"Right, the ship. I'm on it." Sam being the one to return to the ship wasn't exactly ideal. After all, he'd never seen the Talon before and if its cloaking field was on then that would make it even harder for him to find. But right now there was no other choice. Sam took off from the throne room and dashed out into the main hall, that would be fastest way back outside. Something the Imperator said was nagging at the back of his head, however. "Parting gift"? What could he have meant by that? It likely meant there was still trouble lurking somewhere, but it would have to wait for now. Sam burst through the main doors and found himself outside in the palace entryway. He heard some strange noises but Sam ignored them and bolted for the most open area he could find. If they had been anything like Daisy and himself, then it would be in one of the open town square areas that Ashe's ship would be waiting.
"Come on, Ashe, where the hell did you park? Ow!" Just as Sam wondered that, he practically collided with what felt like an invisible wall. As soon as he did, a Gummi Ship shimmered into view, "An invisible ship? Okay..." Sam banged his hand on the closed hatch hoping someone was still inside that could open it up. Sure enough, the hatch opened and a humanoid birdman greeted him, "You need to move the ship closer to the palace! The Emperor is in danger!" this only garnered a confused look in return.
"Huh? How do ya mean?" Launchpad asked, having no idea of what transpired within the palace.
"There's no time to explain! Ashe is with him, now, but we'll need the medical equipment on board to save him, just go!" Launchpad turned back around with a shrug. Despite not being privy to all the information, he wasn't about to ignore someone who needed help. But as Sam was about to climb up the entry ramp, a rumble from the ground caught his attention, "What the?" he heard those noises again, but this time they sounded a lot closer. Voices, people sounding like they were shouting to each other, but most importantly, was also the sound of swords and cannons. It was a battle coming from the city! Sam exited the ramp, deciding to let Launchpad fly on his own so he himself could investigate whatever was happening in the city.
There was quite a sight waiting for Sam when he got there. The creature was silvery-grey, just like the ones the Imperators commanded, but this one appeared to be special. For one thing, it was bigger,
much bigger. It's body also appeared to be armored somewhat, evidenced by the sharp points on its shoulders and its hands looking like over-sized gauntlets. It bore the white mark of the Empire on its face, and a light blue scarf that split off into several tendrils spiked with spear-like tips, "I think I just figured out what what guy meant when he said he left a parting gift..." but thankfully the monster was not the only thing Sam saw. It was fighting a small group from the Chinese army, led by two familiar faces: Generals Shang and Mulan. Not one to leave his friends or allies in a pinch, Sam drew his sword so he could join the fray.
"Let it get a little closer..." Shang said, watching the hulking creature approach at a slow pace. After it took a couple more steps, he suddenly gestured to two of the soldiers crouching nearby on both sides, "...now! Fire the cannons!" both men used flint to light their fuses. The cannons they used were roughly rocket-launcher sized, held steady on the ground by a primitive tripod setup. They shot fireworks shaped like dragon heads that appeared to make a direct hit on the creature. They definitely made a show at the very least. But the creature stepped through the smoke nearly unfazed.
"Nothing's working! How do we stop that thing?" one of the men asked, a thin man named Ling. He put his sword up defensively when the creature raised its massive hand to strike. Luckily for Ling, that was right about when Sam finally got close enough to intervene. With as much speed and agility as he could muster, Sam dashed in front of Ling and actually took the blow with his mechanical arm. When the creature pulled its hand back Sam went on the attack, managing to get in a successful Binding Strike to temporarily stun the massive creature.
"Sam!" it was Shang, a look of relief on his face that quickly vanished as he asked his next question, "Where's the Emperor?"
"Throne room." Sam said, then continued, "But he's in danger, no time to explain. My friend is trying to help him now but the Emperor needs a doctor." that got all their attentions, and it was Mulan who responded first.
"The prisoners! Sam, we discovered where the Imperators took your ship's crew. We think they're being held in the palace dungeon, wasn't there a Doctor among them?" everyone knew they had to talk fast, the Binding Strike would wear off momentarily. But Mulan was correct, Daisy's ship did indeed have a Doctor, John Strongbear Sweet. If Sweet was still alive, then if anyone could save the Emperor it would definitely be him.
"Yao, take Ling and Chien-Po and get to the dungeon!" Shang ordered, "Find that Doctor and get him to the Emperor at all costs!"
"Come on!" Yao yelled to his two compatriots before the three took off for the Palace.
"Sam, I'm sorry, but I have to go to the Emperor!" and without any further warning Shang also darted for the palace. Mulan however, remained where she was and nodded to Sam before turning to face their monstrous opponent.
"I guess that leaves this thing to us, then?" Sam said, readying his sword as the Binding Strike finally wore off and the battle resumed.