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If you ever intend to have Ashe gain a Keyblade, then she needs to experience the same kind of Dive Into The Heart that Sam just went through, complete with the same unfamiliar-yet-trustworthy voice telling her the same things and having her choose between the Sword, Shield and Staff.
~Land of Dragons - Attack on the City~

It took just about all of Sam's skill and concentration to keep from getting skewered. He and Mulan had formed a rough plan of attack that involved aiming all of the remaining cannons at the big monster so that they could be set off as the battle progressed. That also meant that Sam had to keep the creature's attention on himself so that Mulan could move with at least some impunity. And so Sam tried to get in as many slices as he could with the Lightning Edge, but then the creature started shooting out the thorny tendrils in an attempt to turn Sam into a human shish kebab. Now Sam had to put all his focus into using his sword and metal arm to deflect the tendrils and keep from getting skewered.

When several tendrils converged into one spot Sam barely managed to side step it, but was relieved when that finally gave him a way to fight back. He quickly and lightly jumped up onto the mass of tendrils and dashed along them like a trail leading right to the monster's face. Sam made one more leap to avoid a swipe from the creature's arm and then put everything he had into a Blitz, translating into a trio of jump slashes across the monster's head before he returned to the ground with an almost stylish flip.

"Is this the parting gift red hair was talking about? How nice."

It was Ashe! There was no time to reply or ask about the Emperor, the large creature went on the attack again, this time aiming its thorny tendrils for both Sam and Ashe. With only half as many tendrils targeting him, Sam had a much easier time avoiding them, but was in for a shock when he went to deflect a tendril with his sword. That was the moment when he realized that the Lightning Edge had broken at some point during his last attack, the blade snapped off at the center point. The surprise from that was enough of an opening for the tendril to pierce his shoulder and then fling Sam to the ground. Even worse, Sam didn't look like he was conscious.

"Sam!" shouted Mulan, who had just finished aiming the last cannon, "Mushu, now!" suddenly one of the faraway cannons appeared to fire on its own. And then another, followed by another. For only a brief moment Mushu's small form came into view only to go back into hiding again. He appeared to be a red lizard of some kind. Then again, his apparent ability to light the cannons on his own meant that calling him a tiny dragon was likely a more accurate description.

"Yeah! Let's see how you like the taste of MY heat, baby!" the tiny dragon shouted from somewhere in a tone that didn't at all sound like any of the Chinese people that lived in this world.

~Dive into the Heart - Sam~

Sam found himself knelt down in a peaceful place. The creature, and everyone for that matter, was no where to be found. He pushed himself to his feet, and Sam found himself at the center of a circular platform within what looked like an endless dark void. The platform itself appeared to glow with light, upon it a giant image of Sam facing one direction. Behind the picture's head with circles containing images of people Sam knew in San Fransokyo, namely his brother Rilely and friend Hiro Hamada. In the space in front of Sam's image were similar circles depicting his more recent friends, such as Leon and even Ashe.

Power is born in the Heart.

Sam looked around himself in surprise, but could see no one else in whatever this place was. He was still alone in here. And yet again he heard the voice.

But you have to give it form before you can truly fight.

As if on cue three objects appeared around Sam in flashes of light. A sword, with a golden hilt. A red and black shield bearing what looked like the symbol of Disney Castle on its front. A staff, with a blue carving of Disney Castle's insignia serving as the head piece. They floated above the floor, circling Sam within arm's reach.

The Warrior... The Guardian... The Mystic...
The paths are open, but only you can decide which road to walk.
Take your time... and choose.

Sam was still confused. What was this place? What were these objects in front of him? And just whose voice was he hearing? It wasn't a voice he had ever heard before, and yet... he couldn't help but trust it. Something in his gut told him to take the Shield, and so Sam reached out and grabbed the shield in his hands.

The Power of the Guardian... a shield to protect your precious friends and loved ones.

The platform suddenly trembled, and then the area became filled with blinding light. Or maybe it was just Sam beginning to regain his consciousness?

Don't be afraid...
...and don't forget...

Your friends are your true power...

Internet's fixed, so I can write posts again.
Karrsh offered no audible responses to anyone, as was generally the norm for him. Instead he just went back to focusing on the job, or at least what was left of it. The meeting itself was short, almost disappointingly so. Some part of Karrsh hoped this would be a trap so he would get see a little bit of action, but that didn't seem to be the case this time around. As for the job offer, well one couldn't easily turn down that kind of payoff. But as someone else pointed out, it did look a little too good to be true. And if something seemed too good to be true, chances are it was exactly that. But the payoff was, again, too good to pass up as well. In a way this was almost a Catch-22 in that regard.

Karrsh just remained silent, though. Talking and discussion was best left to those were more suited to it. Besides, there was a pretty good chance that at least one of the others would say pretty much what Karrsh was thinking anyway, that was usually how it played out. Some movement noise finally came from Karrsh moving to stand up from his position. He could tone it down if he deliberately slowed his moves, but if a fight broke out and he was go full force? Well he wouldn't be so quiet anymore at that point. And of course, Karrsh had to take the extremely specific route given to him, the one that would keep him out of sight almost the whole way back. It was also a roundabout way to get back as well, but he had no choice in the matter. Karrsh never seemed to have a choice these days.

