Avatar of Donut Look Now


Recent Statuses

1 day ago
Current I tried to stare at the sun to make it disappear, but all I got was this lousy permanent blindness. Hopefully I’ll hear from Matt Murdock soon. 🫠🥵
2 days ago
I’m melting 🫠 It’s 105 F (40 C) right now and I hate it. Someone tell the sun to go away please.
3 days ago
The dogs have kicked me off my comfy corner 🥺
5 days ago
I have made one corner in my home office extremely comfortable with blankets and pillows and everyone should be jealous of my comfy corner 😌
7 days ago
Legends say that you can still hear the squirrel squeaking on that fateful road… It’s nuts


If you’re here to check why I’m online but not replying to you, odds are my computer just randomly woke up in the middle of the night. No, I don’t know why it does this lol

About Me

Names/Aliases: Don’t Look Now, DLN, Cait, Donut Look Now, DLN Cait
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Age: 29
Birthday: August
From: United States
Timezone: PST Currently
Occupation: Full Time Sales / Part Time Student
Work Hours: Tues-Thurs 9AM-5:30PM || Fri/Sat 10:30AM-7PM

Languages: English, Learning Spanish
Orientation: Bisexual / Cis (Married)
Pets: Margot (10yr Australian Shep/Mix Rescue) & Luna (1.5yr Belgian Shep/Lab/Mix Rescue)

Current Roleplays

Chicago After Hours as Kimiko “Kiki” Voss, Nero, & Nicholas “Nic” Wu
1x1 with KazAlkemi
Bunnies & Beasts as Willow Estelle Kinsley & Others
1x1 with Visyn
Yellowstone Disaster as Aurelia “Lia” Walshe
1x1 with ThatLostDude
How to Transfer Mana (and Other Adventuring Tips) as Wren Sionnache
1x1 with Cleveraptor
ArrowFell: The Wizard Queen’s Court as Nyx Hier the Wanderer AKA Lady Olivia Rhys
Casual Large Group by Estylwen
Archaic Circuitry: Old Code, Young Blood as Merripen “Penni” Perran
Casual Large Group by Kronshi

Current Hyperfixation: Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss

If you made it all the way down here, you get a donut 🍩

Most Recent Posts

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Nic & Ren’s Apartment - Chicago, IL

Nic tries to keep his expression calm and reassuring for his father, but he can only think of the worst case scenarios of what Ren could possibly mean by his admission. He can’t help the crease in his brow as his dad continues. “I swear I didn’t know that the blessing was real… I didn’t know!” Ren returns to speaking in Mandarin, starting to ramble as his son listens with rapt attention.

Trying to pick out the most important parts of what’s being said, Nic looks up at Cass when Ren stops to sob some more. “He… Sorry, I’m trying to find the right words for translation…” He runs the Mandarin through his head a couple more times to make sure he’s getting it correct.

“My… mother was diagnosed with cancer…” Nic stands up, running his hands through his hair before running one down his face. Any remaining emotions from the encounter he had earlier with Cass were snuffed out. He rubs his chin, unable to stop clenching his jaw as tears spring to his eyes. “My mom was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer… Jesus.”

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Kiki hides her smug smile behind her sandwich when Avery wraps his arm around her. What he whispers in her ear, however, makes her blush and she tugs her blanket to help aid the sandwich in hiding her face. It’s almost infuriating how easily he can do that to her, but she tries to ignore it. “Damn straight.” She mumbles into the sandwich.


Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Nero’s eyes watch Caden with awe as he talks, only responding after he pulls back from their kiss. “I am once again pleading for some way to become a dragon. You’re truly a wonder.” They whisper before Caden addresses the other couple.

“Maybe a throuple of things even!” Nero chirps with amusement, just wanting to have the last word.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Nic & Ren’s Apartment - Chicago, IL

Nic exchanges a look with Cass, a pit starting to form in his stomach at his father’s tone. “What’s going on, dad? Talk to me, I’m listening.” Crouching by Ren’s chair, Nic places his hands on his father’s knees and look into his eyes pleadingly.

“I thought it would help, I didn’t know it would kill her!” Ren starts blubbering, tears cascading down his face before he puts his head in his hands. “He said it would help!”

Nic shifts his gaze back to Cass for a moment, the pit in his stomach now filling with dread. “Dad, what did you do?”

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Kiki turns around immediately at this news, interest piqued at possibly finding out some more information about what’s going on. “Wait for me!” She calls to Avery as she trots after him.

