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Character creation was good old drunken fun. Before going to sleep he ate some Frosted Flakes™. This led to the very drunk man to make a tiger beastman with the name T0ñythétïger. Originally going to be a nice and orange tiger he saw the option for white and he went for it. It has been a childhood dream to pet a tiger. Now he could just pet himself! Bob was incredibly drunk when he did this and this only fueled his desire to do the character creation perfectly. Every stripe was the way he wanted it. The whiskers had to be a certain length or they would piss him off later and he can't have that. The eyes took him the longest to perfect. And then at the very end of it all he maxed out the height settings. He thought he was zooming in.

Finally getting into the game he was surprised. Everything felt real. He liked are his hands and he could clench them and feel the pressure of them the squeeze. As he stumbled around in awe of how realistic it was he started to notice that even the sand would shift under his weight. The realism if the game mixed with good inebriated state led to a growing excitement to just run around. Soon this feeling over took him as he started to adventure around the beach.

When the quest popped up Bob stared at it for a less than acceptable amount of time. It finally clicked with him that oh I need to hit those things. But first I need to go to town. Bob starts to hopefully head to town, granted he is very bad at directions in general plus he is hammered. Who knows where he might end up.

Well the answer turned out to be the wrong way as he now sees a slime. He contemplates what he should do. It's a harmless creature only doing it's best to survive. Is it wrong to hurry this innocent creature? Would he be no different than a brute who kills for fun? These questions talked inside his head. But then finally enlightenment came as realised "Oh wait! I get money!" He then proceeds to try and hit the slime with his sword.

Going to be posting today. Just need to transfer it over to the rp guild and format it.
This definitely has me interested.
@Beta hey sorry, I'm going to have to drop this. My laptop is out of commission for maybe 2 weeks or so and dealing with the guild on my website is slow and time consuming. And since I am in 2 other rps already I don't want to dedicate time that I don't know if my phone would allow. So for the time being I can't join. Which makes me sad to say because I was getting invested writing my characters backstory
Garret huh? That's probably the most normal thing I have heard so far. Honestly it's appreciated to have that.

As we were introduced to the king I tried to take in my surroundings again and not panic. It's going better than before but I don't think I would have the confidence to use as much 'colorful language' as the spear hero. Seriously where does she get the confidence to say such things in such an environment. But we are going to need someone like her to help us get out of things in the future. As Frederick was contemplating his situation it became his turn to address the king he wasn't really thinking much about it so he started to just talk.

"My name is Frederick Ryker Jones and I like Garret and Cole also have come from the United States of America. When I was there I held a few different occupations but currently I'm a professor of history at the University of Georgia. My age is 30. I have been given the responsibility of the bow hero." Frederick raises the bow to show it. "I find this suiting for me as I have a fondness for bows." Hopefully that was decent enough. Just in case I'm going to pop my chest out a little to make myself look more confident in what I said. Hopefully I didn't skip something important.

As the king discussed the waves Frederick tried to like it too things from his world. So this is an apocalypse situation for them. Also is it only happening to them or is it happening to other nations. This needs to be figured out

Stats? Like the ones from final fantasy or Pokemon? Frederick hadn't played video games in so very long that when he opened a stat menu he seemed quite happy with it. He looked at them and didn't really understand them that well and just nodded hoping he would understand them later. Also we can't use another weapon. I guess it makes sense? No not really. But if that's the case our shield hero is going to be essential to me in a fight. After all I can't fire my bow if the enemy is directly on me.

We would have companions? Frederick looks towards the people entering the room. He hopes that someone will be willing to help him out even though he is a bit on the older side.

Dante & Crackers

"Thank you for informing me that Kaijin is a fan of personal space. I'll make sure Crackers knows to not try and make friends with Kaijin. Crackers can sometimes be a little bit overeager to make friends." Dante is still petting Cracker making sure he stays asleep. "We just came from the city that way", Dante points in the general direction he came from, "I had just finished up an odd job before we left and I decided with the more cash in hand I should get some stuff before we head of to the next city." Dante takes a sigh, "Well it was suppose to be that but during the very first bit someone robbed us off our more expensive supplies. I was too excited to finally get some meat and some snacks that I didn't pay attention to the part of town we were in. Honestly I also thought no one would dare be so bold to steal from a dragon type Pokemon. But they were and Crackers here was distracted by some kids playing with a ball so what can you do?. I guess now the question is where after you heading?"

Dante realized he needs to be on the honest side here with the people he is presence of. Dante doesn't fight face to face to often and when he does he usually has a few tricks planned. He can't really start poisoning his blade in front of them now can he. He also feels like they aren't looking to kill him so there's no harm.

Crackers is dreaming of flying through the sky with Dante on him. They're eating meat as they soar. Crackers is slashing the clouds in 2. It's a wonderful dream.
I'm getting better at navigating the site on my phone. Hopefully there will be less technical difficulties for me.
Hey I'm sorry for taking so long to send a post. My laptop charger just died and that was my main way of posting. Now I'm doing it on my phone which is a little bit on the low end of the spectrum. I apologise it took me this long
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