"You can run on for a long time..." Karrsh started to sing without warning while he made his way back. One of the team members once suggested that songs would be a good way to occupy his thoughts when he was on his own, and so he took to singing a song or two every once and awhile, particularly in quiet moments when he was just waiting for something to happen. His choice of songs were often... gloomy, but still, "...Run on for a long time. Run on for a long time. Sooner or later God'll cut you down. Sooner or later God'll cut you down."

"Go and tell that long-tongue liar.
Go and tell that midnight rider.
Tell the rambler, the gambler
the back biter.
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down."
When Ashe meets him, this is Sweet:

He's from the Atlantis movie.
"Right, the ship. I'm on it." Sam being the one to return to the ship wasn't exactly ideal. After all, he'd never seen the Talon before and if its cloaking field was on then that would make it even harder for him to find. But right now there was no other choice. Sam took off from the throne room and dashed out into the main hall, that would be fastest way back outside. Something the Imperator said was nagging at the back of his head, however. "Parting gift"? What could he have meant by that? It likely meant there was still trouble lurking somewhere, but it would have to wait for now. Sam burst through the main doors and found himself outside in the palace entryway. He heard some strange noises but Sam ignored them and bolted for the most open area he could find. If they had been anything like Daisy and himself, then it would be in one of the open town square areas that Ashe's ship would be waiting.

"Come on, Ashe, where the hell did you park? Ow!" Just as Sam wondered that, he practically collided with what felt like an invisible wall. As soon as he did, a Gummi Ship shimmered into view, "An invisible ship? Okay..." Sam banged his hand on the closed hatch hoping someone was still inside that could open it up. Sure enough, the hatch opened and a humanoid birdman greeted him, "You need to move the ship closer to the palace! The Emperor is in danger!" this only garnered a confused look in return.

"Huh? How do ya mean?" Launchpad asked, having no idea of what transpired within the palace.

"There's no time to explain! Ashe is with him, now, but we'll need the medical equipment on board to save him, just go!" Launchpad turned back around with a shrug. Despite not being privy to all the information, he wasn't about to ignore someone who needed help. But as Sam was about to climb up the entry ramp, a rumble from the ground caught his attention, "What the?" he heard those noises again, but this time they sounded a lot closer. Voices, people sounding like they were shouting to each other, but most importantly, was also the sound of swords and cannons. It was a battle coming from the city! Sam exited the ramp, deciding to let Launchpad fly on his own so he himself could investigate whatever was happening in the city.

There was quite a sight waiting for Sam when he got there. The creature was silvery-grey, just like the ones the Imperators commanded, but this one appeared to be special. For one thing, it was bigger, much bigger. It's body also appeared to be armored somewhat, evidenced by the sharp points on its shoulders and its hands looking like over-sized gauntlets. It bore the white mark of the Empire on its face, and a light blue scarf that split off into several tendrils spiked with spear-like tips, "I think I just figured out what what guy meant when he said he left a parting gift..." but thankfully the monster was not the only thing Sam saw. It was fighting a small group from the Chinese army, led by two familiar faces: Generals Shang and Mulan. Not one to leave his friends or allies in a pinch, Sam drew his sword so he could join the fray.

"Let it get a little closer..." Shang said, watching the hulking creature approach at a slow pace. After it took a couple more steps, he suddenly gestured to two of the soldiers crouching nearby on both sides, "...now! Fire the cannons!" both men used flint to light their fuses. The cannons they used were roughly rocket-launcher sized, held steady on the ground by a primitive tripod setup. They shot fireworks shaped like dragon heads that appeared to make a direct hit on the creature. They definitely made a show at the very least. But the creature stepped through the smoke nearly unfazed.

"Nothing's working! How do we stop that thing?" one of the men asked, a thin man named Ling. He put his sword up defensively when the creature raised its massive hand to strike. Luckily for Ling, that was right about when Sam finally got close enough to intervene. With as much speed and agility as he could muster, Sam dashed in front of Ling and actually took the blow with his mechanical arm. When the creature pulled its hand back Sam went on the attack, managing to get in a successful Binding Strike to temporarily stun the massive creature.

"Sam!" it was Shang, a look of relief on his face that quickly vanished as he asked his next question, "Where's the Emperor?"

"Throne room." Sam said, then continued, "But he's in danger, no time to explain. My friend is trying to help him now but the Emperor needs a doctor." that got all their attentions, and it was Mulan who responded first.

"The prisoners! Sam, we discovered where the Imperators took your ship's crew. We think they're being held in the palace dungeon, wasn't there a Doctor among them?" everyone knew they had to talk fast, the Binding Strike would wear off momentarily. But Mulan was correct, Daisy's ship did indeed have a Doctor, John Strongbear Sweet. If Sweet was still alive, then if anyone could save the Emperor it would definitely be him.

"Yao, take Ling and Chien-Po and get to the dungeon!" Shang ordered, "Find that Doctor and get him to the Emperor at all costs!"

