Avatar of Dmessenger
  • Last Seen: 1 mo ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1163 (0.30 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Dmessenger 11 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Hey long time no see RPG, I've been having a busy life and new stuff has happened, how is everyone
9 yrs ago
i'm finally getting a rp off the ground


I have had experience role playing at a old site known as Whookos forum (I was known as Death's messenger and Zeek on there). I've always had a interest in sci fi, movies, video games. For consoles I own a 3DS, 3DS xl, New 3DS xl, PS Vita, Wii U, Xbox one, Gamecube, N64, Gameboy Advance SP, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Pocket. I have a lot of games, from the Zelda, Mario, Smash, Mario kart, Halo, Assassin's Creed, Pokemon, and Monster Hunter.

Pm me if you want to add me on xbox live, PSN, 3DS, and Wii U.

Most Recent Posts

In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Dmessenger Oooh, now I'm all excited! :D

I wouldn't be too excited things are going to get darker.
In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I hope some more people post, I have a big plot point I have to post for the story.
... So no GPS?

Leo and his friends don't but Zach and his guys do. They are also in the same bar as Leo.
In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Max looked up and said "she just left for the train station" He was a little surprised Lila doesn't usually have trouble finding Cooper, after all Lila probably knows her way around this town better than anyone else. Max then said "do you need something fixed, I work on more than just clocks, I'm a inventor first and foremost." @Framing A Moose
In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Dmessenger It's like when a dad/mom/babysitter leaves the kids alone in a room for ten seconds, and when you come back the room is completely destroyed xD

No kidding
In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
wow this gone to a level I've never seen before.
In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
(time to complicate the plot) Max suddenly dropped his tools, his eyes were full of shock. He had just heard the announcement on the radio about Daniella's father running for governor, but that isn't the thing that scared him. What scared him is that a few days ago he was asked to make something he only does on rare occasions. He was told by his buyer that it was to get rid of a man who could destroy what little peace the metalhearts and other lower class have. He just muttered "they wouldn't go that far would they?"

(thank you whoever made this drawing, it's awesome)
In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@ladyanglaise Max nodded and kept focusing on the clock trying to not think about her. He had done his best to move on, but the only way he could is by working.
Leo won the race and had given his winnings to his boss as usual. He was now at a bar with his friends using the little money they had been given in return. His friends cheered and clinked glasses. "congrats to the best of us all." his friend said. Leo chuckled and said "well thankfully our friend only got a broken leg from the crash." His other friend said "yeah, let's just hope we don't have to race for a bit"
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