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@Crimson Lion I have one, yes.
@Crimson Lion My only story idea at present is that Riku has a great deal of trouble properly using the Maxter's fighting style and gets to the point that he starts frequenting a nearby gym and studying boxing moves in the hopes that it improves his ability to pilot it. If you've anything you want to add to that, feel free to do so.
I'm probably gonna put Riku through an arc where he's having trouble using the Maxter's fighting style because unlike Chibodee Crockett, Riku's not a trained boxer.
@Crimson Lion

"Guts, huh?" asked Riku, staring intently at the model kit box in his hand, "Sounds like I should approach this with more patience." if there was anyone in the shop he was always willing to open up and socialize with, it was definitely Takemori-san. The guy had a way of offering little nuggets of wisdom and advice to anyone interested in getting into Gunpla. Apart from the counselor at school, he was probably the person Riku was most friendly with, "I was eager to push Metal Angel's limits, and it ended up costing me the tournament. I won't let myself make that mistake twice." though there was one small caveat to the Maxter that made him hesitate. From what he saw of G Gundam, the pilots in that series were every bit as trained in body as they were in piloting. Sure, he'd gotten into a schoolyard fight or two, but Riku was no boxer or martial artist. Would he even be able to handle the Maxter's fighting style?

When the owner offered to put the model kit on Riku's tab, he blinked and gave a bow of gratitude, "Thank you, Takemori-san, I appreciate it." but then he glanced back in the direction where he knew Naoki was waiting, "Guess I'd better not keep him waiting." and he left to go back to the arcade, the new Gundam Maxter model kit box held securely under one arm.

@Crimson Lion@KenjuGuy@Shiyonichi@Blade17

After having returned, Riku simply waited for Naoki to make the pitch to the others. He of course already knew it was coming, so he needed only stay silent and wait for it. Afterward, though, Riku was quick to speak up. He wanted something of his own out of this, and so it was now or never to make his counter-offer, as it were.

"I've been wanting an excuse to work on bigger and better builds," he said, then gestured to a nearby poster promoting the WARS format, specifically one that featured the White Base ship as part of the promotional art, "and designing a flagship sounds like the ultimate build challenge. As long as I can get some up input on designing our ship, then count me in."
Riku: *sees Gundam Maxter in action*
@Crimson Lion

Riku could only blink in silence. Team? Him? The outcome of the battle wasn't even on his mind anymore. Did Naoki really want him on his team? He supposed this was inevitable on some level. WARS format required teams in order to make it work. It wasn't hard to see that the old ways of battling solo in a royale or in a duel against another Gunpla was slowly being phased out. Today's tournament was one of the only opportunities Riku had had to compete in some form for this reason. He wasn't one to just invite himself onto someone else's team, and until now, no one had ever approached him.

WARS format... with opportunities to design everything from Mobile Armors to Warships. No way I can pass this up. His gaze shifted down to the broken Gunpla in his hand. That was something else he needed to mull over. With its present specs, the Metal Angel wasn't performing like he'd hoped it would. He'd already effectively decided it needed to have some of its armor slimmed down in order increase mobility, but it was also possible Riku would have to look into using a different model as the base for the build. He believed the beam spikes still made for an effective close range combat option, but the Titus was clearly too slow and clunky for his purposes.

At this point, Riku had brandished his phone. On it he was browsing for information on various suits from various series, hoping to find one that might better match the movement capability he was looking for. And that was when he saw it. It was a clip from a series he hadn't watched yet, and the machines there were moving in ways unlike anything he'd seen elsewhere. He looked up the series in question, discovering it used the Gundam elements and placed them in a fighting tournament rather than outright war. And then, in one of the clips, he saw one of the Gundams detach its shoulder armor pieces and reattached them to its fists, converting them into reinforced punching weapons. In addition to that it discarded the chest plate of its armor entirely, overall becoming much faster and more agile as a result. But it was the emphasis on boxing that really sold Riku on this machine.

"That's it!" he said to himself, not realizing he was speaking aloud, "I need that machine." he could already visualize a few ideas in his head. The question was, did the Gunpla Shop here at the arcade have any of that Gunpla in stock? Hopefully so, because Riku had already made up his mind. The model that would serve as the new base for Metal Angel... was that one: The Gundam Maxter.

"I'll be in the Gunpla store. Need to pick something up." he told Naoki suddenly before rushing off without another word. He returned to the Gunpla store and began his search.
@Crimson Lion

Riku probably only has a small handful, and all solo. Tournaments tend to be team focused, and Riku's never been on a team. However, I'd say Riku has way more Build Competition wins under his belt, given how build crazy and artistic he is, though I'm guessing even those were mostly local stuff at the arcade shop.
@KenjuGuy *Snorts back a laugh* Okay, you got me with that ending. That was pretty funny.
I'm not too picky about ships, but I'd be partial to the Nahel Argama among the above suggestions. Of course, if it were my decision alone I'd be picking a Zanzibar, hands down. I'm a huge sucker for the Zeons, Char in particular so... yeah.
Holy shit, Breaker 3 us SOOOO much better than New Breaker. How in the actual hell did New Breaker manage to be such a massive downgrade by comparison?
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