"Come on!" Yao yelled to his two compatriots before the three took off for the Palace.

"Sam, I'm sorry, but I have to go to the Emperor!" and without any further warning Shang also darted for the palace. Mulan however, remained where she was and nodded to Sam before turning to face their monstrous opponent.

"I guess that leaves this thing to us, then?" Sam said, readying his sword as the Binding Strike finally wore off and the battle resumed.

My computer's internet isn't working, I can't write posts until it's fixed.
"Right, but get to the Emperor if you can," Sam quietly responded, "I'll keep him focused on me." he was referring to the Imperator who stood before them. Without anymore words, Sam made a dash for his opponent, even putting his momentum into a Sliding Dash. Roxas was no slouch, easily ready for the attack and deflecting Sam's blade with his own. Now that he was close, Sam tried to strike at Roxas with a trio of jump slashes, but the Imperator parried them all. Only now did Roxas begin to return the attacks. The Keyblade was fast, its strikes like a black blur of motion with a razor sharp edge. Roxas slid past Sam with his first strike, but then his black Keyblade began to glow with Light. Whatever the light was, it was empowering his blade as Roxas went into a nearly unstoppable flurry of blows. Sam did his best to parry them, the Imperator was just too quick and so the last couple of blows struck true and Sam found himself off balance.

Meanwhile, the red-haired Imperator summoned weapons of his own: a pair of bladed wheels protruding spikes around the edges. The chakrams appeared in a blaze of fire, "Sorry kids, but I don't time to play with you." he said as a portal appeared behind him. He was planning to leave! To cover his escape, the Imperator threw one of his fiery chakrams into frey in Ashe's direction. On top of that, a trio of grey creatures appeared at the Imperator's side. Before he slipped through the portal, the Imperator spun his body around and let one of his chakrams slice open the Emperor's throat, "Don't waste time, Roxas, we've got other places to be after all! As for you two..." he offered a sly smirk, "...we'll leave you a parting gift, make it off this world alive and maybe then you'll be worth our time and effort." and he vanished through the portal.

Unfortunately it wasn't hard for Roxas to follow suit. He'd just knocked down Sam and so he was in a position to get away without any real resistance, and did so still without uttering a single word. Sam got to his feet and ran over to the Emperor. With Roxas gone, the cage of light vanished and Daisy was freed, "Your Excellency!" she also rushed to the Emperor's aid. But the wound was serious, the Emperor was already losing blood, and so only healing magic could save him. And unfortunately, none of them knew any healing magic. So it seemed the Emperor was quickly running out of time.

"Your ship!" Sam shouted to Ashe, "Does it have a medical bay?" the Talon did indeed have a medical bay, but no doctor to manage it. But maybe, if they could reach the ship fast enough, the Emperor could at least be stabilized.

It was almost eerie how silent Karrsh could be. Of course, while moving his body made a few noises, that was unavoidable. But right now, as he remained still, could pass for a statue if he wanted. His body kept itself regulated almost entirely on its own, thanks to the augmentations. His breathing could be kept deadly quiet, and most of his body could simply rest in a sleep mode to stay perfectly still. For being half-machine, Karrsh could hide surprisingly well. And hide is what he did. Technically, his current orders was to secure the meeting place, but he knew the real reason he was here, and Green knew it too. This was the one place in the whole plan that remained completely out-of-sight from the outside, and that was exactly what Karrsh had to do more and more of lately.

The silence was almost too much to take sometimes. All this staying hidden and keeping away from people just gave Karrsh more time to think. All thinking did remind Karrsh of how utterly non-existent his life was. It could be downright soul-crushing to think about, but occasionally it was also infuriating. Karrsh was a freak, even among the freakshows. He was different, even from the other child soldiers and they all knew it too. But even worse than that, Karrsh's mind always ended up remembering the aliens he'd killed. Those whose lives he often literally crushed in his hands. And sometimes, sometimes... Karrsh wished he was back there again. At least when he was slaughtering people he had something to focus on, something keeping him occupied so he didn't have to stop and actually think about the horrible atrocities being committed by his hand. But here? No, here he had nothing but time to think about those things.

"Tell me why..." he said in a low voice that somehow didn't sound like his normal tone, "...Why are you here? Why are any of you here? You had a choice, right? So... so why would anyone actually choose this?" this was not the first time these words came out of Karrsh's mouth. In fact this only one of several times he had quietly questioned the team members who happened to be around, wondering why anyone with a sane mind would actually choose this life when they had an out. It was no secret that Karrsh was not here by choice, that the same offer made to all the others was not extended to him because of his... situation. But his tone and words were not those of jealousy, at least not anymore. Now, they were just... words of confusion.

"Uh, never mind..." his low whisper trailed off. He'd heard everyone's story at least once already, so hearing Ace's again would have been pointless. In all honesty it was a good thing for Karrsh that the team even existed in the first place. If they all took the offer, and Karrsh was left to his own devices? Well, a recurring nightmare he'd been having for a while now would become reality. That nightmare was one where Karrsh simply... forgot how to be human, succumbed to the circuitry and devolve into a mindless machine. At least with the team around there was something keeping the remainder of his humanity intact.
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