True Name: Grendel
Region: Scandinavia
Class: Avenger
Attribute: Earth
Strength: B
Agility: B
Endurance: B
Magical Energy: B
Luck: B
It is the nature of one without shape to wish to take a shape.
It is the nature of one who is empty to seek to fill themselves.
It is the nature of one without purpose to seek out a purpose.
The protean entity who lived in a lake of serpents found themselves drawn to the lights and noise of humanity. They knew not what they were, but prey, for they had only known the natural world.
They feasted upon the prey, for they were the predator. As they ate they changed. Reflecting those they hunted, their form shifted to match what their prey feared. They were given the shape of a monster.
As they listened to the screams and cries, and observed those who attempted to fight them, they changed. They took in their anger, their hatred, their resentment, and their grudges. They filled themselves with it.
As they digested the prey, they began to understand. They had not even realized how empty they were. They had not realized how shapeless they had been. They had finally found their purpose in the world.
They were Grendel, their purpose was to commit evil acts, for that was what made them Grendel.
Yet there was one last lesson Grendel had to learn. While there are always monsters, there must always be heroes to defeat those monsters. The light of humanity to banish the darkness of humanity.
The hero came, without Grendel even knowing, and the two battled. The protean creature fought primeval human might and lost. Their form was torn apart, and they were forced to flee.
As they bled to death, their blood seeped into where their mother slept. It awoke her, and in a reflection of the humans Grendel hunted, she became what Grendel wanted at that moment.
Class Skills:
Avenger: EX
The nature of an Avenger is to gather people’s hatred and grudges within oneself. A monster through and through, who consumes the flesh of others and with it, their anger and resentment. A protean being who has become stained with the evil of humanity.
Oblivion Correction: B
The nature of an Avenger is never to forget the grudges done against them. While people forget many things, Grendel must remember. He sees what they have forgotten, he remembers what they do not—a mindless being who gained a mind from what humanity would prefer to forget.
Self-Replenishment (Mana): B
The nature of an Avenger isn’t to stop until their revenge is accomplished. To eat someone is to consume their regrets. The energy of their final moments carries with it the darkest emotions—a hollow being who has become filled with the evils of humanity.
Personal Skills:
Human Observation: EX
A technique to observe and understand people. At this rank, it goes from observation to something resembling mind reading. It is only natural for one who is empty to be filled by their surroundings. When there is nothing to bias one’s observations of the world around them, they can see the truth.
Shapeshift: A+
The ability to change one's appearance and body. A protean being whose body changes according to their wishes. From appearing as a mundane human and hiding their servant presence, to growing into a giant monstrosity, and even stranger forms. Humanities evils are made manifest in Grendel’s body.
Transfiguration: A
As Grendel has no true form, their parameters are not set. Just as their body fluctuates, their parameters fluctuate with their form and will. They have a set amount of points they can place into each category, 30, with each parameter having these respective values: A-7, B-6, C-5, D-4, E-3.
Noble Phantasm:
I am Grendel
The Evil I Become
Type: Anti-Unit (Self)
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Targets: 1-3
The formless entity who gorged themselves on humanity.
The monster who took into themselves the anger, grudges, and resentment of those they ate.
It is only natural for one without a set form to reflect those who see them. To change according to the world around them. For one who has been deemed to be the “Monster”, they reflect that meaning.
This noble phantasm represents the true nature of Grendel as a being without one true solid form and only the title of “Monster”. It is an upgrade to their normal shapeshifting capability, allowing them to bypass the limits of their Transfiguration and Shapeshift skills.
They can split their form into multiple bodies, assume the characteristics of other monsters to the point of being indistinguishable from them through mundane means, and give themselves extra points to spend with Transfiguration to boost their parameters even further. Whatever is required to become the Monster to humanity truly.
Because of its very nature, its strength is directly tied to assuming the role of the Monster. It grows stronger the closer to a specific individual or group’s idea of a monster Grendel becomes, and weaker the further away from that idea Grendel becomes.
The reason why Grendel’s default is a female appearance is due to their mother. There is only one grudge they can truly call their own. And that is the anger their mother felt upon Grendel’s death. Alongside the formless protean nature of Grendel and his Mother, it could be said that they are the same.
They frequently have a metal shackle attached to one of their arms, when not trying to trick someone with their appearance. It is a lingering remanent of the trauma of having their arm ripped off by Beowulf.