At Avery’s cheeky comment, Kiki feels an intense urge to shout that the wolf belongs to her. If she had still been sleepy, she might have actually called that out. Instead she sidles her way into his side and nibbles on her sandwich, bumping Avery surreptitiously with her elbow.


Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Nero takes a moment to glance at Avery after Caden helps them out of the car, amusement curling their lips at his weird little chest dance. When they spot Kiki take a rather possessive position next to the wolf, they chuckle. “I don’t think your fox will appreciate it.” They tease before their eyes follow Caden.

Eyes widening, Nero takes in the atmosphere that starts to gather around Caden with amazement of their dragon. Purple fog and gold lines start to appear, Nero moving so they aren’t standing on one as it shifts in size. They keep glancing at Caden in wonder at this power he possesses. Why am I even worried about anything when I have Caden?

Once everything disappears and Caden stand, Nero bounds over to him and hugs him. They rest their chin on his chest and look up, their eyes practically sparkling as they admire Caden. “Was that dragon magic?” They ask with wide, curious eyes.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Nic & Ren’s Apartment - Chicago, IL

Nic hears his father slur together a response in Mandarin to Cass. “He more or less said yes.” Nic tells her as he sets the shoes down by the door and locks it before heading over to his dad and girlfriend.

“Did you go out drinking with Eddie? You know he can drink you under the table,Bàbà. Nic gently chastises as he leads hi dad over to one of the chairs at the table. “Talk to me, what’s really going on?”

Ren seems to finally take notice that Nic’s in front of him and reaches to hold his son’s cheeks in his hands. “Nicholas, my boy!” He says with a joy that only someone drunk could have before his expression turns to one of guilt. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t know… I should have known…”


Location: Car - Chicago, IL

Nero doesn’t miss what Caden’s doing as he scans around them. They wish they could help, but they can shift their eyes or other senses like Caden can. “Who knows, with you and Cassi making up, he might be more accepting of gifts from you.” They say, thinking outloud.

“I think we’re okay though, Mein Drache - you said yourself that Avery didn’t find anything.” Nero pulls his hand to their lips, both hands still holding it.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Kiki levels a glare at Avery as he sets her down, her lips in an exaggerated pout. She doesn’t want him to start thinking she liked that for fear he would use it against her again in the near future. She looks more like a drowned cat though, not in the least bit intimidating.

“Gladly.” Her tone bratty, Kiki snatches the sandwich and starts eating it, turning and walking towards the bedroom as she pulls the blanket back over her head.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Nic & Ren’s Apartment - Chicago, IL

Nic smiles, very appreciative of Cass in that moment. He readjusts his own self, tucking some things away that are still calming down from earlier before he opens his door. Grabbing Cass’ hand, he makes his way downstairs with her as his father slurs another string of curses in Mandarin.

Bàbà! What’s going on?” Nic asks, using English for Cass’ benefit so she could understand him at least. From the state of things, it seems his father had managed to trip over a couple of the rugs on his way into the apartment.

Ren leans against the wall, only just now trying to take his shoes off. He speaks more Mandarin as he throws his shoes towards the still open front door.

“He’s just complaining about his shoes being hard to take off right now.” Nic translates for Cass as he lets go of her hand to go retrieve his father’s shoes from the hall and close the door behind him.


Location: Car - Chicago, IL

“You forget I’m older than you, even if I haven’t technically been alive this whole time.” Nero corrects Caden with a smirk. “You can always ask him what he thinks his hospital needs the most or something though,” They say, continuing with their suggestion. “Because what I’ve managed to learn about him is that he loves his patients, his family, and possibly Cassi more than anything else.” Unknown to Nero is the fact that the human and sorceress have already admitted to being in love.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Kiki makes a noise akin to a steaming tea kettle as Avery just continues on with his tasks. In response to him tapping her butt with what she can only guess is a water bottle, she heaves a sigh. “I have so many regrets…” She says with a dramatic tone before mustering all she can into one slap on his ass.

“I should have just fallen asleep on you.”

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Nic & Ren’s Apartment - Chicago, IL

Nic looks back at Cass, a completely perplexed expression coloring his face as more clattering is heard. “I… think so?” This would be a first for his dad if he is drunk. Nic pulls Cass close and kisses her head. “I guess we’ll take another rain check on this. You can take your time coming down if you want - as much as you need.” He smooths down her fly-always as he speaks.


