[b]Name:[b] Vi 'Cookie Monster' Piltover
[b]Gender:[b] Female
[b]Age:[b] 21

[b]Personality:[b] Not girly, and hates the stereotype. Very often, she doesn't let people know her gender, because of past experiences. She is very prone to violence, and loves it. She enjoys nothing more than the sound of bones breaking beneath her fists. She is very stubborn and headstrong, not thinking before charging in, and always having to do things her way.
Vi has never had a mother, none that she could remember. She was 2 years old when her mother died. As such, she was raised by her father, who had wanted a son. Naturally, this influenced her growing up, which lead to her becoming like she is today.
She had always wanted to go into the military, but never ended up following through with it, as she was often made fun of and disrespected, as she is female. However, becoming a part of the Robotika project has help her overcome that hurdle, as she can now beat down anyone who tells her that she can't.
[b]Skills:[b] Skilled at close combat, not much else. Her gauntlets allow her to punch much harder than normal people can.
[b]Name:[b] The Gauntlets of the Law

(The one on the right)
Energy Gun:[b] Nothing more than a simple energy cannon in the arm. It packs a punch, but is very slow, and isn't used very often.
[b]Energy Blade:[b] Rather than an actual blade, the fists of the mech are laced with energy, something to the effect of brass knuckles.
[b]Mech Ability:[b] Assault and battery- The energy that surrounds the fists of the mech overcharge, allowing stronger and faster punches.
[b]Specialty: Smashing.
I might be unable to do this RP, depending on how things go. I'm currently in quite a few other RPs, and won't have much time on my hands for awhile, I just thought I would leave my CS here in case I can.