"Saved a town? No, but I've tangled with my share of monsters." Drake said, crossing his arms. People seemed to like showing off their Arms around here, made evident when Xris followed up his introduction by doing just that. Apparently he could make copies of himself. Some kind of Strength in Numbers power? Personally, Drake preferred having strength in himself rather than in numbers, but it was all just preference at the end of the day. And then the tomboy spoke up, questioning Drake's ability to back up his claim before, of course, showing off her own Noble Arm.
But the third guy to speak elected not to present his Noble Arm. He instead questioned the logic of announcing a presumably top secret assignment to one's classmates, which admittedly was a valid point. Drake spent some time listening, especially to Carsi's eventual reply. That was when got his chance to speak up again and he didn't hesitate. Drake rarely ever did. "I'm sorry, run that by me again? A raffle?" he cocked an eyebrow, a look of confusion appearing on his face, "The security of the President herself... and it's determined by random luck? What kind of sense does that make? Why not choose the team based on ability level or on skillset specifics?" maybe Carsi also realized this and that was why he was inclined to simply arrange the raffle regardless of the outcome?
But Drake would be a liar if he claimed not to be somewhat interested in the prospect of kicking some Disabler ass. His last encounter with them went well enough for him, but what he really needed was chance to cut loose and properly gauge just what he was capable of. He clenched a fist and smirked, but rather than join in on the Noble Arms show-and-tell he just reached for his coffee and took another drink. Despite being the first to speak up and being one to declare himself a hero, Drake elected not to display his Noble Arm, "Oh I'm sorry, I guess this is the part where I was supposed to show everyone my Noble Arm? Drawing your weapon and waving it around when there's no battle taking place isn't what I'd call very good heroic conduct. And besides... I just hate the idea of giving away spoilers." that last part he said with a quick and playful wink.
But the third guy to speak elected not to present his Noble Arm. He instead questioned the logic of announcing a presumably top secret assignment to one's classmates, which admittedly was a valid point. Drake spent some time listening, especially to Carsi's eventual reply. That was when got his chance to speak up again and he didn't hesitate. Drake rarely ever did. "I'm sorry, run that by me again? A raffle?" he cocked an eyebrow, a look of confusion appearing on his face, "The security of the President herself... and it's determined by random luck? What kind of sense does that make? Why not choose the team based on ability level or on skillset specifics?" maybe Carsi also realized this and that was why he was inclined to simply arrange the raffle regardless of the outcome?
But Drake would be a liar if he claimed not to be somewhat interested in the prospect of kicking some Disabler ass. His last encounter with them went well enough for him, but what he really needed was chance to cut loose and properly gauge just what he was capable of. He clenched a fist and smirked, but rather than join in on the Noble Arms show-and-tell he just reached for his coffee and took another drink. Despite being the first to speak up and being one to declare himself a hero, Drake elected not to display his Noble Arm, "Oh I'm sorry, I guess this is the part where I was supposed to show everyone my Noble Arm? Drawing your weapon and waving it around when there's no battle taking place isn't what I'd call very good heroic conduct. And besides... I just hate the idea of giving away spoilers." that last part he said with a quick and playful wink.