In his own quarters, Zarxe sat in silent contemplation. As he had a free moment, he used that time to think on the memory he had earlier recollected, in particular the word spoken that triggered it: Knighthood. What exactly did that mean to him? Had he been a knight in his previous life? The answers were still unclear, so Zarxe had little choice to give his memories more time to return to him. In the meantime, he wasn't alone in his quarters. Alpha stood nearby the door as if on watch. The other Hunters were still patrolling the palace grounds.
You're beginning to remember?
Zarxe heard the voice, like an echo that none but himself could hear. He looked over at Alpha and only responded after a hesitant pause, "I did. Something about Knighthood, but nothing else." at this point the Nobody reached up and pulled back his hood. His light brown hair becoming easily visible on a figure in all black. Also newly visible was his brown eyes and stern expression. Then, almost without warning, Zarxe spoke again, "How much do you remember?"
Alpha's head turned suddenly, as the canine-like Hunter turned its sharp gaze over to Zarxe. Alpha seemed... surprised. Like this was the first time any of them had ever been asked a question like this. However, Alpha didn't quite get the chance to answer before the Hunter suddenly tensed up.
Something's coming.
Zarxe then stood, though restrained himself from summoning his weapon. Another Nobody seemed to... pop into existence. Its entrance into the room was very slithery, like it had slid in from a tiny opening in the air. It had a vaguely humanoid shape, though small in stature. It's arms and legs looked like nothing more than tendrils, and it's mouth appeared to be little more than an unzipped opening in its face. Like the Hunters, it too bore the mark of Organization XIII on its face. It was a Dusk, the most basic form of Nobody. The Dusks numbers were greater than any of the other "Lessers" but they were also the weakest of their kind in turn. Most importantly, Zarxe did not command any of the Dusks, so this one was here on someone else's orders. There was a pause, as if a silent conversation took place between the Nobodies.
You're being summoned back to headquarters. It seems the Leader desires a progress report.
That was Alpha's message before the Dusk left in the same eerie way it had first appeared, a Corridor of Darknesss appearing in its wake. Seemed Zarxe had little choice but to return now. So, the Nobody calmly stepped through the Corridor with Alpha following close behind.
The World That Never Was ~ Throne Room of Emptiness
Zarxe found himself almost instantly transported to the Throne Room of Emptiness. He was indeed back in the World That Never Was. Sitting before him was Number I, on his throne in his usual posture. None of the other members were present, they all probably had missions of their own to do, and their gathering before was merely a special occasion.
"So..." said the Leader, his tone playful and his grin never changing, "'d it go?"
"Smoothly." Zarxe said, with no hesitation. He also found himself taking a knee. This was generally not required within the Organization, but instead it seemed to be an instinct unique to Zarxe, "The Keyblade is indeed a powerful weapon, and the Wielder serving Renovation's Emperor is indeed strong as we suspected. And just as you predicted, Emperor Michael welcomes our olive branch, at least for the time being."
"Oh good, good!" said Number I, even clapping his gloved hands with eagerness, "That means everything's going right on schedule. You have no idea how happy that makes me, Zarxe."
"And, Leader..." Zarxe spoke, adding to the report, " seems the Multiverse was created by someone wielding a special Keyblade. We weren't given the full details, but this "X-Blade" appears to be the Key to some ultimate power. And what's more, that Wielder's Nobody is the Wielder serving Emperor Michael. Is... is that the reason you became interested in them?"
Number I widened his grin, his way of confirming the question, "See, this is why I knew you were the right one for this job. You even figured out the twist before I could surprise everyone. Yep, that "X-Blade" is just what we need to fulfill our mission. Find out whatever you can about it and keep me informed."
"The weapon is said to have been broken into twenty pieces, seven of Light and thirteen of Darkness. Michael's goal is find those Seven before a man named Leo does. It sounds like there are others who wish to claim the X-Blade."
"Is that so...?" Number I asked thoughtfully, "...I suppose I'll have to have this Leo looked into. For now, just focus on helping Michael gather those Seven Princesses."
"Yes, Leader." and Zarxe left the throne room without another thought. Only then did he notice that Alpha had not been in the room. Somehow only Zarxe was able to arrive at the intended destination. Instead, Zarxe found Alpha just outside of the Castle... and they weren't alone.
The World That Never Was ~ Castle Entrance
"Did you really think yourself worthy of being in the Leader's presence?" a black-coated Organization Member was shouting at Alpha, and his voice was unmistakably Xagram's, "Don't make me laugh!"
"That's enough!" Zarxe spoke, approaching Xagram, "He was trying to follow my orders, so the mistake was mine."
"Then you should more carefully remember our protocols." Xagram snapped at Zarxe, "And you..." he turned back to Alpha, " and your mongrel pack should take a lesson from your Lesser brethren and learn your place!" without warning Xagram kicked Alpha, sending the Hunter flying a short distance and then onto the ground.
"I said that's enough!" said Zarxe again, this time summoning his weapon, "The Hunters are my soldiers, Xagram! Not yours!"
"You would draw your weapon against me?" asked Xagram, who then summoned his own weapon. It was basically a rapier, though very ornate and exaggerated in design, "You forget your place, Zarxe. I am Number XII, which puts me higher than you. Unless you're seriously trying to challenge me for my rank?" it wasn't an often invoked rule, but a member could challenge the member directly above them for their rank in the group, the two switching numbers should the challenger be victorious.
"Enough, both of you." that deathly calm voice could only belong to Xadeth, Number III. The hooded figure acted as if he'd been there all along, "I believe you both have missions to attend to?" this was enough to get Xagram to back down, and so the Nobody dispelled his blade and vanished into a Corridor he opened for himself. Zarxe dispelled his own weapon, but Xadeth spoke again before he could follow suit on returning to his mission, "Xagram seems to hate everything about you. I am unsure why. Perhaps you remind him of something from his previous life? Who knows, but you should tread carefully with some of the others in this Organization. The last thing you need is to make enemies of them." he said no more, and vanished into a Corridor of Darkness.
Now alone, Zarxe opened a new Corridor of Darkness, and he and Alpha returned to Zarxe's quarters in Renovations without sharing any words between them.