "yeah I remeber you" she looked at her "Killed that Iranian diplomat in transit on an Iraqi train started a huge conflict...which gave my guys and me enough time to slip our hands into the Iraqi governments national treasury." She crossed her tattooed well fit muscular arms over her chest "not shocked to see you here you don't happen to have a phone do ya?" She chuckled knowing she didn't if only she could call Venom she could make escape so much easier.

" sorry I don't right now that got taken of me so I couldn't call home gang, well don't they know the only contact on that was my boyfriends cause I could remember that one, wait did you say you h other clients who ?. And what's this about morals the world is a living shot hole why would you try and make it better. You work, eat and sleep that's life." She huffed and
Tapped a sharp short finger nail against her jumpsuit. " aha your crimes are so foolish I was caught in action after how many diplomats killed, oh ya around 102 I'm rich I lived on the edge through I could have just quit years ago. Why because if I quit I would have to join and if you know me I don't join anyone " she tapped a small Chinese symbol on her shoulder which said' Alone in roses' she laughed and pulled down her sleve.
Uruvion said
Uruvion's partner will have wind manipulation which gives him greater speed and attack power but you could use yours in another way, if you wish.

Oh darn it * jeopardy music again*
Name: Velion Maksahache.

Age: 20

Gensder : Female

Heart: dark green sphere that has a small, clear, white pearl inside of it. Collar is brown with leaf draw on to it.
Partner’s Magic : The ability to control plants, to tie down others at the cost of how the plant is if it's a vine it travels along the ground walls and floor and can get you things to tie up the enemy. Pumpkin and other types of ground plants help with storing items you can carry, if they fit in the plant.
Activate Abilities : Velion can use plants to store things she finds dear to her. She also can manipulate objects such non living things to her advantage at battles and other things that would physically hurt her.

Passive Ability : Quicker and more agile on dirt and grass then paved roads and sidewalks. Heals faster when sits or lays in total nature.

Romantic Preference : Male

Personality : Smart not afraid to speak her mind. Doesn't mind being in another's space. Wants to do things her way unless your way is better. Sits out side a lot doesn't mind if it's windy or cold as long as she is in plant life.

Bio: To be reveled later* dun dun dunnnn*

Job: Runs markets stall for food and other plant stuff

Family/Friends/Relationships : Mother: 56 lives far away

Other: hates ever being called names like her first name which most can't pronounce right but when they get it right and only then she would allow it.
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I'm staying in plot Jaclyn is just making friends nothing special about that.
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
" nothing really none of u guys want to the talk huh. " She she shook her head and walked over to Jasmine again. " hello, remember the slasher?" She asked with a grin holding out her hand.
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Jaclyn got bored of listening to them and walked away straight up to the boy leaning on the fence. " so what's your name, call me Slasher." She grinned T him with a hand out. Her grin was evil yet nice thought those who knew her would say different. But anyway most who knew her were dead.
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