Location: Car - Chicago, IL

Nero squeezes Caden’s hand, shaking their head. “One day you won’t have an answer for something, I swear.” They say before leaning over the console to kiss his cheek. “Maybe make a donation to his hospital or something.” They suggest offhandedly, not sure what exactly the human would accept.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

“Huh?” Is all Kiki can get out before she’s tossed over Avery’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes. “Avery!” She’s wide awake now as she squirms and her face turns completely read. “Hey! I take it back! Put me down!” She starts smacking his butt, her embarrassment starting to take over her senses.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Nic & Ren’s Apartment - Chicago, IL

Nic grins lopsidedly, happy with the compliments. “I’m good with my fingers.” He says with barely any humility before licking his lips. He follows Cass’ eyes as they take him in and his expression turns more wolfish when she suggests it’s his turn.

“I was hoping you’d feel that way.” Nic says excitedly just as a loud commotion is heard downstairs. He straightens, climbing out of the bed before treading softly and slowly towards his door. He tilts his head to see if he can hear anything when the loud cursing from his father can be heard.


Location: Car - Chicago, IL

“Not that he’d take it.” Nero points out with a smug smirk. It seemed only the human nurse could resist Caden’s money and influence. “How does that make you feel, by the way?” The demon can’t help but tease.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Any symptoms of being sleepy quickly evaporate out of Kiki when Avery grabs her and pulls her against him. She wiggles in his grasp, his whisper tickling her ear as he talks. How many times has she wanted him to basically manhandle her? Her face grows red quickly and she squirms more as he kisses down her neck.

“Uhhhhhh.” Kiki can’t find the words, her mind drawing a blank on the English language and instead filled with images of what Avery’s described.


Location: Car - Chicago, IL

Nero can’t help but smile brightly when Caden squeezes their hands three times back. They aren’t sure if Caden’s figured out what they mean with that “Maybe Nic can convince Cassi to come along to work out.” Nero says but they’ve heard enough from Nic about how much the sorceress hates early mornings.

“But that’s a good idea.”

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Even though she feels Avery’s eyes on her, Kiki refuses to look up and admit it out loud. “N-no…” She closes her eyes as she curses the flustered stammer. She’s not sure how many of her depraved fantasies Avery will actually be into and refuses to find out the hard way.

“Are the sandos ready then?” Kiki asks instead. “I’ll go grab the water.” Still draped with her blanket, she moves to basically run away from Avery’s question.


Location: Car - Chicago, IL

Nero looks sheepishly at Caden, recognizing that he must have picked up on their silence. “I know that between the two of us, we make a formidable pair and all… I just don’t like this gap of knowledge that’s evading me right now.” They squeeze Caden’s hand in return three times.

“Even as anxious I am to be home and in bed with you… I can’t wait to go over these books.” Even though Nero’s not sure they will have any helpful information, they need to hope they will. If not, they aren’t sure how they’ll be able to sleep until they find something.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

“Stop being so comfy then…” Kiki says in a sleepy but bratty reply. “Besides, we both know you could just toss me over your shoulder and use your hands for the rest.” Her faces starts to warm at the thought of Avery doing that and it wakes her up a little. “B-but fine, I’ll try not to fall asleep on you for now.” She hopes she’s able to play it off coolly, but she also knows how bad she is at lying around close ones.


Location: Car - Chicago, IL

“I thought you might.” Nero says with an impish and mischievous smile before slipping the knife away again. They place both their hands on Caden’s hand to avoid fidgeting with them as their thought inevitably wander back to the unknown demon. Caden had done a nice job so far keeping them distracted, but they really don’t like the idea that some unknown demon was just watching them.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Kiki nods tiredly, hiding a yawn behind her hand before she moves to hold Avery from behind, resting her cheek against his back. “I’m sure between Caden and Nero, they can handle whatever is chasing the imp.” She mumbles as she closes her eyes, feeling like she could fall asleep standing like this.


Location: Car - Chicago, IL

Nero looks over at Caden with a smirk and an eyebrow cocked. “I thought someone wanted to use the knife more tonight.” They tease, seemingly pulling one out of nowhere and twirling it between their fingers. Nero enjoyed being eye-level with Caden earlier, but doesn’t know if they’d want to be with themselves in the bedroom.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden & Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Kiki softly moans, always happy to receive back rubs from Avery. “Hmm, I just mean… if Nero’s as powerful as they are, it’d make sense that there might be others in Hell that might not appreciate that they’re helping us or that they’re having human emotions and all that.”

Kiki pulls her head out of Avery’s chest to look at him. “Look at what happen to Cassi’s family - if they were ordered to do something like that, it stands to reason that someone would miss them.” Her stomach growls and she blushes. “Maybe I should let you make the sandwiches.”
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